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View Full Version : anti-ninja 3 hacker system stinks

13-03-04, 12:47
someone told me you need 3 seaparate hackers to take an op now

is that correct?

if so, this anti-ninja 3 hacker requirement for capturing ops has a good goal but it's having a bad effect.. only big clans can field a team of 3 hackers and lets face it ---- the server just isn't that big. So it's helping to promote the monocolor map out there.

if they really want to stop ninja - there should be a better way, one that is more friendly to midsize clans who can't spare 3 bodies in a fight.

13-03-04, 12:50
What I would rather stop is people fighting long and hard for the op, only to come back after going to sleep to find it ninja'd back by a clan from the same continent who either musn't sleep or get up real early just to do that. o_O

13-03-04, 13:22
i think 3 hacks for an op is too easy(atm 3 spys or pes can take an op *cough*bullshit*cough*)...i think there should be several diff objectives at an op fight in order for your clan to control the op...of course the hacking is a good idea but maybe like some power generators u have to destroy or something...things like that.

just throwing out ideas

13-03-04, 15:09
I once thought about a system that could be fun for combat the ninja hack and make OP wars a thing to be planned and fun.

Every time you hack an OP your clan the OP is closed for hacking for a time (5- 7 days could be a good number), so ninja hackers could do nothing for that time, when the time passes the OP is open for hacking (the 3 hackers issue would be maintained also)

So, your clan, even a small one, if can capture an OP you know you wont have to worry for a time, and you could plan a defence for the day that the security go down, the attacker can also prepare for the whole 5 - 7 days and be sure that all the clan is properly informed of the OP war date and time.

The Roleplaying explanation of this can be that: When the 3 hackers hack the OP, they design a barrier that others hackers need time to study and decode, so when the time passes it can be assumed that your hackers have been working in a way to break in, so you are prepared to attack the OP

The HACKING skill could be a way to determine the amount of time that the OP would become unhackeable, so a Top-Level Hacker would be worthy to keep the OP for a long time.

What do you think?

13-03-04, 15:43
The 3 Op hacker system is fine. Smaller clans just have to work together.

If anything, I think it's encouraged more allegiance to your faction and allies.

The problem with big clans would still remain even in a 1 hacker system, and could be even worse.

And 5-7 days is way too long for an op to not be hackable. Op wars is a part of the game that a lot of people find fun. I know for one that if such a limit was implemented I would probably leave. The game just wouldn't be fun without the ability to have op wars whenever you want.

The whole point of an op is that a clan has to do some work to hold it. Not that they hack it then they just have it. The clans that hold ops for long periods of time are the ones who work to hold them.

I would rather see improvements to the Op system like more stuff that same faction clans can do to help keep the op - like being informed of hacks / turret destruction. And also that turrets alert clans when they first start being attacked, not when they get destroyed.

Athon Solo

13-03-04, 15:47
The needing 3 hackers thing is a big improvement over what it once was. Now u dont get people in a 1 man clan running about hacking away when the server population is low just to earn some more cash.

13-03-04, 17:09
I don't think its hard to find a hacker for higher is you ask over faction chat. 3 hackers seems fine to me, its fixed the ninja hacking problems.

13-03-04, 18:08
I think the 3 hackers system is quite good, but i think there could be improvments to the system.

What i would like to see is that instead of three hackers hacking the one hack point there were to be three hack points. A system that comes to my head straight away would require the following:

Hack 1
The OP entrance's are protected by a electric force field. Only those who are allowed through are determined by the security settings set. This would be the first Hack needed to get into the OP.
Once this is hacked the Force Field is powered down and you are able to get into the OP.

Hack 2
Hack 2 would be where the standard hack point is at present. You have made your way into the OP and may have turrets to deal with, and anyone who comes up from the UG. Once this hack is down the OP would be at a vulnerable state and be weak from an attackers point of view.
Once hack 2 is down security of the OP is at a complete power down.

Hack 3
With the OP's security systems down the GR's are Open within the Zone and the UG is now open to be entered into. This is where the 3rd hack point would be located.
The attacking Clan would need to head into the UG and make their way through to the back for the final hack. They would have tp make it by any runners from the defending clan or any turrets that were down there.
With two hacks down the defending clan would no longer be able to GR straight into the UG and would no longer be able to place any turrets.
Once the 3rd hack is taken the OP belongs to the new clan but is still at a weak point. Turrets would not become active yet and any other security systems would still be down until a period of say 5 minutes passed so the OP could power up completly. Once this time has passed all security measures are active including force field at the entrances.

