View Full Version : NC:BDoY Pre-Order Discussion [MERGED]

15-03-04, 02:59
Well its that day and i cant wait till i get up 2moz then hopfully pre order my DOY :D

Im looking forward to it!



15-03-04, 03:01
im purposly staying on now to wait lol

15-03-04, 03:51
its monday where is my DoY ?

Mr Friendly
15-03-04, 04:02
does anyone else have a feeling of.......delay?..........

15-03-04, 04:04
Originally posted by Mr Friendly
does anyone else have a feeling of.......delay?.......... i have a feeling that they will push the date back about a month and say oops we werent anticipating 'insert random fuck up'

15-03-04, 04:04
its not monday for another 3 hours here :)

15-03-04, 04:05
Originally posted by Zanathos
its not monday for another 3 hours here :) but point is, its the 15th somewhere. they should have put it up for pre-order as soon as it turned the 15th. them not doing so is VERY bad PR in my eyes.

15-03-04, 04:06
it is like 3am in germany.... maybe 4am

its only been 4 hours of monday and you are already thinking they are delaying it?


15-03-04, 04:06
well, i guess ill see how things are in the morning.

just remember

the doy plan file was released at the last second of its intended release time.

15-03-04, 04:06
Originally posted by Shujin
i have a feeling that they will push the date back about a month and say oops we werent anticipating 'insert random fuck up'

I would be infinatly surprised if this didn't happen.

15-03-04, 04:07
Originally posted by Omnituens
it is like 3am in germany.... maybe 4am

its only been 4 hours of monday and you are already thinking they are delaying it?

gah sry i just expect something to happen right when it says it is going to happen, the 15th has come. When i make an apointment for 12:00 i dont come at 12:45 i come at 12:00 if not 11:45.

15-03-04, 04:18
they said 15th March

not 00:00 15th March

15-03-04, 04:21
Originally posted by Omnituens
they said 15th March

not 00:00 15th March ok, setup a job interview. lets say at 3pm?

then do you go at 3pm? or at 3:40?
they said 3pm, not 3:00

15th is a exact number even without saying what time. Saying 15th means 00:00 unless they would have said 'sometime on the 15th'

and im not saying they are going to be delayed, and yea i got patience ;P im just saying, i think it is very bad PR for them to anounce a day and do it at a random time during that day.

im just bein an ass to tell u the truth ;] i like to argue
so mjs if ur reading this just ignore it ;P

15-03-04, 04:28
Originally posted by Shujin
im just bein an ass
Yes. Yes you are.

15-03-04, 04:29
Originally posted by Omnituens
Yes. Yes you are. O_o durr... wouldnt have said if i wasnt :P

15-03-04, 04:32
well i wanted to just quote you with big text... but you know, forum rules and all...

i reckon its going to be after dinner when you can pre-order.

15-03-04, 04:41
I can't believe anybody is even really expecting it to be on time.

15-03-04, 05:24
I dont think delays matter, ut2004 will be here today:D

15-03-04, 06:26
it will be delayed just like every other game almost every game doesnt come out on the day its intended too they just hand out any date just to please some1 then it comes out between 2days-2 mounths later

15-03-04, 06:28
A pre-order means nothing really. If it was going gold the 15th...then I would get excited. Until I hear "going" "gold" and "DoY" in the same sentence I am skeptical.

Hell, my friend pre-ordered Halo FOR THE PC. LOL, and he never got it. Remember to put in the "pre-order" with a grain of salt.

PS- By friend I mean me :mad:

15-03-04, 06:45
Mind to give an exact time that we will see the DOY preorder???


15-03-04, 06:46
still march 14th here hehe

15-03-04, 06:47
oops just noticed there was already a thread about this..... well.....

Oh its march 14th here too, but not in germany :P

15-03-04, 06:50
Originally posted by Prankster26193
oops just noticed there was already a thread about this..... well.....

Oh its march 14th here too, but not in germany :P

well calm down and wait till its march 15th everywhere:p

Dade Murphey
15-03-04, 07:02
Won't be the 15th everywhere for another 7hrs...people need to calm down

15-03-04, 07:29
FFS It's always like this. Everyone was doing it for the first Nema and the first BDoY preview. Wait until the middle of the freakin day before you start freaking out.


15-03-04, 07:51
LMAO u beter chill out drake....j/k i want my BDOY!!!!!!:eek:

15-03-04, 09:13
We've been waiting for DOY for nearly a year now. The first release date was April 2003. So im sure that we can all wait.

And if KK are bringing it out as a download (unless im wrong, please correct me if i am) why are people pre-ordering? So get place number 1 in the download queue?

15-03-04, 09:23
God almighty FFS shutup and wait k?

15-03-04, 09:42
Originally posted by darknessfairy
We've been waiting for DOY for nearly a year now. The first release date was April 2003. So im sure that we can all wait.

And if KK are bringing it out as a download (unless im wrong, please correct me if i am) why are people pre-ordering? So get place number 1 in the download queue?

i want the CDs :)

and a new map :p :lol:


15-03-04, 09:47
i want everyone to shut up, till itss the 16th, "the list" anyone?

15-03-04, 09:56
does anyone else have a feeling of.......delay?..........

no but one of deją-vue yes!!

15-03-04, 10:45
Here it's the 15th at 7h45 PM...

Damn... have to wait more hours ! I'm not going to sleep ! Nah !

15-03-04, 10:57
If everyone forgets about it and then it'll come and everyone will be like WHeeeee!!!! its here, i totally forgot about it. And then everyone will be happy and we will all get drunk thru the excitement of it all

Ok maybe im exagerrating. (excuse spelling)
But maybe it will work ?

