View Full Version : A question to KK about parashock.

13-03-04, 02:41
I have been around for a little over a year, and if there is one thing in this game that I "hate", it's parashock. I remember when I was leveling at the Emerson tower, and a tank came up......shocked me and killed me. I was like "wtf was that"? Point is, freezers have been around that long. Just like the first time being frozen, I can remember my first site of people complaning about being frozen on the forums. I was like "ahhhh, that's wtf that was". Point is, as long as freezers have been in the game, there have been people complaining about being frozen. (sorry for the lengthy introduction I'll get to the question).

If what seems like the majoraty of people in this game have hated one specific thing in the game since it's existance, why does it still exist? I have thought that very question every time I get parashocked, and with the recent patches, I can come to only one conclusion. KK feels that it should be here for one reason or another (yes, I can see some examples of where parashock is necessary). So the real question is this; You feel that parashock should be in the game....why do you feel this way? Is it the community, or is it KK that's keeping parashock in the game? (yes I know it's more than one question)

Any responce is much appreciated.

13-03-04, 02:48
I can't really answer your question as I think the parashock should be taken out. But to play devils advocate for a moment, here's some reasons for why it should stay:

1) The netcode is awful, you need something to slow people down and let the lag catch up.
2) Killing PPUs would be extremely hard without parashock (unless your had a HAB apu handy).
3) It would make KK happy if everyone just stopped moaning about it as they're blatantly not going to change it anyway.
4) It makes a scary noise that frightens the crap out of noobs who know they're going to die with no possible way to escape as soon as they hear it.
5) It's not actually all that annoying compared to the aforementioned HAB.
6) It's blue. Blue is a nice colour.

Ok so basically there is no reason to keep it in, apart from 1).

13-03-04, 02:55
If I remember right, freezers were one of the things that no one saw in beta, and then they magically appeared in retail. And everyone hated them, but if one person used them, we all had to.

I suspect that there's a KK employee who's total sux at PvP and wanted some kind of weapon that would make him appear to have skills.

And you're right, they're the MOST universally hated thing in the game. The playerbase has offered literally dozens of suggestions as to how to replace them with something else, but KK jsut doesn't listen.

I bet fifty people would reactivate on the news that freezers were removed...

13-03-04, 03:15
Originally posted by hivemind
If I remember right, freezers were one of the things that no one saw in beta, and then they magically appeared in retail. And everyone hated them, but if one person used them, we all had to.

I suspect that there's a KK employee who's total sux at PvP and wanted some kind of weapon that would make him appear to have skills.

And you're right, they're the MOST universally hated thing in the game. The playerbase has offered literally dozens of suggestions as to how to replace them with something else, but KK jsut doesn't listen.

I bet fifty people would reactivate on the news that freezers were removed...

I think they should be knocked up to the power they were before 195 and ONLY work on MOBS, thats all I found en usefull on :), keep em out of PvP

13-03-04, 03:46
Hell, even that would be a great compromise. Freezers only work on mobs, fine, great, yes!

Shadow Dancer
13-03-04, 05:00
Originally posted by hivemind

I suspect that there's a KK employee who's total sux at PvP and wanted some kind of weapon that would make him appear to have skills.


This is one of those things that make me feel like KK doesn't play the game.

Man, I really wish freezers were only PvM. But I think KK doesn't want to admit how F*ed up freezers are by doing that. :(

13-03-04, 06:07

I remember months back we had this bigass shitload of a discussion about this very same thing.

Keep truckin'. :cool:

By the by, I still feel that it should be less effective in PvP than in PvM. Not necessarily cancel out the freeze effect in PvP, just make it at most half as useful.

Mob Freeze - 100% of freeze %
Player Freeze - 50(or less)% of freeze %