Well thats my idea. Any thoughts?

13-03-04, 18:21
Originally posted by garyu69

Well thats my idea. Any thoughts?

I think you should make a polled thread with that stuff in it..

maybe expand it a little, but not much.. It's a great idea.. need's it's own poll though..

13-03-04, 18:21
Originally posted by garyu69
What i would like to see is that instead of three hackers hacking the one hack point there were to be three hack points. A system that comes to my head straight away would require the following:

Hack 1
The OP entrance's are protected by a electric force field. Only those who are allowed through are determined by the security settings set. This would be the first Hack needed to get into the OP.
Once this is hacked the Force Field is powered down and you are able to get into the OP..........
...........Once this time has passed all security measures are active including force field at the entrances.

Well thats my idea. Any thoughts?

Yes Force Fields!!!1111 \o/


13-03-04, 18:25
The si less gr to the ug is prolly one of the best 1 man ninja solutions, minute he takes the first layer people can gr in costless, hes gonna have to be very skilled to take down the op in 2 more tries when people g rin so easily

13-03-04, 18:26
Mirrorshades aren't giant but we have enough hackers. Most people never go looking for hackers. I'm a hacker... and I'll hack a lot of the big clans on pluto for free.

I love the 3 hacker system ;)

13-03-04, 19:04
Threads that deal with this little stuff are not really getting down to what the REAL problem is. It's been posted about by myself and others:

Until KK makes OPs more strategic in regards to actually owning one of the damn things and until KK gives us the resource to defend an OP such as Hackable Energy Field doors on the front gates for starters etc, etc. this is what you get.

Until we get more things like that you will ALWAYS have ninja hax ALWAYS!!

And what REAL reason is there to own an OP? Almost zero..

OPs are good places to stage PvP that is about it. The crazy bonuses are hardly worth fighting for if you do not use them asap then realize that you are going to lose that OP by morning.

This is the biggest of my pet peeves in NC

and also just my .02 nc

13-03-04, 20:00
there is no such thing as a "ninja" hack its a NC urban ledgen
if u have no one online at the time then sucks to be u dont it

Magic Sausage
13-03-04, 20:25
I believe if you pay 300k for a clan key (i have a barter) you should be able to hack the ops with 1 hacker... As of right now only 3 clan have ops on saturn and most of those clans have 200+ or 300+ people in em.

Ninja hacking was part of the game back in the day... and all you had to do to prevent it was put a couple turrets up...

How about a anti hacker setting... the turrets areound the op comp would stay idle until shot or until a barrier was broken.

Maybe after you hack a OP you get synaptic... so not only are you weak for a bit but you would need a bit to hack again... Damage should be more from the ZAP if you fail to hack it.

Anyway... my point... allow ninja hacking again... but make it harder to achieve... So its not just one guy taking a bunch of ops... but a large clan not protecting it.

13-03-04, 20:50
Still on about this?

Fer cryin' out loud quit being upset about the amount of hacks it takes!

There are no damn doors on OPs!! That's the problem! there is no way to set security on your OPs that make any damn diffference!

You have all of these Outposts built in dangerous,spooky Outzone!

OH NO MUTANTS, and wandering psycho gangs of killer....things.


But there is not a door. OPs are like a .25 cent hooker on a saturday night.

Our problem is not the amount of hacking and the ninja/no ninja thing. And I will agree with one of the above posters that if you have an OP that gets hacked while you have no one on to defend then it sucks to be you.

I will have to find the posts that talked about this because they talk about what we need to have on OPs.

13-03-04, 21:30
Originally posted by greploco
someone told me you need 3 seaparate hackers to take an op now

is that correct?

if they really want to stop ninja - there should be a better way, one that is more friendly to midsize clans who can't spare 3 bodies in a fight.

This is utter bullshit O_o
If you dont have 3 hackers just hire one or two..... They are easy to pick "tried once when the whole clan yelled at me on Vent because it took me 15 min to hack the first layer... <---- drunk" :p

Anyway and the 5 - 7 days hack free ??? LooooL right. Then there would be no OP war at all, they hack a OP in 2 min and tada you cant do a shit for 5 days come on. Think before you reply KK maybe listen to you :rolleyes:

well there are at least 4 - 5 colors on the Pluto map Venus even more =) But thats a fact with 140 or so you cant really get more colors on the map even if you want to.