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View Full Version : PLUTO is Lacking... Saturn Rocks

12-03-04, 19:31
Im writing this because of the lack of people, community, and FUN basically that I have seen in Pluto recently. However, 1 minute after making a new character in Saturn I see, to my surprise, tons of people, everyone chatting, fighting, and having fun.

I think that all pluto players should switch over to saturn for a matter of fun, or the two servers should become 1 when DOY comes out and the servers are updated.

Any responces to this would be great, thanks =D


12-03-04, 19:34
i would post my thought on the bad aspects of Saturn, but will get a big

[edited for violation of forum rules - flaming]

slapped over it withing a few seconds, followed by a

Originally posted by Nidhogg
Keep it in game


El Barto
12-03-04, 19:36
You have no idea what your talkign about Pluto is FAR better, and I played on both.

12-03-04, 19:36
Your view is appreciated xenocide, at least by me.

However, I prefer the atmosphere of Pluto.

There are also a lot of people on Pluto, it's just that they're inactive most of the time (like my sorry ass :p ), but at least there's not so much shit going through my chats that I have to mute channels to have peace of mind sometimes. Everytime I go on a 4-slot server I have to mute basically everything as it's mostly spam (to me).

Anyways, hopefully this discussion won't turn into a Pluto vs. Saturn propaganda war like recent threads I've seen have accomplished.

Sorry to say that the opening post of this thread is partially going against my wishes. But that's my wishes. Conflict is almost always certain. :cool: I suppose what matters is what happens during and after said conflicts.

12-03-04, 19:39
Well xenocide - It depends on your definition of fun. I tried Saturn for 2 months and ended up coming back to Pluto. Some of the worst lag I have ever encountered, got ripped off 3 times by constructors, PKed more times that I care to remember when trying to lvl, charged HUUUUGEEE ass amounts for tech parts that normally either get given away (or as near as...) on Pluto.

Basically, it really depends on what you are looking for. Pluto and Saturn are as different as you are going to find - just depends what floats your boat.

Shadow Dancer
12-03-04, 19:45
Their are 2 reasons I don't play on saturn.

1.I HATE the immature kiddies on pluto(not all of them are, obviously), and sometimes it drives me not to play for days. I feel like saturn is 2x as bad in this respect.

2.The lag. What's up with that? I put someone's name in direct, and it finally appears 20 seconds later. I choose a spell, it comes out very late. It's been like that EVERY SINGLE TIME i logged on saturn.

Oh yea, the economy sux.

12-03-04, 19:47
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
I feel like saturn is 2x as bad in this respect.

Only 2 x ?


Shadow Dancer
12-03-04, 19:48
Originally posted by GT_Rince
Only 2 x ?


Well I don't want ezza and his cartel buddies to start flaming me. :p So I decided to be generous, hehe.

12-03-04, 19:48
*sigh* not another one of these threads :/

12-03-04, 19:52
Im writing this because of the lack of people, community, and FUN basically that I have seen in Pluto recently. However, 1 minute after making a new character in Saturn I see, to my surprise, tons of people, everyone chatting, fighting, and having fun.

I think that all pluto players should switch over to saturn for a matter of fun, or the two servers should become 1 when DOY comes out and the servers are updated.

Any responces to this would be great, thanks =D




12-03-04, 19:56
I have capped characters on Pluto and on Saturn. I also only have an MC5 on Pluto yet I prefer Saturn.

That doesn't make one server better than the other.

What I can say though is that to a newcomer to a server, on both Pluto AND Saturn you will find a both complete assholes and some of the friendliest people you've ever met online. You will find more people on Saturn, this means both more people who you will like and more people you will dislike, take that as you will. Also don't listen to ANYONE who says one server is better for any reason, except that yes Saturn does lag a little more.

12-03-04, 20:03
stfu u saturn whore ;)

12-03-04, 20:06
i recently switched to saturn from pluto too...

saturn is better...pluto's current situation totally blows and i got tired of it...saturn is where im staying

12-03-04, 20:18
pluto is driving people away atm soon will only be ff left

12-03-04, 20:27
Feh, in that case it'll be FF and me, bitch!

Honestly, if it would really come to that, I'd have fun fooling around with their OPs. :D

SPIKE (pluto)
12-03-04, 20:30
Wow a server fight not started by pluto for once:p

12-03-04, 20:31
Originally posted by gostly
saturn is where im staying

That was what I thought to start off with. But now with Plutos numbers generally hovering about the 300(ish) mark at peak, it is a totally different place to 6 months ago.

