View Full Version : Brainport: New hack system with 3 seperate hack points

13-03-04, 18:36
As suggested by Q`alooaith, its own topic with Poll, and expanded.

Hack 1
The OP entrance's are protected by a electric force field. Only those who are allowed through are determined by the security settings set. This would be the first Hack needed to get into the OP. If the security settings were set thus letting Neutral clans through the force field if they were performing an assault on the OP they would not be able to simply go to Hack 2 as the security would be too high at present. If they did go directly to hack two and attempted to hack this would instantly alert the owner of the OP.
Once the force field is hacked the Force Field is powered down and you are able to get into the OP.
Bonus of this would also be that the warning is sent to the OP owner that the OP is under attack. Unlike when a clan goes now they get all turrets down to little health and blow them all one after the other, then only once they are blown a warning is sent.

Hack 2
Hack 2 would be where the standard hack point is at present. You have made your way into the OP and may have turrets to deal with, and anyone who comes up from the UG. At present Turrets would be able to be dropped, although a lame tactic it would pose more risk at present because once second hack is down the security above ground is disable also powering down any turrets.
Once this hack is down the OP would be at a vulnerable state and be weak from an attackers point of view. All turrets and GR settings are now down. Turrets do not attack and anyone can now GR in as backup.
The owner of the OP would now no longer be able to GR straight to the UG as the UG security has also been Breached.

Hack 3
With the OP's security systems down the GR's are Open within the Zone and the UG is now open to be entered into. This is where the 3rd hack point would be located.
The attacking Clan would need to head into the UG and make their way through to the back for the final hack. They would have to make it by any runners from the defending clan or any turrets (which are still active in the UG due to being close to main power source) that were down there. The owner would be on the brink of losing the OP meaning that they have very little control over the setting now, also leading to being unable to drop any Turrets at this point.
Once the 3rd hack is taken the OP belongs to the new clan but is still at a weak point. Turrets would not become active yet and any other security systems would still be down until a period of say 5-10 minutes passed so the OP could power up completly. Once this time has passed all security measures are active including force field at the entrances.

Thoughts? Any further ideas on this?

13-03-04, 18:44
The UG would be too easy to defend at the end. It's often laggy to zone down as it is, without forcing people to go down. Currently you can hack the OP itself, take it over, and put some turrets down if the defenders sit in the UG. With this idea, they could hole up in the UG and AoE the entrance constantly, plus have turrets on top of that.

If the UGs could be redesigned to compensate for this then it might work. But a better idea would be to put a second force field on the hack room. The first hack is the outer wall force field, the second is the hack room force field, and the third is the main computer inside the hack room. That way if the defenders sit inside the UG they will still end up losing the OP, and they won't the added advantage of the attackers being forced through long syncs/crashes etc.

13-03-04, 19:08
Hacknet ???????

€: i mean its only a few weeks till DoY and hacknet is included.

€²: even if its kind of 9 weeks its weeks. dont want to say months :)

€3: didn't callash say that there will be no new content in game until DoY ?

13-03-04, 19:16
Originally posted by msdong
Hacknet ???????

€: i mean its only a few weeks till DoY and hacknet is included.

few weeks?

yea right