View Full Version : DoY + Boats ?

13-03-04, 22:27
Well ??

Why shouldn´t we have :

Water Monsters
Island OPs
Island Caves
Underwater Caves
Island Traders
Islanders Faction.

13-03-04, 22:30
Droms with flippers and scuba gear

13-03-04, 22:36
Originally posted by naimex
Water Monsters
Island OPs
Island Caves
Underwater Caves
Island Traders
Islanders Faction.

13-03-04, 22:40
Originally posted by Benjie

I´m asking how come we shouldn´t have.

Í would love to see it ingame.

13-03-04, 23:39
You know what? I think this is an excellent idea - I'd love to see at least one OP moved nearer the coast so we can have beach landings ;)

13-03-04, 23:43
Originally posted by Siygess
You know what? I think this is an excellent idea - I'd love to see at least one OP moved nearer the coast so we can have beach landings ;)

Yeah, it can be off the coast of mchpherson and we can have treasure hunts, and all the melee tanks can be pirates.

If you ever tried swimming out, you find out thiers no vast ocean like it says on the world map the water is only one zone beyond the beach usualy and sometimes not even that.

14-03-04, 00:19
ive been so far out that i hit the pale green wall where you cant get any further.

but still..

if you look on world map.. lots of water zones.

14-03-04, 00:23
yeah! with an island op, with boatwars, with underseeboats, yeah !

SPIKE (pluto)
14-03-04, 00:31
Wow, good idea, island ops, completely new dimension to the game

14-03-04, 00:35
Yea.... DaoC expantion not Bdoy :p

Clive tombstone
14-03-04, 00:35

I think that boats WILL be inplamented in Neocron eventually, but I think they will be along the lines when neo-Tokeyo comes about.

I mean, think about it. Neo-tokeyo is supossidly still a island nation and should be accessable by boats

This could also mean that in order to get to neotokeyo, you would ether have to travel by boat, some form of Mass transit or GRP, or maybe not due to long distances.

This could ALSO have a effect on OP battles, for instance, Oil platforms and Battleships (saying like a big battleship caught agground could still act as an OP).

AND one last thing would be new monster :D PErsonally Id like to see a GIANT swamp squid called Kraken or something, and it be like 120/120*** with tenticle spawns of 60/60-70/70**
Or Sharks with Freeking Laser beams attatched to there heads!http://www.cruftbox.com/cruft/images/dr_evil.jpg

All but that last part im serious about. KK please take note of this PLEASE?

14-03-04, 00:47
in acctual fact ReaKKtor have already had an attempt at both the above and underwater games scine.

Reakktor previously worked on a submarine game that use a very similar engine to Neocron, subs and underwater installations with turrets ect,ect.

Search the forums ,or do a image search on google for other games worked on by KK and im sure some one will find that game in question.

But basicaly, if KK still have some of those original crew members that worked on that game, then it wouldent be so far fetched to ask em for some kind of water based game implamentation other that what we see now in NC, which is............ nonexistant ATM.

come on KK give us this stuff!:D


14-03-04, 00:53
Extension of Midworld Ocean - fuck yes.

Sea OPs and towns - fuck yes (they're already easy to start up - you kow the platforms at McPherson and Krupp? just copy over to several locations. The towns could be like several of those platforms stacked over each other, with a couple houses and shops on each level.

There should be "jet-ski" one man vecs, 2/3 man speedboats, a transport catamaran, a rhino-like battleship the size of four rhinos end to end that holds at least ten, with two turrets.

And submarines. Definitely simple submarines.

And aquatic drones. Mmmmmm... harpoon drone... *drool*

How about a flipper foot implant, gives +30 agl in water but -15 agl on land?

And a gill-pump heart implant that interfaces with the lung, so you can use the heart slot? It would give +50 endurance in water, but -5 CON and -10 agl and ath because of the complexity fo the imp and the stress it puts on the body to survive in water.

And about Kraken - not 120/120 - 127/127, dude. And they MOVE.

The tentacles would "propel" the kraken body, hence its moblity. It's in freaking water, dude.

And - Razor Kelp - the aquatic relatives of poison plants. They're all melee, but they entangle you and chew on you, so basically a parashocking mob with melee attack. 20/20, 65/65, and 90/90 versions.