@SD - lol :D

12-03-04, 20:39
I gotta be honest Im starting to get worn out on Pluto myself for various reasons I won't go into here. I might try to start up a char or two on Jupiter some time though, I hear BD is weak there. :mad:

Btw these threads are pointless. Don't make me pwn you xeno. :eek:

12-03-04, 20:40
That was what I thought to start off with. But now with Plutos numbers generally hovering about the 300(ish) mark at peak, it is a totally different place to 6 months ago.

lol...that peak will be dropping then...numbers dont matter to me much...but their are lots of people sick of pluto...ive been on saturn over a week on my melee tank...got a marine/dg/pob/etc. already...plus ive noticed that pluto's economy now seems more fucked up then saturn's...so yea im staying on saturn...

12-03-04, 20:42
Originally posted by xenocide
Im writing this because of the lack of people, community, and FUN basically that I have seen in Pluto recently. However, 1 minute after making a new character in Saturn I see, to my surprise, tons of people, everyone chatting, fighting, and having fun.

This has been the case for QUITE some time now....

Originally posted by xenocide
I think that all pluto players should switch over to saturn for a matter of fun, or the two servers should become 1 when DOY comes out and the servers are updated.

Even though some of us crave highly populated servers, theres two problems:

1) KK's servers wont be able to handle that kinda influx of players, anyone that played pluto early-retail when it used to hit 650+ people sunday night's know how well these servers deal with that kinda punishment...

2) Some pluto players are hung up on having one char, even tho its boring and meaningless and i'll never understand what the thrill of it is considering everyone has 5 accts anyway.

So it wont happen.

12-03-04, 20:45
Originally posted by gostly
lol...that peak will be dropping then...numbers dont matter to me much...but their are lots of people sick of pluto...ive been on saturn over a week on my melee tank...got a marine/dg/pob/etc. already...plus ive noticed that pluto's economy now seems more fucked up then saturn's...so yea im staying on saturn...

LOL - I was only on Saturn just over a week ago - not sure I can agree that the economy on Pluto is worse - still peeps don't wanna sell shit and just trade. Because it is 4 char, it is so easy to make money on your own with a barter, constructor and researcher - still leaves you a slot free for a fighting char.

Also, as the numbers are still higher on Pluto than they have been for a long time, I think I would also have to disagree with "but their are lots of people sick of pluto" - I find just as many sick of Saturn and come to Pluto.... Swings and roundabouts.

Also, not sure how you can say the peak will be dropping, unless you know like 100+ peeps who are all so sick of Pluto that they will wanna move to Saturn...

EDIT @ Zoneseek

How is it pointless and boring to just have 1 char? I have 4 accounts myself and doesn't make me wanna rush to Saturn - even though I have millions of nc's, a shitload of rares and loads of MC5 parts.

12-03-04, 20:46
meh servar11 is betta dan j()()r sevrar111!

gimme a break

12-03-04, 20:47
Originally posted by GT_Rince
Also, not sure how you can say the peak will be dropping, unless you know like 100+ peeps who are all so sick of Pluto that they will wanna move to Saturn...

Actually that will only have to be about 6 players with amount of multiple accounts we all have :P

12-03-04, 20:47
I play Saturn cause the OOC and Trade channels are fucking hilarious most nights:lol:

Starting playing on Pluto for a laugh as a FA monk. It's actually a good laugh for RP purposes. I decided to make him a fanatic follower of the skull cult and wreak bloody vengance in the name of Jimmy on the barkeeps. Heh...so much fun.

12-03-04, 20:49
Originally posted by SypH
I play Saturn cause the OOC and Trade channels are fucking hilarious most nights:lol:

That was another thing I didn't like - Trade was almost constantly spammed by "I owned you" "you suck dogs cock" type of conversations. Not a whole heap of fun if you are trying to actually do some trade.

12-03-04, 20:51
Originally posted by GT_Rince
That was another thing I didn't like - Trade was almost constantly spammed by "I owned you" "you suck dogs cock" type of conversations. Not a whole heap of fun if you are trying to actually do some trade.

Who sucks dogs cock?

12-03-04, 20:52
Originally posted by GT_Rince
That was another thing I didn't like - Trade was almost constantly spammed by "I owned you" "you suck dogs cock" type of conversations. Not a whole heap of fun if you are trying to actually do some trade.

Oh brother....slagging off at people over trade is way more fun then trading :p

I dunno how people are actually BOTHERED by it tbh, i get my trading done while people are bitching on trade-nc all the time, people can still read the trades coming up.

12-03-04, 20:53
meh servar11 is betta dan j()()r sevrar111!

i dont think anyone talks like this and be serious about it...it's fuckin annoying to keep hearing mocks like this...


