View Full Version : Star Wars Kid!!!!!!!!!!!

07-03-04, 04:44
OMG this is too funny my mate sent me this link and i was on the floor laughing.

martix reloading special star THE STAR WARS KID!!!!!!!!

STAR WARS KId!!!!!!!!!!!!! (http://movies.flabber.nl/starwars.kid.reloaded/star.wars.kid.reloaded.wmv)

ps- plz dont close or ban me again :rolleyes:

im sure no one will find this offensive

07-03-04, 04:49
saved :D

that dude needs a new connection to earth... he´s waaaay up in the skies ;)

07-03-04, 04:50
I have seen it a million times and laugh every freakin time....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Ah...... *wipes away tears* .....classic.

07-03-04, 04:52
there is a other one ive seen its got him in lord of the rings :lol:

its so funny:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

07-03-04, 04:52
thats old but hilarious i pity that kid lol

07-03-04, 04:53
the kid has been trying to sue the people whos doing this but his failed :P

i heard he did that when he was like 15 now his 17 and its still going ahahahah

07-03-04, 05:16
Originally posted by ZoomZoom
the kid has been trying to sue the people whos doing this but his failed :P

i heard he did that when he was like 15 now his 17 and its still going ahahahah

hes got alot of money and items out of this, including a signed lightsaber by the guy who played darth maul in episode one

but he also had to move to a differnet city and take psycology classes beucase he got pretty messed up mentally from everything...

07-03-04, 05:16
hahahahahaha star wars kid merc i wana get the thong

SWK (http://www.cafeshops.com/jedimaster/149768)

07-03-04, 05:48
I feel sorry for that kid. I think the court should order that video be removed from the internet. When it messes someone up like this it's just cruel. I mean he is 17 for fucks sake. Leave the poor guy alone!

Mr Friendly
07-03-04, 06:21
lol, omg...do u not know how old that video is?.....

07-03-04, 06:22
Originally posted by Benjie
I feel sorry for that kid. I think the court should order that video be removed from the internet. When it messes someone up like this it's just cruel. I mean he is 17 for fucks sake. Leave the poor guy alone!

hahahahahaha! If that kid was in nc i'd so ask him what he thought of it, and then gank him later in the aggie cellars. That would be my approximation of FUNNEH!

07-03-04, 06:36
ZoomZoom..Got any alternative links?

Wont work for me. :confused:

07-03-04, 06:37

thats the link its self

i got no others sorry

07-03-04, 06:41
Nuts...Still wont work.

ill take your word for it being funny, anyway. :D

Shadow Dancer
07-03-04, 07:01
Originally posted by Invertigo
including a signed lightsaber by the guy who played darth maul in episode one

Omg really?

That's pretty cool.

I feel bad for him too. Maybe he should change his hair and lose some weight, so no one will recognise him. :p

07-03-04, 07:43
yeah i agree that the star wars kid crap needs to stop. when he needs a shrink and has to move to a new city to be able to deal with it, that's just cruel and wrong.

07-03-04, 09:07
His fat giggling makes me dizzy.

But yet, it mezmorizes at the same time...

07-03-04, 11:07
what the fuck is that geezer doing....lol, never seen that one, its pretty good. especially that bit where he runs at the camera.

07-03-04, 13:15
poor dewd, dunno wtf is funny about someone being forced to play wit a jedi warrior.....

but it makes me laugh

07-03-04, 14:21
the funniest part is the constipated look on his face

.. he looks so serious

07-03-04, 15:15
SWK Never gets old! I've seen it so many times, and always end up laughing my ass off.

07-03-04, 17:21
Originally posted by Vampire222
poor dewd, dunno wtf is funny about someone being forced to play wit a jedi warrior.....

he wasnt forced

he was recording himself doing this or soemthing....

07-03-04, 17:57
Originally posted by NS_CHROME54
yeah i agree that the star wars kid crap needs to stop. when he needs a shrink and has to move to a new city to be able to deal with it, that's just cruel and wrong.

No it isn't, it makes it even funnier.

Psyco Groupie
07-03-04, 17:58
Originally posted by Cricket_Eater
No it isn't, it makes it even funnier.

The guys who released the video got sued .. so i'd say it were farily serious.

07-03-04, 18:26
Hey, if you're stupid enough to leave the tape laying around.......

07-03-04, 18:27
it's really not that funny once you've seen it 500 times =\

07-03-04, 19:28


07-03-04, 19:30
The Kid got the last laugh.

When the footage reached it's media heights (and I mean it was on the 6 O'Clock News) a copy landed on dear old GL's desk.

George, instantly feeling sorry for the poor bloke then offered him a minor role as one of the Jedi in the background in the forthcoming Episode III.

On the subject of his law suits. The 3 boys responsible for distributing the footage of the poor little shite on the internet were charged by police for deliberately causing harm by embarassment.

So the kid hasn't done too bad out of this.

Shadow Dancer
07-03-04, 20:26
Originally posted by ]v[ortice
The Kid got the last laugh.

When the footage reached it's media heights (and I mean it was on the 6 O'Clock News) a copy landed on dear old GL's desk.

George, instantly feeling sorry for the poor bloke then offered him a minor role as one of the Jedi in the background in the forthcoming Episode III.

On the subject of his law suits. The 3 boys responsible for distributing the footage of the poor little shite on the internet were charged by police for deliberately causing harm by embarassment.

So the kid hasn't done too bad out of this.

whoa, he offered him a minor role?

Is that true? If so, that's a kickass thing that GL did.

That kid better take it. :D

Psyco Groupie
07-03-04, 20:35
Originally posted by Cricket_Eater
Hey, if you're stupid enough to leave the tape laying around.......

It was stolen from a cabinate in his school

Shadow Dancer
07-03-04, 20:41
Originally posted by Psyco Groupie
It was stolen from a cabinate in his school

Not to mention the fact that he's HUMAN and is prone to making mistakes just like everyone else.