15-03-04, 11:07
Thread merged.


15-03-04, 11:22
now take an example of darknessfairy... itll be today, and if you refresh the forums every second its only gonna take longer :(

15-03-04, 11:25
told you im useful for something. But seriously its true what vamp said. Pressing f5 every 10secs wont make it come faster, itll only make the day longer :p

15-03-04, 11:26
Preorders will be available exclusively on Neocron.com starting March 15 2004.

I'm still waiting.......

When does the hurting stop .......

I want it so badly.....

15-03-04, 11:32
omg u fools!!! theres no delay i tell ya! its a typo !! u all read it wrong!

meant to read
Preorders will be available exclusively on Neocron.com starting March 15 2014.
Preorders will be available exclusively on Neocron.com starting March 15 2004.

15-03-04, 11:33
Well don't i feel stupid.....
*walks off to stand in corner with dunce hat on*

15-03-04, 11:38
Ah neeeeeeeeeeeeed DoY :wtf:

(no, i'm not flooding, i'm doing something to make my wait more exiting... ok, where's da door ?)

15-03-04, 12:14
over there, heres ur coat

10.13 gmt
11.13 in germ

and no sign of pre-order :|

15-03-04, 12:19
why dont u all listen! its all just a typo! go back to work/sleep/ dreamin about DoY in 10 years!

Dade Murphey
15-03-04, 12:21
Originally posted by Ryuben
over there, heres ur coat

10.13 gmt
11.13 in germ

and no sign of pre-order :|

You've still got 1hr and 20 min for it to be the 15th everywhere...I figure at that point people can start worrying :p

15-03-04, 12:24
Originally posted by Dade Murphey
You've still got 1hr and 20 min for it to be the 15th everywhere...I figure at that point people can start worrying :p


doh ill be @ work by then

15-03-04, 12:28
i'm @ wrk and still waiting come on come on come on come on!!!

15-03-04, 12:39
Bah... it's late now, I will dream of it and wait until tomorow.

15-03-04, 12:40
I'm @ work 2. What time does it have to be GTM to be the 15th everywhere in the world ??? And why aren't GM's posting some info for us ???

15-03-04, 12:46
lol They are all sitting back reading this, and laughing at us all!

they is takin bets on how long we can all keep calm and adult like!
and who will crack first!

15-03-04, 12:48
Maybe they are waiting for us when we all decide to go to Reakktor main building and start a riot over there. Who's with me ???

15-03-04, 12:52
you lot are obsessed... O_o

get a grip of yourselves, theres more to life than waiting on a pre-order for a game!

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though, if it were actually releasing today then the excitment and tension would be understandable, but its isnt being released today, you can just order it in advance! theres still no sign of a real release date!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you have been able to pre-order Half-Life2 since September.... says it all in my opinion.

Pre-Orders mean dick all in the scheme of things.

15-03-04, 12:55
amen :p

Dade Murphey
15-03-04, 13:02
Originally posted by Jeros82
I'm @ work 2. What time does it have to be GTM to be the 15th everywhere in the world ??? And why aren't GM's posting some info for us ???


15-03-04, 13:12
Originally posted by Dade Murphey


About 50 minutes or so.

Jeez people, relax, chances are nothing will actually be announced until about 5pm GMT+1 (German Time) maybe even later.

lIke I said previously anyways, unless the Pre-Order info comes with more hard n fast facts about release or features, then its pointless anyway.

SPIKE (pluto)
15-03-04, 13:16
Its officially working hours, surely someone can give an official statement.

Dade Murphey
15-03-04, 13:20
it's only a preorder...not an actual order...we'll have, probably, until atleast 2 weeks before the actual release date to do this...not like they're sending us donuts when we preorder or anything

15-03-04, 13:21
hehe... I can see it before me...

All KK employees are now sitting infront of a computer which has the forums loaded. They have popcorn and pointing fingers "ahah, look now... they are flipping out.... ahaha like excited chickens they are" o_O 8|

Come on, we all know what you have in your cookies http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=92987 :)

*reinforces the duct tape appliance on his F5 key and goes to www.neocron.com again*


15-03-04, 13:21
<vibrates on the spot>

15-03-04, 13:25
Originally posted by El_MUERkO
<vibrates on the spot>

o_O o_O

Was it totally inappropiate to be somewhat aroused by that?

15-03-04, 13:28
oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO

/me presses F5 more

Oh and Elric, it is still one step closer to actually getting our hands on the thrice damed DoY

15-03-04, 13:31
yea true, its one step. only a very very very little one though.

when it gets to the stage of leaps, then maybe I'll show a little more enthusiasm about it :p (and reactivate the account)

15-03-04, 13:33
Heh... after playing this game for... 19 months (Day 1 of beta 4:p) even this seems like a fucking huge step to me elrik :o

15-03-04, 13:35
So have I, just you leave me and my cyniscism alone :p :D



Perhaps its just the Monday morning thing making me all grumpy and cynical...

nah, Im like this all the time :D

15-03-04, 13:37
That time of the month eh?

Or has the wife's crazy pregnancy thingies started already? :p

15-03-04, 13:45
hrhr, sux to be on the same day that they start informing WoW beta registers as to whether or not they made it to teh FIRST LEVEL..dun dun DUN!!!!!

anywho, is the link gonna be on www.neocron.com or some site like fileplanet.com or ign.com ?

15-03-04, 13:45
Originally posted by Possessed
That time of the month eh?

Or has the wife's crazy pregnancy thingies started already? :p

nah, she's fine.

Im just grumpy cos I'd rather be home doing something more interesting instead of stuck in work being bored shitless.

I HATE MONDAYS... actually... I hate any days when i have to work...

