View Full Version : Barter Suit

13-03-04, 01:30
Ok interesting idea for the neglected barter skill, simply a barter vest, it makes the user look like he's wearing a suit carrying a briefcase (proper businessman stylee) increases barter only maybe some negetives to make it so we dont have people fighting with briefcases, basically same as a machina glove but a barter PA? what do you all think?

13-03-04, 01:44
riiiiiiiiiiiight...... BRT PA o_O FOOL

13-03-04, 01:45
im foolish for having a slitely unique idea? yeah ok m8... :rolleyes:

13-03-04, 01:46
Would prefer a barter glove tbh. Nice idea all the same, you gotta have bad ideas some times or noone will realise how good the good ones are. As for man in suit with briefcase..... err not very cyber punkish is it.

13-03-04, 02:03
I really think that having PA for each freaking class is retarded idea by itself, but now you're saying barter PA..... holy crap

13-03-04, 02:19
He doesn't say 'power' anywhere, just suit.

13-03-04, 02:23
I was thinking something more along the lines of a pimp suit. I mean, are you seriously going to overcharge a guy that's in a pimp suit?

13-03-04, 02:29
.....only if the suit includes a monocule and a tophat will i agree to a barter suit.

13-03-04, 02:44
Yer i understand what u mean by a barter suit and think its a nice idea :D , some kind of impresive clothing to increase your barter prowess....

Although, considering BDOY will finaly see players acctualy wareing their armor on the outside thats in their armor box, might it be an idea that people wareing no armor and generaly looking as smart as posible gain the best Barter bonus?


13-03-04, 03:10
imo a suit makes more sense than a glove...i mean what would a glove do..massge their hand...?

nice idea

13-03-04, 03:14
Hey, if someone massaged my hand I'd sell them stuff cheaper;)

13-03-04, 03:32
Originally posted by Dazist
He doesn't say 'power' anywhere, just suit.

sry i did say PA... but the idea is still as a suit... it would give no armor bonus' at all... and as for pimp suit... aye that would be phat! :D

13-03-04, 05:21
The suit should turn you into a hot blonde in a mini skirt. Hell I'd give stuff away to a hot blone :)

13-03-04, 05:43
Add big boobs to that with plenty of cleavage on show and it's a hit idea!

13-03-04, 05:52

Holy fuck @ you people.

Just go to PP. Yeesh.

And if yer patient, BDoY will have more realistic strippers for the perverts.

And now, for the Hypocritical Moment of the Day.



13-03-04, 05:55
Originally posted by Duder
.....only if the suit includes a monocule and a tophat will i agree to a barter suit.

have to agree with that.

13-03-04, 06:08
Originally posted by Kenjuten

And if yer patient, BDoY will have more realistic strippers for the perverts.
When BDoY goes live I will be spending alot of time in the various strip clubs....researching.....yeah, cause I'm a researcher. Really.

No I really am!
