View Full Version : Bring Back Recycling!

12-03-04, 06:02
After reading Ray's post about drugs, it made me remember cloning and how useful it USED to be. Drugs, make them clonable again! And the Remote Repair Nanites. And half the other stuff that KK made unclonable making cloning good for only ammo....

I remember when Recycling was actually a COOL tradeskill. You could go hunt, save up a ton of Large Limbs, Large Hydraulic Parts, and Large Entrails then sit in Plaza and make stuff for people for cheap... but COOL stuff, not bs stuff that's ALREADY CHEAP.

I made a lot of money selling packs of grease, lube, substance, etc but it took a *lot* of large junk to get a decent amount worth selling.

You could clone Const Grease, Res Sub, Drugs, Nanites... and it was WORTH saving that stuff so you could clone. Now all you can clone is thing that only cost 500nc ANYWAY so who cares about them.

An example, I take a hovertec out, it gets down to 50%. I can:

A) take it to an asg and dismiss, repair, spawn it for about 6k.

B) Stand there and remote repair it with 60 repair skill and use up 8 x 200 packs of nanites at 2.4k a piece. o_O

On top of cloning, REMOTE REPAIR has totally be neglected. There is a tool and nanites in the game to repair one thing, vehicles. And repairs them slowly and inefficiently compared to regular repairing. Why can't we repair turrets? Why doesn't more stuff break like Door Panels, Hack Terminals, CityComms,that would need to be repaired?

Remote Repair and Recycling have potential++ but they get no attention :(

12-03-04, 06:40
unidentified recycleable junk . . . put in a few pieces and depending on your recycle skill might become something awesome like a uniuqe drug . . . or just a regular item. Like a slot chance you make a drug more powerful than a typical one. Like a str drug that gives 20 but drops some skill way below also. It's all chance so you can't just mass produce them heh. Nah n/m might make things a lil crazy.

remote repair hmm . . . so while an enemy faction memeber is fighting off a doybot and I"m not strong enough to fight them I run up to a doybot and repair it! :D

12-03-04, 15:46
or with recycling we could have it where the highter your skill is over the items the better shance that you can make a higher quality version of it. like ammo that does more damage then store bought or med packs that have more then 3 uses.

12-03-04, 16:06
Nah - you don't wanna go silly with it and have *better* ammo and stuff - just want it to be back to the way it was before. As it stands, it is just a few drugs, PSI & Stam boosters and ammo. Not exactly exciting stuff.

If nothing else, please bring back the nanites so we can repair in the field - will make using vehicles a bit more worthwhile.

But I love the idea of being able to Recycle grease and stuff again...

12-03-04, 21:03
I enjoy recycling, its very therapeutic. I tend to spend alot of time alone ( so no one can see me make a arse of myself) and enjoy useing this to build skill etc. I gather from the thread that all that crap I have stuffed into my apt is no longer a useful commodity?

12-03-04, 21:05
You can still recycle ammo, medkits, psi boosters... so it IS useful, esp for anyone that doesnt want to make trips to the gogo for supplies all of the time.

12-03-04, 21:11
You can still recycle ammo, medkits, psi boosters... so it IS useful, esp for anyone that doesnt want to make trips to the gogo for supplies all of the time.

cant make drugs tho...i tryed making anti-shock/anti-dmgboost drugs...used a formula i found on a site somewhere...and it worked...only problem is, the drugs come out unusable...totally sucks cuz i didnt know that and i put them in my quickbar and during an op fight i got shocked and kept hitting it but it didnt do anything...shouldve known they wouldnt work, they were seperated from the rest of my drugs in my inv :rolleyes:

12-03-04, 21:14
I always thought the remote repair tool should work for repairing other ppls stuff as well as vhcs.
Just have the person put their armor or weapon in their processor window and click away just like imping.

As far as recycling yes I agree that all drugs (except the rare ones) and grease/lubes should be cloneable.
5 Stars :D

12-03-04, 21:31
I used to have a copy of the known recycling recipes but have lost it, would someone be so kind as to provide a link?

12-03-04, 21:49
Problem with boosting remote repair is that you're gunna get people repairing tanks really quickly and cheaply mid battle, making them far too powerful.

12-03-04, 22:03
But you could make them cost less Substance and take the same time.

12-03-04, 23:43
Originally posted by Sheba
I used to have a copy of the known recycling recipes but have lost it, would someone be so kind as to provide a link?
NM found the link! :)

13-03-04, 01:05
remote nanites should either cost something like 500 nc/pack or be recycleabe

13-03-04, 01:15
Agreed. 5 stars.

As it stands now I question the mindset of people who put points into recycle. You can clone any thing and every thing you want at a mine, and about 90% of the things with a simple recycle glove. Make the rare drugs have a high tech level with points required in it to clone them, and make them clonable again.