Im natrually Cynical though, thats just me :)

15-03-04, 13:46
Originally posted by phunqe
o_O o_O

Was it totally inappropiate to be somewhat aroused by that?

yes... yes it was :eek:


15-03-04, 13:54
Why isn't there any response of the forum moderators ???

Did they all die yesterday or what ???

Maybe a new thread should work..... Or flaming like hell will draw attention....

We just want an answer :(

15-03-04, 14:01
Why is Vithar closing threads at 15-03-04 12:51, but why isn;t he answering our questions. Where can we pre-oder BDoY ???

15-03-04, 14:01
they won't say anything because they probably don't think its going to be ready :p

Did anyone think it would be?? I for one didn't hold out hope :)

*ahhh, that'll make them talk mwahahaha*

15-03-04, 14:02
Flaming will not get you the kind of attention you want.

Neither will spam, please keep this thread on topic.

As fas as the preorder is concerned, there is still time, please be patient.

@Jeros82, don't double post, please. Use edit. Thanks.

15-03-04, 14:03
not much time for me

my account needs paying for by tomorrow :p

15-03-04, 14:12
kk, didn't mean to piss anyone off. Just wanted to hear something. So if i'm correct we should all be able to pre-order BDoY by tomorrow ?

15-03-04, 14:16
Originally posted by Jeros82
So if i'm correct we should all be able to pre-order BDoY by tomorrow ?

i thought we could pre- order today o_O

15-03-04, 14:25
yep, but there is no time mentioned so it can be at 23:59. So just wait for tomorrow, then it should be there for sure.

15-03-04, 14:30
i dont wanan wait im impatient i want it now:)

15-03-04, 14:32
who did they say was the new publisher again was it 10tacel

15-03-04, 14:45
't was

Edit: 't is

Robert [GS]
15-03-04, 15:02
My DoY is your DoY and your DoY is my DoY ...

(DoY = Love) :D

15-03-04, 15:04
you guys do realize that it'll probably be at least another 5 hrs till they put it up ;P.

also note that there is no screaming on the german / french forums about this.

15-03-04, 15:05
uh oh


though i'm not surprised...

15-03-04, 15:06
they dont think as fast as us then :p

15-03-04, 15:06
Originally posted by Shujin

also note that there is no screaming on the german / french forums about this.

lol, did u even look???


15-03-04, 15:07
they arent screaming about 7 pages.
yes i looked, those were all created before today.

they werent made specifically today for it being late
that german thread was created on the 13th in anticipation and being happy about it.

this thread was created today being pissed off its not here yet ;p

15-03-04, 15:09
Originally posted by s0apy
uh oh


though i'm not surprised...
Oh whoopdee doo

typical :( KK have had months to do this in... and they still delay it.

Dade Murphey
15-03-04, 15:10
How long does it take to decide the price of an xpansion...damn man...sale it for like $30 and give it current players for half price since we've held out this long:D :p

15-03-04, 15:10
Originally posted by s0apy
uh oh


though i'm not surprised...

Good Lord in heaven...

*braces for impact*

15-03-04, 15:12
Originally posted by phunqe
Good Lord in heaven...

*braces for impact* *punchs u*

15-03-04, 15:12
Allow me to say...


15-03-04, 15:15
lol i told u all! but would u listen? noooooooo!!!

its just a big typo! yall got 10 years to wait yet!

i said to myself i aint even gunna get excited by this preorder thingie, coz they ALWAYS let us down ALWAYS! we should all be used to this roller coaster ride by now. :angel:

15-03-04, 15:16
hmmm - and what's funny is that KK keep berating us for holding them to statements about timings. not that they've ever promised us stuff and failed to deliver...

"Server Neptune (No LE chip), English, One Character, Launch on the 7th of November" (from http://www.neocron.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=NeoContent&file=index&pageID=56 )


"The first expansion pack for Neocron will be the city of Dome of York. The entrance to Dome of York will be located in the North of the Wastelands. It will be available in Q1/2003 and it will be available as a FREE download from our website (yep, you got that one right... for free!). While it will not be as big as the city of Neocron, it will highly add to the NC universe and its immersion." (from http://www.neocron.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=NeoContent&file=index&pageID=54 )

hmm - dang those plan files for broken promises.

15-03-04, 15:17
hrhr gotta say [edited for violation of the forum rules -- flaming] at kk never get anything done on time....

Its going to be the neocron release all over again :\

15-03-04, 15:18
so is the pre-order date... fuckin seriously they had all the time in the world to set the price. they decide to wait until the fuckin pre-order day to ask about it and find out they disagree?

15-03-04, 15:19
Originally posted by Shujin
they arent screaming about 7 pages.
yes i looked, those were all created before today.

they werent made specifically today for it being late
that german thread was created on the 13th in anticipation and being happy about it.

this thread was created today being pissed off its not here yet ;p

You my friend are [edited for violation of the forum rules -- flaming], did you not read the post which I typed for the beginning of this thread as i did START this thread with a "im looking forward to it" post not a "OMG ITS AN HOUR IN THE 15TH AND ITS NOT HERE" post, do read where your posting in the future.


And Akky is teh spammage queen!!!!1111oneoneone


15-03-04, 15:20
Who cares? Like I said before, if you are basing all your hopes on DoY you will be sadly disappointed when you find out it's still Neocron. :rolleyes:

Myself, I'm enjoying playing now. DoY will be icing and I don't care when it comes.

edit: Not @ Tratos, just at the whiners. :)

15-03-04, 15:20
just like with the list, fucking wait till tomorrow, then start flaming ok?