Oh, and mutant whales - those are the biggest and baddest. Because of the rads killing off/screwing up the plankton, they had to de-evolve back to when they had conical teeth rather than strainer-like teeth. They were so big they can easily overpower sharks (they exist now, yes, but they're only 80/80 and the size of doomreapers). The Wharken are bigger than hoverbombers, totally melee (but seriously, "only" in this context is like saying that nukes "only" fuck people up).

14-03-04, 00:58

that's @ boney

Sounds like a good idea, but like it was said before, perfect for Tokyo 3 , in 2005 maybe? :D (they won't have to search for a publisher this time around... you never know).

I'm thinking of the like... water forts from the movie Water world, look pretty similar to the current land ops... but on water.

Forget My Name
14-03-04, 01:00

Yeah, right!

You want all that when KK cant even put doors on ops?

14-03-04, 01:02
Thanks Poss, thats the game i was on about.
Sorry i was just being lasy, couldent be arsed to search for it my self.

VX1 ‘Piranha’ Attack Submarine <- TL150
Requirments :D




Edit; would have voted for "New enhanced horny SEX-dr00000000000m", but just chose "YES!!":D

14-03-04, 03:35
old idea, originally proposed by ME and only o_o use SEARCH


14-03-04, 03:50
lol yea and add a under water op :P

14-03-04, 14:57
Submarines, Sub-bases , Island bases, water combat...

*grins* Clan Aircraft Carriers... facility to launch gliders (probably hell on this engine I dunno, but just imagine that...)

We've got land, we're getting air... now we need sea :D

Dru Blood
14-03-04, 15:00
omg i was thinking this last night when yet again MY FRIKIN HOVERTECH GOT STUCK IN THE WATER!!!!!!

would be cool but there isnt enough water in the game to justify it, unless they made it so the bridge to regents was destroyed and the only way to get there is via boat ;) come on kk improvisation

14-03-04, 15:03
would be good but prob never going to happen :(

leGit v. 2
14-03-04, 15:28
how about we wait till Every section of the wastelands and Neocron and all the cities and shit are filled.. OMG THAT WOULD BE SEXY.. GET 100,000 people in a server and id suck your dick MJS

14-03-04, 15:56
sexy idea

14-03-04, 16:26
Its a terrible Idea 8|

14-03-04, 17:43
kreol why do you have a cartel avatar if you're in pro?

and yea im for island based ops, but not boats.

14-03-04, 18:28
kreol why do you have a cartel avatar if you're in pro?

As I designed and made Cartels signature + Avatar, and I like it, why shouldnt I use it?

It is rightfully mine, just on 'loan' to zoneseek

15-03-04, 01:09
Originally posted by Cricket_Eater
Droms with flippers and scuba gear

OMFG WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15-03-04, 01:25
im slow but wots Drom (New enhanced horny SEX-dr00000000000m) mean... don't laugh lol:rolleyes:

15-03-04, 01:26

go gabanium mine, and theres these big green things.

Your in for a treat :D

15-03-04, 01:48
neotokyo will never come out

Clive tombstone
15-03-04, 03:10
You know, IF B:DOY takes off good then i have faith that KK will make it through to the next expansion dude.

15-03-04, 03:13
Originally posted by naimex
Well ??

Why shouldn´t we have :

Water Monsters
Island OPs
Island Caves
Underwater Caves
Island Traders
Islanders Faction.

duuuuuuuude ive been thinking this same thing for like a year now...

wars on water and OPs on water, islands...etc.. could add completely new elements to the game...

i was gonna make a post about this for awhile but im to lazy to type everything out:p

15-03-04, 04:03
Originally posted by Siygess
I'd love to see at least one OP moved nearer the coast so we can have beach landings ;)

you already can, and it works quite well too

15-03-04, 04:21
yeah, you can...

(hint - its not McPherson, its on the north coast)

15-03-04, 04:24
shhhhhhhhhh.... you'll spoil the fun

15-03-04, 11:39
i thought of it a while back you could have gun boats and in the storyline you could flood the wastelands would be so cool:angel:

26-08-05, 15:37
the boats would just bring more problems and bugs to the game and take away the chalenge of swimming or flying to the island. and a faction on the islind is not even a good idea for that the ppl are isolated on the island when the start a char in that faction so it wont be a noob faction anyway.

just an island that apears in the middle of the ocean after an eartquake with some mutated amphibious mobs in drained caves and stuff.