12-03-04, 20:55
Originally posted by gostly
i dont think anyone talks like this and be serious about it...it's fuckin annoying to keep hearing mocks like this...


Yeah mocks on that kim

/end mayhemmike impersonation

12-03-04, 20:57
Originally posted by Candaman
Who sucks dogs cock? i didnt want to say anything but someone was spreading rumors that you did, now who am i to say such things its just what i heard

i like saturn cos theres always noobs to kill
omg canning for a second i though your were teh mayhem mike, good impression:p

12-03-04, 20:59
Originally posted by ezza
i didnt want to say anything but someone was spreading rumors that you did, now who am i to say such things its just what i heard

i like saturn cos theres always noobs to kill

u like saturn because u are controlling the lag and u can turn it on run behind someone turn it off and kill them what a nib now just turn it off ezza its not funny anymore

Shadow Dancer
12-03-04, 20:59
What's a kim?

12-03-04, 21:35
I just left Pluto to try Saturn for awhile maybe 3 weeks ago.
Seems like more aholes who spam the hell outta trade than on Pluto:lol:.
Not that big of a deal tbh, they either go on ignore or I mute trade until they are done ranting.

The economy is definetly different. Some tech parts seem way too high when compared to pluto, but you can buy almost anything you want or need on saturn whereas on pluto ppl, a lot of the time, just want to trade straight accross for tech parts or stuff they need. Money seems a bit more valuable on saturn.

Both are relatively the same, some good things and some bad things. With ppl having at least the possibility of having 3 alts I won't trust anyone with reps or cst unless I really know them.
But with 4 char slots I created my own tradeskillers so...ehh neither is better or worse imo.

12-03-04, 21:40
The only reason that I ain't playing much on Pluto currently is because my character is pritty much in limbo. I am stuck deciding what I am gonna do, also waiting for all these weapon changes before I make my choice so.......

Got chars on all servers...all but my Saturn chars are waiting for weapon changes to continue so I would class that as my current main server although my heart will always belong to Pluto (Untill Neptune :D)

12-03-04, 22:41
no, plutos community shouldn't merge to saturn, then saturn will suck.

12-03-04, 23:24
Why can't people just get on with what they're doing and not criticise what everyone else is doing? :rolleyes:

That's all this thread is, a veiled attempt to mock Pluto, but why? do you feel bitter that not everyone wants to come and play on Saturn, with you?

Do you have to constantly justify to yourself that you're playing on the better server to get enjoyment out of the time you spend in NC? :confused:

What is it? i'd love to know.. i've never seen the sense in these server bashing arguments.. it's like children squabbling over which football team is the best.. :rolleyes:

12-03-04, 23:38
Originally posted by xenocide
Im writing this because of the lack of people, community, and FUN basically that I have seen in Pluto recently. However, 1 minute after making a new character in Saturn I see, to my surprise, tons of people, everyone chatting, fighting, and having fun.

I think that all pluto players should switch over to saturn for a matter of fun, or the two servers should become 1 when DOY comes out and the servers are updated.

Any responces to this would be great, thanks =D


have a good time when you loose all your items or lag out and die...:rolleyes:

13-03-04, 00:41
Saturn is better then pluto, theres no discussion. Ive played on both a huge amount. So you people that have these blind loyalties to your servers, no matter which it is, are crazy... Both have some very cool people and some assholes... but thats not the issue. Saturn has more people, and thats all that matters. more targets to pk, more op wars, more tradeskillers, more people to hunt with..... more people = better. Which ever server has most people = the best.... well at least until a low server pop is considered 450. Both servers have lag, both have people your not gonna like... boo hoo. everyone from uranus or pluto should be forced to merge wqith saturn, they will cry for a few days, then realise how much more fun things are with 600 people at peak times. The only people who wont come to saturn are the ones who are too lazy to re level/get items. I did it, so can you.... trust me, come to saturn, cap a char and gt a rare, and you will have a good time.

13-03-04, 00:48
Originally posted by VetteroX
Saturn is better then pluto, theres no discussion. Ive played on both a huge amount. Both have some very cool people and some assholes... but thats not the issue. Saturn has more people, and thats all that matters. more targets to pk, more op wars, more tradeskillers, more people to hunt with..... more people = better. Both servers have lag, both have people your not gonna like... boo hoo. everyone from uranus or pluto should be forced to merge wqith saturn, they will cry for a few days, then realise how much more fun things are with 600 people at peak times.
Saturn is better then pluto and theres no discussion just because you think so, huh? Wow not only do you think you're the best you think that whatever you think everyone else thinks it too. Just people you like saturn doesn't mean it's the best. None of them are really better, it all depends on what server you rather play on. They're all different and none are better.