15-03-04, 15:20
Originally posted by Tratos
You my friend are [edited for consistency -- Vithar], did you not read the post which I typed for the beginning of this thread as i did START this thread with a "im looking forward to it" post not a "OMG ITS AN HOUR IN THE 15TH AND ITS NOT HERE" post, do read where your posting in the future.


And Akky is teh spammage queen!!!!1111oneoneone


ok well, the later posts basicly turned it into kk flamefest ;p

15-03-04, 15:21
[edited for violation of the forum rules -- spam]

15-03-04, 15:23

Another missed deadline - What a fucking suprise ;)

to be honest, i dont really care whether or not i can pre-order it. Big fuckin deal.

I just dont like being bullshitted.

KK, if you say you're going to do something by a certain date, DO IT.

Otherwise, dont give us a date.


15-03-04, 15:24
Ah well, I'm not in the mood to bitch about this...

I am confident that it will eventually arrive and that they are doing their best to bring us DoY :p

Good luck, please hurry! :)

15-03-04, 15:24
And Akky is teh spammage queen!!!!1111oneoneone

~Tratos [/B][/QUOTE]

Says you with over 1300 posts! omg cheek! :angel:

i just feel sorry for all the peeps who took a day off work/ school just to be let down, again, (im home coz im ill!) i mean come on the price? omfg that should ov been sorted ages ago ffs.

15-03-04, 15:26
Well who knows fang i wasnt bothered about the preorder just sort of means DOY is that little bit closer, i think NC is a great game and i agree if you are only waiting for DOY and dont enjoy NC why play?

DOY will just make me enjoy this game alot more :D

Oh yeah and fear my orange text :D rawr


Robert [GS]
15-03-04, 15:28
... delte!

15-03-04, 15:28
Originally posted by Tratos
Well who knows fang i wasnt bothered about the preorder just sort of means DOY is that little bit closer, i think NC is a great game and i agree if you are only waiting for DOY and dont enjoy NC why play?

DOY will just make me enjoy this game alot more :D

Oh yeah and fear my orange text :D rawr


Orange is worse than the sexy colours of the Rabbi!

15-03-04, 15:29
Deep pink > orange :p

I don't mind having to wait for the pre-order a few days more, it just that if KK can't keep a simple deadline for something that they announced months ago it does not fill me with hope about the future. :(

15-03-04, 15:30
Unfortunately, we have to delay the "Neocron: Beyond Dome of York" pre-order page because of ongoing negotiations about the price. We will make the pre-order option available as soon as the price is finalized.

Posted by: Thanatos on Monday, March 15, 2004 - 02:03 PM CET

What a surprise.

15-03-04, 15:30
lets just say that if we will get to play doy this year we can count ourself lucky......

Kk is mainly all talk(well a little) and no action.... patches are slow and full of bugs. No dates are ever kept. Customer support is up and down.

Really with neocron its, what you see is what you get.

15-03-04, 15:37
Unfortunately, we have to delay the "Neocron: Beyond Dome of York" pre-order page because of ongoing negotiations about the price. We will make the pre-order option available as soon as the price is finalized.

where did he say that

15-03-04, 15:39
NC:BDOY pre-order delayed
Unfortunately, we have to delay the "Neocron: Beyond Dome of York" pre-order page because of ongoing negotiations about the price. We will make the pre-order option available as soon as the price is finalized.

as of www.neocron.com

lol, who saw this coming?

15-03-04, 15:39
surprise surprise :rolleyes:

it's so, so sad that KK is this predictable.

Next up, "We're sorry to announce NC BDOY is delayed till q1 2005" "q3 2005" "we're proud to announce NC BDOY will be out q2 2006!"

Tycho C
15-03-04, 15:40
Just... Incredable....

Comon' guys, get it together.

15-03-04, 15:40
the question would be Who didn't see this comming.

Devils Grace
15-03-04, 15:40

both some prefer to bicth

i prefer they fix the damn patch bugs that come every time they do one, and or the bugs older then my grandma

15-03-04, 15:42
Originally posted by switchback
where did he say that

in answer, i shall quote myself from page 6 of this thread (you were reading it all? ;))

Originally posted by s0apy
uh oh


though i'm not surprised...

15-03-04, 15:43
Threads merged.

Keep this thread on topic.

No more spam and no more flames!!

15-03-04, 15:46
this ain“t fair.

I went to school... (for all classes)

I made me homework (it was even made right)

I was being nice during school.. I even stayed awake.

and then I come home.. and it“s not even here

:( :( :( :( :(

Can we atleast get to know what the prices are they are debating about ?

15-03-04, 15:47
I'm not surprised, just disappointed :(

15-03-04, 15:52
Hey CopBot Vithar, you work for a compagny who lie, you know it?

15-03-04, 15:53
to Quote Nelson

Ha Ha.

Predictable and expected.

Tis quite funny really. Sometimes its good to be pessemistic and cynical :)

15-03-04, 15:56
everytime you put fate in kk keeping a promise, they wont

15-03-04, 15:57
Originally posted by naimex
this ain“t fair.

I went to school... (for all classes)

I made me homework (it was even made right)

I was being nice during school.. I even stayed awake.

and then I come home.. and it“s not even here

:( :( :( :( :(

Can we atleast get to know what the prices are they are debating about ? i only slept 2 1/2 hrs last night waiting for it.

i went to sleep, woke up 2 1/2 hrs later didnt even realize i had slept at all and was like wonder when im gonna fall asleep. then the damn alarm went off i was like WTF i slept?!?

15-03-04, 15:57
Give us screenshoots, give us more info, we wait DoY for a long time now, we want something to be more patient.

All other games do it, you are going to lose lot of player with this mentality.


