View Full Version : Bat Plague

07-03-04, 21:36
Damn that bastard rat running through Plaza


Psyco Groupie
07-03-04, 21:38
my hps are t3h s3cr4t!!

07-03-04, 21:38
Bit of a shit spell

07-03-04, 21:50
yep, had it already too, but it doesnt hurt me really ;)

07-03-04, 21:58

I win :D

07-03-04, 22:02
Pft, it's being tweaked.

Soon you'll be complaining about the Bat Plague as much as you do the Devourer. :p


07-03-04, 22:10
yup, bat plague is why I won't poke, res or build in P1 right now.

07-03-04, 22:23
*goes to TH to get poked, rep, cst, research* God I love being a Angel :D

Psyco Groupie
07-03-04, 22:40
Originally posted by Alashandra_D.
Pft, it's being tweaked.

Soon you'll be complaining about the Bat Plague as much as you do the Devourer. :p



dev is too strong .. if the plague was anything near the 'old/proper dev' .. oh my

07-03-04, 22:45
U Serious?

like a Dev effect?

that would move tradeskillers on Saturn to cstclub

07-03-04, 22:46
Originally posted by Haxxor
U Serious?

like a Dev effect?

that would move tradeskillers on Saturn to cstclub

It was more of a dig at the way people react to anything that kills them in safezones, but....eh. ;)

I don't know the details, but as shown in the past....do you honestly believe the plague is going to stay this weak forever?


Psyco Groupie
07-03-04, 23:01
Does it affect npcs ? would be funny if it killed npcs so no-one can buy antidote .. when its strong poison :)

08-03-04, 00:11
Originally posted by Alashandra_D.
do you honestly believe the plague is going to stay this weak forever?


So your saying its building up to some big event? :D

Zu (Pluto)
08-03-04, 00:31
I keep telling you people - the only way to beat the plague is to take action ourselves and kill it at the source. This means we need to (a) wipe out the bats in OZ6 and (b) kill that Bat Queen down the OZ sewers until it stops coming back.

A cure is not going to work, because the plague will just come back stronger. To stop the plague we have to kill all the bats in the city. All I ask is everyone just put about 5-10 minutes each week into killing bats in the OZ. It's not much, and I tell you it can and will make a difference.


08-03-04, 01:02
lol ur really hungry for RP

Bat Queen ? i thought it was at Cristal Cave ?

08-03-04, 01:06
Originally posted by Zu (Pluto)
(b) kill that Bat Queen down the OZ sewers
gimme a more accurate location and I'll kill that bitch

Shadow Dancer
08-03-04, 01:12
There's a bat queen in oz sewers?


08-03-04, 01:12
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
There's a bat queen in oz sewers?


In the secret spot next to the hidden door in the lil niche of the forgotten passage.

08-03-04, 02:13
Originally posted by Alashandra_D.
Soon you'll be complaining about the Bat Plague as much as you do the Devourer.
I think one single stack should be enough to kill you, unless you heal yourself or take anti-psn.

08-03-04, 09:52
Do i sense a use for those datacubes picked up from the Anarchy Breed posion event?

Shit, i didnt get one, lol

Its gonna be a cool hackers paradise when it gets stonger :p :D w00t


08-03-04, 09:54
Originally posted by Tratos
Do i sense a use for those datacubes picked up from the Anarchy Breed posion event?

Shit, i didnt get one, lol

Its gonna be a cool hackers paradise when it gets stonger :p :D w00t



I still have datacube number 8 from that event. and a biosignature cube.

hope its another resist chip.. then i can pull out that bloody berserk 3 chips.. its making me a mad man o_O

08-03-04, 12:28
hope the cubes should be used:D

08-03-04, 13:28
first time ive heard of this plague in plaza 1, but im crahn so never there, and on pluto, dont know if its on this server, nice to see some proper role playing in the game

Original monk
08-03-04, 13:52
i relogged 20 times for that plague thinking it was yet another stupid bug lol :P

now i get it yeah :P

08-03-04, 15:00
the rat "GM" normally runs through all the plazas

08-03-04, 15:56
Rat? i thought it was being spread from person to person and isnt it a 'bat' plague :p


08-03-04, 16:01
Where is OZ sewer?

08-03-04, 17:13
If I can be spread by person to person what makes you think it can't be spread around by Rats as well?

Rats are known distributors of the plague.


08-03-04, 20:08
It's pretty desperate for an event, especially since most people don't know why they're suddenly poisoned, or what they're meant to do about it.

AND STUPIDEST OF ALL, the plague can be cured with the antidote spell, but you can't pull the antidote spell out in Plaza because some idiot designer accidentally classed it as a weapon!