Now saying that I really wish I wasn't lazy so I could goto saturn, level, cap, get everything I need and pk you:(

13-03-04, 01:00
Originally posted by ServeX
no, plutos community shouldn't merge to saturn, then saturn will suck.

I agree, if pluto and saturn merged it would mean that we would have to play on the same server as you again, which is always a very bad thing.

13-03-04, 01:32
I just posted the fact that a server whith more people is better. if pluto had the most people, it would be the best. If you werent so lazy to leave pluto and make a capped char on saturn you would see I am right. besides, your a player who hides behind holy shelter and holy heal... constantly against nerfing ppus... I highly doubt you have anywhere near enough skill on a pe, tank, or spy to do any harm to me.

BTW, if any of you from pluto who know me wanna make the right choise and come over to saturn (remeber, comming from someone whos played both servers for months... not limited to the experience of just pluto or just saturn) I can help you out a bit.... im not too happy that a bunch of the people i helped i gave items/money/time to and they quit afte a few days.... but if are really gonna make an effort i can help you out.

13-03-04, 01:41
Originally posted by VetteroX
I just posted the fact that a server whith more people is better. if pluto had the most people, it would be the best. If you werent so lazy to leave pluto and make a capped char on saturn you would see I am right. besides, your a player who hides behind holy shelter and holy heal... constantly against nerfing ppus... I highly doubt you have anywhere near enough skill on a pe, tank, or spy to do any harm to me.

This coming from someone who comes to the forums and whines whenever KK adds something ingame that makes it easier to get a good setup. I doubt you have any real skills just a good setup. And I have tried saturn but didn't feel like spending all the time I would of had to to get everything I needed.

13-03-04, 01:46
Originally posted by VetteroX
I just posted the fact that a server whith more people is better.

Don't talk shit! - lol... How can that be a fact when it is nothing more than your opinion?

More people does NOT mean it is better... Pluto has less lag - and less dickheads (read what u want into that!), so by MY definition, Pluto is better.

And don't forget Vet, I played Saturn for about 2 months. After a while it got very very dull. I had plenty of money (20+mil at any one time), all the rares I could need and it STILL was boring as hell. Personally, the small population of total pricks spoil the server - add the lag into it as well, and it is no fun at all. The only reason I stayed as long as I did, was because Maj was there.

This is not a pop at the vast majority of Saturn. I found those that I came into contact with as helpful as those on Pluto. Just Saturn seems to have more of a share of childish nibs! But I think the deciding factor for me was the lag - that is the real killer.

13-03-04, 01:48
Originally posted by GT_Rince
Don't talk shit!

More people does NOT mean it is better... Pluto has less lag - and less dickheads (read what u want into that!), so by MY definition, Pluto is better.

Yeah, but by extension it also has less cool people, less skilled enemies to fight, less people to hunt with, less people to trade items with, less people doing tradeskills, less people to interact with in general. ;)

13-03-04, 01:57
Don't Foget, the populations are not all THAT different any more. At peak times, it can be as little as 60-80 runners. That is NOT an overwhelming majority :)


And as for more tradeskillers... that's kind of a joke really. Before I caught up with Maj, I was ripped off 3 times by constructors and once by a barter. And these were all people that were recommended - real nice...

13-03-04, 02:01
Whereas in my experience of Pluto the only tradeskillers I could trust were the ones in Phoenix, and I couldn't even find any more besides them, let alone give them anything to steal. :p

13-03-04, 02:01
Out of all five servers, saturn is the one I would least like to ever play on. Your milage may vary.

13-03-04, 02:04
Originally posted by Scikar
Whereas in my experience of Pluto the only tradeskillers I could trust were the ones in Phoenix, and I couldn't even find any more besides them, let alone give them anything to steal. :p
So you're saying that population doesn't mean anything?

13-03-04, 02:10
Originally posted by petek480
So you're saying that population doesn't mean anything?

Not entirely. Clearly 200 people is better than 0, but in 500 people the same proportion will be assholes/cool people as the proportion on other servers IMO. There's no way to judge the entire population of a server. I've experienced the best of Saturn and the worst of Pluto. Others have experienced the worst. Like I said in my first post, there is no best server. There is no situation like all of the assholes gravitate towards Saturn in my experience, it's just if you have more people, you have more assholes, it's as simple as that. One thing is certain: there isn't enough of a difference between the servers to make a complete migration worthwhile

Shadow Dancer
13-03-04, 05:06
Originally posted by GT_Rince
But I think the deciding factor for me was the lag - that is the real killer.

yep, same here.