15-03-04, 15:58
Originally posted by Jessica
Hey CopBot Vithar, you work for a compagny who lie, you know it?

[s]he is not paid for the work he does, therefore [s]he should be given a break.

15-03-04, 15:59
Its payday today for me.



um... yeah DoY will come when its ready.

15-03-04, 15:59
All other games do it, you are going to lose lot of player with this mentality.

I think KK's response to that might be the same as my response to the announcment ;)

15-03-04, 16:01
What dissappoints me even more is that they don't even have the balls to come tell the community that it has been delayed.

15-03-04, 16:03
Originally posted by reddog
What dissappoints me even more is that they don't even have the balls to come tell the community that it has been delayed.

They have none when it comes to dealing with the community in a direct way.

15-03-04, 16:03

anyone looking at the mainpage will know what I'm laughing at..

I knew it'd happen, Pre orders delayed untill, well when we're frigging ready not you..


oh such fun to see everyone in a tizz about a preorder date..

15-03-04, 16:03
Originally posted by P4mp3rk3
I'm not surprised, just disappointed :( haha,

Thats the kinda thing you never want your parents to say because it makes you feel like shit.

Originally posted by reddog
What dissappoints me even more is that they don't even have the balls to come tell the community that it has been delayed.
They did, thats what the main page is for, News.

Devils Grace
15-03-04, 16:06
thing what would hapen if they bring DoY
player base boosts
and the bugs are still there

its hella anoying in a op with 40 + ppl there and everyone starts to synch........frustrating

tho no one should anounce sometin if they arent sure if they can do it

thats hwy they have been saying that doy is goin to be release since may of 2003, and now they say somewhere in the 3rd quarter (dunno if this correct)

but anyways let them work

15-03-04, 16:07
SO now this is about "having balls"???

Grow up people. This is a business, its not some club with secret handshakes and crap.

I will gladly listen to complaints from those of you out there that develope software/applications for a living. Those people likely know that its often virtually impossible to be able to predict any sort of completion dates, esp. when you have to deal with OTHER outside sources, like publishing companies.

15-03-04, 16:09
Originally posted by s0apy
[s]he is not paid for the work he does, therefore [s]he should be given a break.
What someone very nice.

15-03-04, 16:11
Gosh. What a surprise. Who could have seen that coming?

*slaps cheeks in badly acted surprise*

15-03-04, 16:14
If they want to be a buisness, then they need to expect backlash when they fail to deliver on something from the buisness side. They made a buisness announcement, AGAIN. and Failed to deliver, YET AGAIN. not that anyone is surprised.

They want us to cut back on flaming and the like then they need to talk to us. that's where the "ball-less" stance from me comes in.

Make an announcement, fail, flame. "Oh no, the forum are too hot" "stop flaming us" and it's the only thing we hear from them.

15-03-04, 16:15
Strych9 i do develop administative software eventhough i know that deadlines are well lets say impossible to meet i like to consider that we allways have been honest if we couldn't meet these deadlines. the thing is blame KK for is that they only make it visible on the mainpage while they could have done a small gesture to there community/player base to tell em that the pre order would be delayed. its not the fact that we encounter yet another delay but merely the fact that once again the communiction between company - consumer is at flaw. i think that when it come to PR in general consumers will accept honesty but don't wanna feel left out of the boat.

15-03-04, 16:22
KK, could we have some screenshoots to be more patient please?

15-03-04, 16:24
Okay, so they made a post on the MAIN page about the delay... and at 8am my time in the US.

But the PROBLEM is that it wasnt a PERSONAL response to the forum dwellers?

Im sorry, I guess I dont see how its ball-less to make an announcement ON THE MAIN PAGE OF THE WEBSITE. Ball-less, to me, is not saying anything all day, not a 8am post on the main page of the website.

My bad.


15-03-04, 16:26
So how much trouble could there be deciding a price for DoY Expansion ???

I think if it's somewhere between $20,- and $30 US Dollars we will all be very happy and place our pre-orders today...

15-03-04, 16:26
Originally posted by Strych9
Okay, so they made a post on the MAIN page about the delay... and at 8am my time in the US.

But the PROBLEM is that it wasnt a PERSONAL response to the forum dwellers?

Im sorry, I guess I dont see how its ball-less to make an announcement ON THE MAIN PAGE OF THE WEBSITE. Ball-less, to me, is not saying anything all day, not a 8am post on the main page of the website.

My bad.


don't forget, 8AM East coast is a sight later in germany.

15-03-04, 16:26
Unfortunately, we have to delay the "Neocron: Beyond Dome of York" pre-order page because of ongoing negotiations about the price.

Oh gee, how long does it take to settle for a price? 3 weeks? 4 weeks?
Im thinking a year?? April 2005??

15-03-04, 16:28
Originally posted by Strych9
I will gladly listen to complaints from those of you out there that develope software/applications for a living. Those people likely know that its often virtually impossible to be able to predict any sort of completion dates, esp. when you have to deal with OTHER outside sources, like publishing companies.

i would agree with this were it not for the following two little facts

1. KK have, over the last year or so, told us that they have learned their lesson regarding release dates, promises given and dates specified. in other words, whenever they specifiy "this will be done at this time", it has almost never come off, and we complain accordingly, so for this reason they stopped specifying dates.

2. given the above, when they actually DO specify a date, it's now so unusual that we have to assume they really mean it and will deliver (since they would only now specify a date if they were absolutely sure they could meet it).

the irony is that they still can't meet their dates, even when they have adopted the policy of almost never being specific about dates.

