View Full Version : MUTANT cooking pot!

15-03-04, 01:59
Why is it a 'mutant' cooking pot? Because it has three legs?


Oh wait, maybe it's a 'mutant cooking' pot... and that goop inside is cooked mutant!


Maybe it's mutant cooking pot... and if you're lucky, he'll give you a hit of his bong later.


Err... anyway. Why all this debate over whether mutants are sentient or not? They are merely humans who failed to properly protect themselves from radiation. They can still talk (both the ones in PP3 and the way the launchers shot RAWWWR! COME ON!) and they wear clothes and use complex weapons and so on. Quite why humans are convinced they're the enemy and vice versa isn't really clear... and the enigmatic tales you hear from the ones in PP3 are very mysterious...

15-03-04, 02:08
cos they attack u if they see u
*slaps mutants*

15-03-04, 02:10
Yeah so humans attack mutants and mutants attack humans, tis a vicious circle!

Also surely, being mutants, with misshapen limbs and limping and stuff, they'd be pretty weak?

15-03-04, 02:36
mebbe the radiation has made there skin like a horses ass

Shadow Dancer
15-03-04, 02:38
I wish we could play a mutant class.

15-03-04, 04:38
We alerady play mutant classes.

They're called PSI Monks and GenTanks. Read up on your history, boy :P

15-03-04, 04:40
OT (if there ever was one)

Does anyone know how I can 'pause' the images on Metalangel's sig so I can stare at her lovely image, (no i dont mean the sophie ellis shots) i mean the true Metalangel. :rolleyes: *sigh...

15-03-04, 06:08
Yes, Drexel:

I found this a very good thing to use in IE. Just hit the stop button when the gif shows the image you wanna look at. The gif should stop immediately. If it doesn't....I dunno.

But I tried it just now, and the sig stopped in mid-show.

You can also wait for it to (eventually) stop by itself.... *shrug*

15-03-04, 06:14
Coz im now reading her web site (click her sig) & her mostly sexualy themed comics are just sharpining my interest, but still not enuf pics..

Or is Metal-Angel a guy, im confused, the selfportraits on the website look male, im confused. ???

Oh yer, ahhh ,, Mutant cooking pots are a good place to keep ahhh, medipacks (kewl, thatll fool em)...

15-03-04, 06:41
this is the randomest thread i've ever seen

but yeah, OOC.....

i made a 2 page in character article once about mutants standing up for civil rights, but uh, it got like 4 replies cause no one reads the RP forums, and that was about a year ago, so i have no idea what happened to it

15-03-04, 22:28
/me looks for a point to this thread

/me fails

/me joins in anyway

its their insatiable hunger for brains that makes them our enemy. specially seen as its a food in such short supply in neocron :p

15-03-04, 22:33
Err, if you look at the SUKING thread, you can see me in several of the pictures, and I am quite clearly a guy.

Muahaha, I'm glad you like the comics, I guess, but I am definitely a guy. If you want info on the girls in my avatar/sig, DM me, as I can't post the links here lest I violate the rules

Dru Blood
15-03-04, 22:35
yeah i thought u were a sexy goth chickie too until i seen the sucking pics and i spat my coffee.

15-03-04, 22:37
All these closet goths - too few burning flames of eternal damnation.



15-03-04, 23:58
Me = lesbian goth chick trapped in a man's body :D

Dade Murphey
16-03-04, 00:10
Originally posted by metalangel
Err... anyway. Why all this debate over whether mutants are sentient or not? They are merely humans who failed to properly protect themselves from radiation. They can still talk (both the ones in PP3 and the way the launchers shot RAWWWR! COME ON!) and they wear clothes and use complex weapons and so on. Quite why humans are convinced they're the enemy and vice versa isn't really clear... and the enigmatic tales you hear from the ones in PP3 are very mysterious...

I've only started reading the history and such again...but it seems like Protopharm is primarily to blame for the mutants...which I find fun :p

Jan Pixner, Alain's successor, allies himself and the company whith Lioon Reza and support him in his efforts to overthrow the PSI Monk government. The drug “Spirula”is launched in 2739, under the management of Gene Manchia. It appears to be just as succesful as its predecessor but the success is shortlived as scientists prove that Spirula causes unpredictable genetic damage, leading to a scandal of enormous proportions.

In 2741 Sandra Frasier is appointed CEO of ProtoPharm. Lioon Reza declares the mutants to be nonhumans and killing them is regarded an act of mercy. This results in most of the mutants fleeing to the outer areas of the Outzone or into the Wastelands. --From Neocron.com

In 2747 the 'Spirula' scandal flared up again when it was revealed that the mutants who were created by Spirula were becoming sexually mature and fertile much faster than normal human beings. They were declared non-human beings by Lioon Reza. Killing them was regarded an act of mercy. --from croncom.com

16-03-04, 01:01
Hmm, I thought mutants naturally existed in the world as a result of the war... that's their description in the manual, at least...

However, the little scout mutant in PP3 seems to tell a tale of bounty hunters engaging in the 'act of mercy' on a mutant settlement, and also implies they were once human, suggesting they are in fact a Spirula victim.

Dade Murphey
16-03-04, 01:25
Which would also xplain why Janet Frasier hates mutants so much (read from the ingame descriptions)...because they're living breathing proof of ProtoPharm mistakes

16-03-04, 02:55
Originally posted by metalangel
Maybe it's mutant cooking pot... and if you're lucky, he'll give you a hit of his bong later.

:D w00t:D

16-03-04, 03:09
Originally posted by metalangel
Me = lesbian goth chick trapped in a man's body :D

see that sort of behavior is the reason why you scare me O_o

16-03-04, 04:39
*sneaks up on subsys*


:eek: <- subsys

:D <-me


It's not like I'm gonna molest you or something, is it? Chill out. I'm just odd.

16-03-04, 04:48
Originally posted by metalangel
*sneaks up on subsys*


:eek: <- subsys

:D <-me


It's not like I'm gonna molest you or something, is it? Chill out. I'm just odd.

i like odd people :cool:

odd people > mainsteam briefcase & suit

16-03-04, 06:35

im only taking the piss man :)

the only people who scare me are the ones who think that being teetotal is a good idea :) now thats fucking wrong

(and yes i do have a suit but its for weddings/funerals only and a briefcase but thats for keeping my mobile cron station in)

16-03-04, 08:34
they are our enemies because the radiation has mutated the way their brain is made up, increasing the size and power of their aggresive brain areas. So what do they do? They eat one of our socks and steal our car keys. THAT is why we must exterminate them, for the good of mankind and their socks.

16-03-04, 15:39
Well, remember Fallout 2?


The US Government declares that as all people living in the mainland US will have suffered at least some radiation damage, no matter how minor, they are all therefore mutants and must be eradicated. Granted, the Fallout universe has far more races - humans, ghoul mutants and supermutants - but humans are by far the most common, and they are all completely normal.


Nevertheless, it would be interesting, I suppose to have seen this whole debacle. Are the mutants necessarily evil, though? I mean, people who took Spirula didn't go 28 Days Later loopy, did they? They just got all malformed looking, it was only a strange (and unexplained, to us at least) decision to make them an enemy. Ah well, think also of Mega Primus in X-COM Apocalypse... you've got humans, androids and hybrids (humans with large Sectoid eyes and powerful psi abilities) all living in the same city, except the androids and hybrids are second class citizens.