*tries pull out spell*
COPBOT: Drop that weapon!
SPY: *splutter* (dies)

08-03-04, 20:15
Originally posted by metalangel
*tries pull out spell*
COPBOT: Drop that weapon!
SPY: *splutter* (dies) True, except for the part about the Spy death. Hehe. My constructor has 100% of his Con (which is low mind you) in his Athletics, and he could outheal NATURALLY a stack of two bat plagues. :)

Zu (Pluto)
08-03-04, 21:11
Originally posted by Exmond
Where is OZ sewer?
The OZ sewer entrances can be found in.... the OZ!

Actually, there is one entrance in PP3 where the mutants hang out (don't kill them if you want to keep your SL - please don't ask). There are several other entrances scattered throughout the OZ that leads into the main sewers.

Due to the Neocron City power generators out there, there's a few stray singularities playing havoc with time/space in the OZ so don't be surprised if you mysteriously teleport around whilst exploring the sewers (i.e. it's a wee bit buggy zoning). Some doors need hacking to get through, but you can get around all of them via other entrances.

All this bat killing only helps a bit. What we will have to do eventually is organise a proper clean-out of the sewers and kill everything that flies and/or spits toxins down it. And that means a proper quarantine of ALL sewer entrances while it is in progress. That includes sewers in Plaza and VR and PP. I know they don't connect properly to the OZ but they do connect - just not in a way that allows runners to travel. The bats can travel though so during the Big Clean we'll have to set guards on all sewers to stop people from leaving until it's all done. Then, everyone leaving can be cured by PPUs or drugged with nice drugs. It's going to a big operation so it's not much point doing it until we know exactly where everything we need to kill are.

This plague affects us all so it'll be nice if clans can get organised and make little sterilisation trips out into the OZ. Perhaps there can be a limited NAP out there for the time being until this plague is cleaned up?


08-03-04, 21:41
You do know that it's just GM's set on invisible mode casting spells on people randomly, don't you?

Zu (Pluto)
08-03-04, 22:37
occ: I know that's how it's implemented since there isn't a game mechanic for infections. But there is a rhyme and reason to it, which I actually know. But it doesn't mean we can't make a difference by RPing and carrying out events, etc. And there are odd stuff introduced/spawned in bits and pieces that are easy to miss if you blink. Most of the implementation of story is via GMs and FCs, who play the game and therefore see what's going on, and adjust events/storyline accordingly. Let's not let the limited implementation limit the story events!

08-03-04, 22:39
I started screaming, Reeza's Plague is apon us! etc etc... then I died... got rezzed... screamed some more propaganda and fell down dead again, I think a GM is trying to say somthing :rolleyes:

Zu (Pluto)
08-03-04, 22:45
Well, I have always suspected that the kami terrorist attacks and now this bat plague is actually engineered by the CA.

Let's look at it. CA has the resources to design and carry out these "attacks" which scare the population so bad they continue to turn to NCPD for protection. Certainly, other factions have the means to design these attacks, but to carry them out in NC city itself? In Safe Zones? Only Reeza has the capability to do that. Only Reeza.


08-03-04, 23:13
Sorry but having something other than the same old people, the same old sounds, the same
old uneventfulness of the plazas is a nice breath of fresh air.

Holy Shit!! A Bat flying around PLaza!
Holy Crap a Rat running around Plaza!
Holy Shit I rubbed up against That Freaky Silver Haired person (MetalAngel) and got a disease!


And the GMs actually care enough about you guys/gals to try and make the game a little more
interesting for you heathans.... lol.

Some of you people amaze me...

You complain when there isn't any content, then you complain when there is.


09-03-04, 00:21
I have TWO biosignature chips... I just hope I can use them in some sort of event (KK - notice that not everyone that has biosignature chips are on at same time...)

And yes, zu, I'd be more than happy to help, provided I survive finals week. Mmm... Mainsewers... gawd, I love going around in that spot...

09-03-04, 00:49
Only Plazas? Thats funny, i got the plague fighting in pp1....:wtf:

And my clan member got it standing in the Clanapp in TH...8| .. turns out it was Thanatos testing a new poison spell:D

09-03-04, 01:45
Zu, ive been through main sewer sectors 3 to 6, 7 is blocked by hack door, though you told me you didnt need to get though them.

which main sewer sector is it in?

Zu (Pluto)
09-03-04, 22:52
There are several entrances to the Mainsewers and between them you can reach just about the entire sewer (except that little bit in 6, I think, that's between 2 sets of locked doors).

Anyway, I didn't see anything bad down there last night when I went for a wander (except for this crazy mob of mutants, but that's another story). But there were all these volunteers hard at work in OZ6 giving the bats a good cleaning - mainly BD but there was a nice Tangent spy there too with a scary rifle. Maybe our efforts have pushed them back into hiding?

Did a quick survey of PP streets and after questioning 15 individuals it seems like we've had some effect - no sign of the Bat Plague yesterday. So everyone should keep up the good work!


10-03-04, 00:54
i cleared out OZ6 on saturn last night... thats where i entered the sewers from