View Full Version : I may have missed it somewhere

10-03-04, 14:49
But I just recently rerolled a char, and I picked tsunami as a starting faction.....it was my first time....anyways when i left noob MC5 i GR to my starter apt, and bam i was like holy shit!!! when i saw 8 cabs.....is this right? i mean its not like i really care, but if it is, its a bit unfair to the other starter apts dont u think?

10-03-04, 14:53
I think its cus there is a bug or two. One is that the "small" PP apt's are the large ones and have more cabs. I've also heard as runners starting with clan apt size apts when starting TS or mebbe bd

10-03-04, 14:55
if you can fill 8 cabs with stuff that isnt useless, then you can probs afford a new app tbh