View Full Version : Attrition damage turrets?

04-03-04, 03:46
I got this little idea from Rise of Nations, and I figure it'd be a nifty thing to have so that op owners could get a bit of an advantage when defending their territory.

Basically what they would do is create a field that would be large enough to encompass the entire op, and maybe a bit outside of the op (distance limit being maybe the op GR), and it would cause gradual damage to all enemy faction units (perhaps 6 damage per tick that's not affected by resists), with damage stacking depending on how many turrets you have) while not harming friendly units. There could also be an option to make it so they do or don't harm neutral units.

On the same token, I think it would be cool if there could be defensive field turrets that would reduce any damage taken from enemy units by 20-30%.

Naturally if they even thought about implimenting this there would have to be a lot of tweaks and changes, but I figured I'd throw this idea out to see what others think.

Vid Gamer
04-03-04, 04:05
If implemented, only one should be able to be placed at a time with no stacks, but even with that I think they would make taking OPs very hard with a clan that had the damage dealer and the damage reducer.

EDIT: One as in one of each.

04-03-04, 04:26
In theory there's already a turret that does something like this...the artillery turret. It only goes for one person of course, but if it actually (shock and horror) shot over things like an artillery turret should then it would do the same job on a smaller scale.

New turrets would be fine, but I'd prefer they looked at fixing existing ones first (and the turret/op system in general).

04-03-04, 04:32
The hacker is supposed to hack how now?

gee 6 damage a tick and no resists to that damage?

Lets see battle damage + hacker trying ot hack = dead hacker.


Great idea if it didn't effect the hackers... but yeah..

04-03-04, 04:39
If they're ninja hacking they'll have taken out the turret anyway. If they're not ninja hacking you'd expect someone with a heal spell to be kicking about :)

Vid Gamer
04-03-04, 04:41
Originally posted by MrChumble
New turrets would be fine, but I'd prefer they looked at fixing existing ones first (and the turret/op system in general).

MrChumble pretty much hit the nail on the head here...

04-03-04, 05:38
Originally posted by Exmond
The hacker is supposed to hack how now?

gee 6 damage a tick and no resists to that damage?

Lets see battle damage + hacker trying ot hack = dead hacker.


Great idea if it didn't effect the hackers... but yeah..

Simple. Either have a large enough team to take out the turrets, or have a PPU to heal the hackers. Hell, even a PE with Heal and Heal Sanctum could outheal that.

I agree that current turrets need to be fixed though.

04-03-04, 06:32
i don't care about NC anymore but Rise of Nations all the way WOOHOO

can we get supply wagons in NC? eh?

Vid Gamer
04-03-04, 06:57
Whatever happened to FoM. ;)

Alex The Great
04-03-04, 07:36
Rise of nations is hella fun!

04-03-04, 11:42
OOooo can we have it so if you're about to lose a fight you just launch all your nukes so everybody loses? :p

Psyco Groupie
04-03-04, 11:44
so you want aoe and ppus cos you cant aoe or heal yourself ?

04-03-04, 11:50
What will happen to drones in this scenario?