View Full Version : GR's in UG's

05-03-04, 15:27
I think that Out post undergrounds should have Gr's

This is mainly becuase of two reasons

1) Constructors and Researchers should be able to go to and from outposts their clans own without having to run out of the GR to possible OP attack and certain death

2) When you die in an OP fight defending one of your op's, have you ever wanted to go straight back into the fight? This can be done with a gr in the UG. You release to the UG, grab your stuff from the GR in the UG without having to go to the GR half a mile down the road through countless enemies wanting to kill you. wait for your SI to drop. Then if you can get poked by a clan poker then cool, otherwise go make a difference up top.

I just think it is silly that you have to gr back to another op to get your stuff from the gr and get poked up before going back into the fight. This would make OP fights alot more fun than they are now.

Any oppinions on this please :)

Psyco Groupie
05-03-04, 15:31
hmmm - that would stop the need for people to leave the ug if the op gets taken over, but i do agree you should either spawn in the ug with your stuff or some way of retrieving it

05-03-04, 15:52

simply because imo its like a long zone orgy already while you`re hacking the op...at least you can be sure if you manage to kill one of embefore he zones back that he`s outta the fight.. if you could get your stuff back in the ug it would like never end...

maybe when the turrets got fixed.. but not before


05-03-04, 16:04
Originally posted by .Cyl0n

.. if you could get your stuff back in the ug it would like never end...

once the OPs hacked, they wont be able to spawn at the underground GR anyway

05-03-04, 16:07
Originally posted by Zaq
once the OPs hacked, they wont be able to spawn at the underground GR anyway

yea but imo this can take long..just think about what you can do with turrets...

05-03-04, 16:09
they're changing the turrets alledgedly

i vote YES because its dumb that you can spawn there without a GR

05-03-04, 16:10
i heared that but i dont believe it till retail is really patched ;)

05-03-04, 18:59
I say yes. The people who GR back still have to get pokes and put all their stuff back in place before they go fight.

And as already said, you can't GR to the UG once the op is hacked.

Athon Solo

05-03-04, 19:12
Well, IMO, better solution would be a disabled GR, one that you cant use to GR out, and simply allows you to retrieve backpacks.

But , in reality its actually no different to release to appt, grab BP and then GR back to op, you still only have SI from the death release.

Just is a bit slower.

05-03-04, 19:25
would like it if the gr's allowed you only to gr out and not get backpacks.

05-03-04, 19:40
No way. As people have said it would allow backpack recovery in the UG.

Plus it would be an easy escape for all those people who fight in op wars like it is a pepper fight. Zoneing in and out then end up getting stuck down there after the op is taken.

05-03-04, 19:45
all you do when you die is.. GR 2 ya apt grab ya shit.. GR 2 ya Op ;)

Its the same ammount of Si aswell..

So i voted No..

Its the same reason as the gogu i guess.. it would be nice, and think a gogu would be logical.. as the Op holders should have the upper hand

05-03-04, 20:24
gogo's outside the op i vote for i had to run into the ff owned op to change my wrecked belt

06-03-04, 00:21
wanna know what I want? No zones....

kinda like the only other MMOG I have played so far, oh and planetside.

Project Entropia, has no zones

Planetside, technically has no zones

06-03-04, 00:44
Originally posted by Ascention
all you do when you die is.. GR 2 ya apt grab ya shit.. GR 2 ya Op ;)

Its the same ammount of Si aswell..

How'd you work that one out? It's double the SI you twit! You have the SI from death and from GRing from your apt to your op.

I also agree with making it so you can't GR out. This shouldn't be too hard to do since this is already in practice with the newbie MC5.

Athon Solo