15-03-04, 16:35
as disapointed as i am, i have to back up KK. they might have been told by the other party that they will get the price today, so KK could tell us, but the OTHER party is to blame, however if this were the case, at least let us know for gods sake



15-03-04, 16:36
Originally posted by s0apy
i would agree with this were it not for the following two little facts

1. KK have, over the last year or so, told us that they have learned their lesson regarding release dates, promises given and dates specified. in other words, whenever they specifiy "this will be done at this time", it has almost never come off, and we complain accordingly, so for this reason they stopped specifying dates.

2. given the above, when they actually DO specify a date, it's now so unusual that we have to assume they really mean it and will deliver (since they would only now specify a date if they were absolutely sure they could meet it).

the irony is that they still can't meet their dates, even when they have adopted the policy of almost never being specific about dates. I never said they were justified in missing the date- in my mind they prolly never should have set a date. What if it ends up being tomorrow? Then its PRACTICALLY the same- but because they set a date, they will forever be known as a company that missed that deadline.

I wasnt defending the missing of the deadline. If you set a date, you should TRY to stick to it.

At the same time, we should know from past KK exp and we should just be reasonable in the fact that deadlines are almost impossible to guarantee ahead of time unless you set it MUCH later than what you will likely achieve. I suspect KK set an ambitious deadline, and failed to meet it. They are at fault for that, but thats how it goes sometimes in the software development cycle. And unlike what you said, no one can ever be "sure of a date". We didnt PAY KK to have it out by today, that was something KK endeavored for themselves. We pay them to provide a service, which they have still done and keep doing.

But if no one is suprised by this, why all the fuss? I guess just everyone rushing to post that they arent suprised. :)

Mattimeo- Yes its 8am in the US, and I am GMT -6. So its what, 6-7 hours ahead over there? Point still stands- they DID communicate in the most official way possible, and they did that communication BEFORE the end of the day. They could have said nothing, or hid it in a forum post, or waited til the last minute of the day.

15-03-04, 16:37
Originally posted by switchback
[B]they might have been told by the other party that they will get the price today, so KK could tell us, but the OTHER party is to blame

That would be a bad move too, I can just hear it now "It's CDV all over again!" "It was all CDVs fault" "This new publisher is dragging them down too!"

somehow, I really doubt, just like with CDV, it's all one companys fault.

15-03-04, 16:38
i agree with strych9, they shouldnt have given us a date, jsut ends in grief

15-03-04, 16:46
K if you find ball-less to harsh let me say it this way.

I find they lack communication skills towards the community. I for one rarely check the main page as there isn't much to find there i allready didn't know.
Their player/consumer base is mostly looking on the forum for announcements or things like that. if find the forum a good place with a lot of resource (and a lot of crap). but the point is that i allways have considered a good policy to speak straigh to my consumers. remember that the existing consumer is the most important one a happy consumer never comes back alone. i find them lacking because i have been waiting for ages. I don't blame em because they want to do it right now. i blame em for not keeping us up to date. and tbh only once sentences is bit a short explaination to me.
tho here you might say i'm asking to much dunno you could be right but you could be wrong to.
hope this time i made my point clear.

15-03-04, 16:48
[edited for violation of the forum rules -- flaming]

bye bye neocron

15-03-04, 16:50
Meh, whatever.

Anyone surprised or angry about this hasn't been around KK enough.

Anyone who thinks they didn't know this a week ago is naive.

The date and manner of their official announcement is unfortunately typical of both their regard for us as players and their attempts to atract more people into the game but there's no point getting upset about it now.

15-03-04, 16:52
This is fucking bullshit SO nowhere in the fucking last 2 weeks did u foresee not having the pre-order ready in time. Is there any fucking promises you make that you will actually stick to or are u jsut gonna fucking keep lieing to us over and over again so that we believe u and then wait till the last day to fuck us off and admit to being full of shit.

When are you gonna stop making unrealistic promises and not following through with them it makes your fucking company look like a joke and a bunch of liers do u not care about company or game reputation.

Shadow Dancer
15-03-04, 16:53
Originally posted by jernau
Meh, whatever.

Anyone surprised or angry about this hasn't been around KK enough.

Anyone who thinks they didn't know this a week ago is naive.

The date and manner of their official announcement is unfortunately typical of both their regard for us as players and their attempts to atract more people into the game but there's no point getting upset about it now.

Sad to say it, but you're somewhat right. Why are people actually surprised about this?

That's one reason I didn't get excited.

Anyways, maybe KK should stop posting dates. :p

15-03-04, 16:57
Anyways, maybe KK should stop posting dates.

Or perhaps we can get the mods to edit any future announcments and replace any dates with [DD/MM/YYYY]. Sometimes less is more :D

15-03-04, 17:02
I am not saying I expected it to be late (MJS's list of BDOY features was promised and on time), but I am not suprised nor am I the least bit upset.

This is a delay in the pre-order date. A pre-order for a game that you dont yet even know all of the details about. A pre-order that will not result in getting the game any earlier.

So no biggie to me.

If anyone decides to attach a higher degree of importance on this event, and possibly introduce ideas of trust and relationship, that is their prerogative to do so.

I have trusted KK with my $10 a month for quite a long time now.

If I didnt trust KK, it would have been brought out far before them not coming through on a pre-order date.

Delays happen people. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. I would rather KK delay it and get the price down than just accept a higher price just for the sake of meeting the deadline (for example).

I hope everyone that is outraged at this at least keeps it in perspective. :)

15-03-04, 17:06
Personally, until I see adverts and features in print magazines I don't believe there is any contract in place for publishing and distribution.

If a contract did exist and the code was as close to ready as we are being told then everyone involved would be working their asses off to tell the whole world about BDOY before it's imminent release.

This is why I no longer get excited (or depressed) by anything KK say. Basically I think most of it is wishful thinking and pipe-dreams.