26-08-05, 15:44
the boats would just bring more problems and bugs to the game and take away the chalenge of swimming or flying to the island. and a faction on the islind is not even a good idea for that the ppl are isolated on the island when the start a char in that faction so it wont be a noob faction anyway.

just an island that apears in the middle of the ocean after an eartquake with some mutated amphibious mobs in drained caves and stuff.

YEAR.... OLD.... :wtf:

Scanner Darkly
26-08-05, 15:44
Bumping old threads is naughty! o_O

26-08-05, 15:47
dont u know :p im the bumpmaster

Original monk
26-08-05, 15:55
always them belgians that have to ignore the rules, always the same with them people, never satisfied with what they have and always wonna push patience a tad bit further :/

o wait :D

never mind :P

26-08-05, 16:45
good idea <3 <3 <3

26-08-05, 16:51
the idea of islands and waterops isnt "that" new if u do a search in the Brainport :),

but i still support it. there are lots of water zones, and a few structures allready ingame that would have the wateroutpost feeling.

the big problem seems to be VHC ON water. if that was easy then hovers would not sink into a pool right now.
the other thing would be to keep mobs in the water.

oh and i wonder why ppl call for boat wars when there are not even tank wars :)

but i still have hope that they add some VHC content when they fixed the hacknet :D

26-08-05, 16:58
Love this, would increase the vch fighting on water - can't shot when swimming !.

Sea mobs - fucking OWNAGE - sexy tbh.
Love the idea of a kraken and others suggested. But have a mutant riding a whale or mutated shark !!!

26-08-05, 18:02
the idea of islands and waterops isnt "that" new if u do a search in the Brainport :),

Or you could just look at the first post... this thread is about 18 months old...

26-08-05, 18:28
Whoa... blast from the past.

So many faces from NC1 retail... no longer with us. :(

26-08-05, 18:33
18 months old and still no sight of the armada. :lol:

Mr Kot
26-08-05, 18:34
Well, this thread ain't gonna last long soooo....

DoY doesn't have an ocean.

NC does.

I vote for islands in the A sectors. Boats should be an NC only item, as DoY has the gliders.

26-08-05, 18:40
lol i readed the thread doy and boats ? but now i see the date it is posted on its month's before DOY ( as in nc2 ) came out :p

26-08-05, 19:22
18 months old and still no sight of the armada. :lol:

This thread needs armada of mods.

"Bumping old threads is against the forum rules. Thread closed.


26-08-05, 19:27
:lol: @ this thread tbh :lol:

wont ever happen either
dr0ms for the win, thats how serious i take this thread

26-08-05, 19:39
F**k boats give us spacecraft ^^

Scanner Darkly
26-08-05, 19:57
I only asked naimex for a link to this thread so that I could see what sort of discussion went on in previous times on the subject of naval craft. I have my own ideas on this subject and was going to post a separate brainport subject which included an RP event for the creation of an inland sea/lake.

Anyway I'm knocking up some models from the sketches I made of some futuristic hydrofoil boats. If I'm happy with the things I come up with I'll post that in a separate thread, if not I'll post it for general amusement in here...

26-08-05, 21:02
I'd like people to throw javlins. If they hit the target the javlins ought to stick out of peoples' eyes. They would be runners running around crying "I can't see I can't see!".

"You have got javlin flash, noob."

Too far fetched?

Howabout some archers and some elves then? We can ride the elves into battle with the archers on their back with an quirky glint in their eyes. They would own warbots ; Poke its eye out. woof. Javlins would own WBs.

Can we have floating cities in the sky? They could float from zone to zone and be controlled like OPs, or perhaps independent platforms, run by someone. They could float hidden by the clouds. Accessable only by a giant trampoline.
Boing boing - splat - oops. Missed again.

fuc'in elves.

26-08-05, 21:24
I'd like people to throw javlins. If they hit the target the javlins ought to stick out of peoples' eyes. They would be runners running around crying "I can't see I can't see!".

"You have got javlin flash, noob."

Too far fetched?

Howabout some archers and some elves then? We can ride the elves into battle with the archers on their back with an quirky glint in their eyes. They would own warbots ; Poke its eye out. woof. Javlins would own WBs.

Can we have floating cities in the sky? They could float from zone to zone and be controlled like OPs, or perhaps independent platforms, run by someone. They could float hidden by the clouds. Accessable only by a giant trampoline.
Boing boing - splat - oops. Missed again.

fuc'in elves.

So you just want the game to remain the same and eventally die

but yeah fuck elves :)

26-08-05, 21:54
Bad bump!

Thread closed.