View Full Version : Running to Death

05-03-04, 16:44
So i spend time making sure my resists are pretty good ... and my athletics and agilty are awsome .... and i still cant figure this one out

I C and enemy tank ..... Start shooting he runs .... Put gun away and chase ... catch him .... pull gun .. nd this goes on for a few minutes ... Then we hit sync line and he is gone .....

Yet When I am the victim I always get the feeling the tanks is right behind me wielding his gun .... I turn corners and its still the same ... I have no idea ...

What I am doin wrong ?

05-03-04, 16:51
The enemy tank could be exploiting a number of bugs with sync lines.

Your FPS can effect your runspeed.

Stamina boosters.

More agility = faster so if you have 700 and he has 100 your stuffed.

Carrying more than have your possible load can slow you down.

05-03-04, 16:55
I must admit that I tinkered with some of the settings in the ini files and I started running a lot slower - so I can only assume I'd had managed to mess up my FPS..

On that basis, try lowering a few detail settings and see if it makes any difference.

05-03-04, 16:58
Originally posted by Siygess
I must admit that I tinkered with some of the settings in the ini files and I started running a lot slower - so I can only assume I'd had managed to mess up my FPS..

On that basis, try lowering a few detail settings and see if it makes any difference.

hmm that's quite odd

why the hell would they make FPS affect run speed....o_O

fucking weird game

05-03-04, 17:01
Main FPS killers are Dynamic lighting and Vegetation detail.

Until the move to DX9 i strongly recommend you lower Vegetation detail to 0%.

05-03-04, 17:01
Heh, I can only assume that it's not intentional :D

05-03-04, 17:03
are you sure you run faster server side and not just client side when you alter your FPS?

maybe it just looks like you're running faster on your screen since everything's more fluid with higher FPS, however everyone else sees you as the same

also don't forget that with the netcode / lag in some places of the world people will often appear to be really far away, but they're actually right up your ass

so you're porbably starting to run away too late and they're actually closer to you than they appear

05-03-04, 18:40
Easy that one crest - this game has massive client side prediction.

You are as uk player and i guess sub 50 ping.

They are on 200-300 ping.

You turn and run around them.

According to the the slower conn, you are still on their screen, and havent travelled around to the back of them yet.
So they shoot you repeatedly, and their client says 'woot hit him rawr!'

client tells the server - server says 'oki doki' and sends the damage to your client.

so you run around the back of them and suddenly die.

annoying isnt it?


Psyco Groupie
05-03-04, 18:57
Get a laser cannon and/or shit talk about them running on ooc

08-03-04, 10:07
Originally posted by evs
Easy that one crest - this game has massive client side prediction.

You are as uk player and i guess sub 50 ping.

They are on 200-300 ping.

You turn and run around them.

According to the the slower conn, you are still on their screen, and havent travelled around to the back of them yet.
So they shoot you repeatedly, and their client says 'woot hit him rawr!'

client tells the server - server says 'oki doki' and sends the damage to your client.

so you run around the back of them and suddenly die.

annoying isnt it?


Is this the Case .. .Cause hey I am all for FAIR Game .... I will check my FPS tonight and compare ....

How can someone be good at PvP when they up against this kind of wall ?

08-03-04, 10:09
I know exactly what you mean :

"when you chase.. they run away"

"when they chase.. they are right on your neck"

then you get to a good zone.. and its the other way around..

(in short : I am a believer in the FPS makes you faster theory)

Vid Gamer
08-03-04, 10:12
Hm, maybe it just seems like that when you're the victim when he's doing the same thing? :p

08-03-04, 10:13
Originally posted by ZoneVortex
hmm that's quite odd

why the hell would they make FPS affect run speed....o_O

fucking weird game

fps effects everything in this game...or atleast it used to..

it used to effect the speed of vehicles...im not sure if it still does...it most likely does...

it effects runspeed...

it effects how fast you shoot your gun...

it effects pretty much everything important and tha it shouldnt effect...

its called shitty coding

08-03-04, 10:16
Could we get something on this subject from KK ... Not about shitty coding as I am sure you guys right good code ... but on FPS and the eefect of having lower FPS in pVp ....

How do 56k users work then ....

08-03-04, 10:18
it isnīt everyone who has shit fps during combat..

but then again, never the less.. we will all get FPS boosts with DoY.

08-03-04, 13:36
i ran with my tank to test the fps = speed thing

capped frames @ 75 with v/sync

1st person point A to B = 10.5 secs
3rd person point A to B = 10.5 secs

One thing i did find though earlier on, was that i could jump onto boxes in 3rd person mode that i couldnt in 1st person

frames uncapped 250 fps

1st person A to B = 10.5 secs
3rd person A to B = 10.5 secs

so from your own personal point of view, i think it doesnt make any difference.

i'll test with someone else timing me tonight to see if im quicker to them.

another thing i noticed was that the footsteps were much quicker on 1st person mode than on 3rd person, and i wonder if the animations are just 'faster' when you are in 1st person....

ah well ill test n find out

08-03-04, 22:39
I wouldn't trust the validity of those tests. Both cases you had FPS that is way beyond the nominal level for most people, and beyond the true capability of the engine.

09-03-04, 01:14
there's whole studies about how one resolution made you jump further than another in quake...
Could be something like that....

09-03-04, 02:18
It's not just a case of the higher your FPS the higher your runspeed. Simply, at low FPS, mostly < 15, the client starts to act up and makes you run slower, your weapons fire slower, etc. So it's not really that more FPS makes you run faster really, just that very low FPS will make your client do weird things.

Shadow Dancer
09-03-04, 02:21
Damn this game has really bad netcode. :(

09-03-04, 03:43
hey evs how do you uncap your FPS like that? i think i have vsync but i have no idea what it does...so it caps your FPS?