15-03-04, 17:08
for god sakes reakktor.

just set the price to 30 bucks and let us pre order the damn expansion!

if not give us at least some GOOD screenshots and a friggin trailer to watch perhaps?

God damn this pisses me off.

whats there to negociate about the price?

its a friggin expansion, not a game, so set the price to what most other expansions are!

30 bucks! (some are 40)

I guess its time for me to watch the populations on the server drop ever so slightly.

15-03-04, 17:12
Originally posted by Zanathos

its a friggin expansion, not a game, so set the price to what most other expansions are!

I think thats their discussion. Are we going to lauch it as a new game or as an add-on. If they launch it as an add-on the game Neocron it selfs has to be made available again. And i don't know if Neocron is handled as a CDV title or as a Reakktor title. think that the issue they have. Although this is pure speculation so don't hold it against me

15-03-04, 17:13
Originally posted by Zanathos
its a friggin expansion, not a game

I thought this was supposed to be a re-release of the game at teh same time?
so yah...still disappointed though :(

15-03-04, 17:15
alright, if its suppose to be a game....




15-03-04, 17:19
Originally posted by Zanathos
alright, if its suppose to be a game....




Piss right off.

I wouldnt pay that for ANY game, let alone an exapnsion.

(thats like £40 - £45 isnt it?)

15-03-04, 17:20
Originally posted by Elric
Piss right off.

I wouldnt pay that for ANY game, let alone an exapnsion.

(thats like £40 - £45 isnt it?)

50 $ = 38 £

just about

15-03-04, 17:21
Originally posted by Elric
Piss right off.

I wouldnt pay that for ANY game, let alone an exapnsion.

(thats like £40 - £45 isnt it?)

You seen the Dollar lately?

More like £30, still on the pricey side for an expansion though IMO.

15-03-04, 17:21
60 bucks for a game that we pay monthly ? With the Cotent that should have mostly been in Neocron itself already ? With so many bugs ?
Which we were told of that it would come Q1/2003 ? and would be downloadable 4 free ?
Thats way to much money.

You really thought we could do something to day ?lol
KK never meet anydeadlines !

15-03-04, 17:25
Im just trying to say that the price for the game cant be that much of a debatable issue!

There isnt much to debate either.

And to top it all off, they had PLENTLY of time before the set pre order date of BDoY to debate the stupid price!

15-03-04, 17:26
Seriously KK, You would have been better off sticking with CDV for a publisher, they atleast got the game out to the public.

As for the company, many people, including myself, have lost all respect for Reakktor as a company, when a company promises to have something ready and to be released, they don't delay it, they work their ass off for as long as it takes.

If you had to have a project finished by a certian date, and you get it to them a few moths, or even a year later(**DoY**), what do you think will happen? You wouldn't have a job.

Bottom line is, You need to start keeping your promises for your deadlines, if I was the new publisher, I would have told yall to F'Off and find someone else.

Anyways, enough of my bitching, Ya'll will be bitching when your customer database starts dropping, and dropping fast after this promise for a pre-order date on a product you PROMISED us that would be FREE over a YEAR ago.

15-03-04, 17:29
Originally posted by Seezur001
you PROMISED us that would be FREE over a YEAR ago.

Thats true

but lets not forget that the old expansion is supposedly nothing liek the new one :rolleyes:

15-03-04, 17:29
Originally posted by Seezur001
Anyways, enough of my bitching, Ya'll will be bitching when your customer database starts dropping, and dropping fast after this promise for a pre-order date on a product you PROMISED us that would be FREE over a YEAR ago.

Absolutly right, we should have already own the game 4 free one year ago and now they had 1 year time and still dont have it ready.
Shame on You :rolleyes:

15-03-04, 17:29
Originally posted by jernau
You seen the Dollar lately?

More like £30, still on the pricey side for an expansion though IMO.

agreed. Didnt know the dollar was that weak at the moment, but yeah, even £30 is more than I'd pay for an expansion.

Hell, UT2004 is out in the next few days, I will buy it, and it will be £30. You think I'm gonna spend £30 on a big patch for a game I already spent £30 on as well as a further £10 for over a year?

Im sure I'm not the only one of this opinion and KK would do well to heed the pricing advice found on the boards (Although I am fully aware that it may not be fully down to them in the end).

15-03-04, 17:29
Originally posted by Seezur001
As for the company, many people, including myself, have lost all respect for Reakktor as a company, when a company promises to have something ready and to be released, they don't delay it, they work their ass off for as long as it takes.

hmm you don't play much games do you. Games ALLWAYS get delayed. tho the problem is not there imo, it is rather how they tell it to us their paying customers

15-03-04, 17:42
pirce negotiations wotever, give em whatever price they want, i want doy, dont give a shit whether itll cost $10 or $20 or $600

15-03-04, 17:46
nah, fuck that shit

first it was free, that was one of my selling features

I figured I'll pay now, get more later

now it's money

it better be a good price for current customers

15-03-04, 17:47
omg O_o
i dont have that much money
im poor =(
just saved for a new computer......
[edited for violation of the forum rules -- flaming] like u and is willing to pay that much :)

Shadow Dancer
15-03-04, 17:47
I'll pay alot for BDOY, if KK guarantees to hire more coders/devs.


15-03-04, 17:48
Originally posted by Darken
omg O_o
i dont have that much money
im poor =(
just saved for a new computer......
[edited for consistency -- Vithar] like u and is willing to pay that much :)

[edited for consistency -- Vithar] if ur willing to pay for neocron?

15-03-04, 17:48
personally, its not like it was anything major, just the preorder option

OMG i want to order the game a year before it comes out:rolleyes: :p

who cares when you get to order it, the important thing will be if they get the game out.

some of you people are acting like kk have stabbed you in the back, come on lighten up a bit people

im sure some flames coming my way but meh, you people are all over reacting to this news

15-03-04, 17:48
I really dont give a shit how much it will cost, its prolly gona be about £30 and thats worth it

15-03-04, 17:49
Originally posted by ezza
personally, its not like it was anything major, just the preorder option

OMG i want to order the game a year before it comes out:rolleyes: :p

who cares when you get to order it, the important thing will be if they get the game out.

some of you people are acting like kk have stabbed you in the back, come on lighten up a bit people

im sure some flames coming my way but meh, you people are all over reacting to this news

I think the point is with pre-order comes release date

15-03-04, 17:50
no ur jerk if u willing to pay 300 like Vampire ;)

Shadow Dancer
15-03-04, 17:50
Originally posted by ezza

im sure some flames coming my way but meh,

*flames Ezza and adds a Pluto>Saturn comment*


No you're absolutely right. It's just the pre-order. It's not like the actual release date of the game.

I guess people are more mad about KK breaking another promise.

But, if their negotiating over the price, I can see why it has to be delayed. I wonder what prices they are negotiating. Hrmm.

15-03-04, 17:51
Ya SD i think thats it mainly.
We all sad that another Promise is broken =/ and with it all the hopes for .......

15-03-04, 17:51
*lol* I suppose a lot of us feel like that, but it is of course in KK's interests to ensure that when it comes out, it is "competitively priced" to encourage new people to buy it. Balance that against the need to ensure KK get's enough money to to buy some more string for their servers, pay it's staff, a new sports car for MJS so he can keep up with Carmack .. whew! That could be a real headache! :D

15-03-04, 17:52
Originally posted by Candaman
I think the point is with pre-order comes release date not really, they hadnt anounced the release date thus far, and you would of been nieave to expect them to do so yet

15-03-04, 17:52
No way in hell im pre ordering this game unless they say SOMETHING about the release date.

and not a vauge q2 2004 release date, which would mean anywhere from april 1st to june 31st, 2004.

oh heaven forbid they set an actual date and do what they say they were going to do on that date.

most people are flaming because another promise was broken.

Shadow Dancer
15-03-04, 17:53
What if their negotiating the price of the discount?

15-03-04, 17:54
hehe let us all pre order it for 50 bucks
and the game 1 year later :)

15-03-04, 17:55
they had plenty of time to negociate.

15-03-04, 17:55
Any word on what problems they are having with the price?

because it seems pretty simple to me what the price should be, somewhere between 20-40$

15-03-04, 17:55
The reason is because to pre-order there has to be a release date afaik and if they take money from someone that is a legally binding contract between the supplier (KK) and the customer (joe shmoe) and we know that if they don't stick to the dates set out in a contract (as kk are soooo good at sticking to dates) they can be sued

15-03-04, 17:56
the least they could do after is give us some more screenshots and perhaps even a trailer!

or another rpg vault feature preview (and hopefully it will be something good, rather than the last two so what previews)

15-03-04, 17:57
Originally posted by Zanathos
the least they could do after is give us some more screenshots and perhaps even a trailer!

or another rpg vault feature preview (and hopefully it will be something good, rather than the last two so what previews) for this shit they should release a full list of features and previews of them

15-03-04, 17:57
yummy give us a trailer :)

15-03-04, 17:58
I know that its just the pre-order date, but with the pre-order date normally comes the actual release date.

Also... yeah all games get delayed at some stage.... not at every god damn stage. Ezza, it does feel like KK have stabbed us in the back again because they never keep to their promises or dates... I mean come on how long does it take to fix a price? And why didn't they warn us that it was going to be delayed in the weeks running up to this... that would have been better rather than letting us get excited then saying that we wouldn't be able to pre-order. Its impossible to say that they didn't know it was going to be delayed until today, sorry I just don't buy that. They MUST have known, unless they are incompetent.

I mean ffs, they could at least try to soften the blow by giving us some good screen shots. How long does it take to take some shots from their development demo and post them on the internet?

But then again, as has been said before, I'm not that surprised, just dissapointed.

15-03-04, 18:03
sure it was bad form not to tell us earlier, but i guess they were nagotiating till the very end.

still it must just be me but i in no way feel like ive been betrayed.

i guess im alone in that though

Dribble Joy
15-03-04, 18:06
Originally posted by Martin J. Schwiezer
The pre-order will only be delayed for a couple of days. Pre-order will definitely start late this week or early next week.

However, I think it's better to launch the order page with a little delay, than changing the price for NC:BDoY afterwards. One of the main reason for the delay is that I try to get a better discount price for people who already have an account, than the price that had been negotiated so far. So please don't complain too loud or I'll forward the price as it is right now...

[edited for violation of the forum rules -- spam]

15-03-04, 18:08
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
[edited for consistency -- Vithar] are you trying to say you are Shadow dancer the second with that post:rolleyes:

15-03-04, 18:11
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
[edited for consistency -- Vithar]

my sentiments exactly.

15-03-04, 18:11
Originally posted by ezza
are you trying to say you are Shadow dancer the second with that post:rolleyes:

Or Arcadius the third :p.

15-03-04, 18:15
Originally posted by Zanathos
the least they could do after is give us some more screenshots and perhaps even a trailer!

or another rpg vault feature preview (and hopefully it will be something good, rather than the last two so what previews)

Perhaps the new preview will happen @ the same time as the pre-order becomes available

15-03-04, 18:23
Please continue this converstaion here (http://neocron.jafc.de/showthread.php?s=&threadid=94032).

Thread Closed.
