View Full Version : Favorite Anime! ^.^

03-03-04, 10:20
Well I would like to know everyones favorite anime. I ask though not to post a huge list of your favorite anime, just a simple list and possibly a description of why you like the anime or something about the anime please.. :)
Well here are a few of my favorites:

Hoshi no Koe:
This is a really good anime, it is 1 episode long but if I am correct this was made by 1 single person on his computer.. It is 2D/3D anime that is one of the biggest factors i love this anime. Well and how its story works. ^_^ It is a drama anime and has mecha in it. Which is another reason i love the anime! :) I have a really hard time explaning this anime because of how emotional it is and the story is just outstanding so if you ever get a chance WATCH this anime! Not in its english form either! You wont even get a fraction of the actual feeling and emotion you would get from the Original voices, actually this anime had the the creators(Shinkai Makoto) and his fiancees(?) voice.. then it was redubbed for other peoples voices.. I honestly dont know if there is an english version but if there is stay away from it and watch the Original one or the "redubbed" one both hav ea very emotional feeling to them.. :) It is only 25 minutes long though.. :(

Sentou Yousei Yukikaze:
This is another really good anime for the fact it is almost comletely all 3DCG animation.. :) that is all that really matters to me in this anime but I do like the story but I wont explain it.. Just watch it if you like 3DCG and airplanes and aliens.. :P This is only 5 episodes long.. :)

Hitsuji no Uta:
This is anothe drama anime but a wonderful anime! It is abotu aboy named Koujou Kazuna and his family has a strange "illness".. His family basically "desires" other peoples blood.. Koujou is forced to either struggle or give into his desire for blood. Well I wont say anymore but it is good and I recommend seeing it if you like "dramatic" anime.. It is only 4 episodes long though.. :)

Juubei-chan: Lovely Gantai no Himitsu:
That is an action/comedy anime so it really isnt one of my personal favorites but Id o enjoy it a bit.. A girl named Jiyu Nanohana who just moved to a new town runs into a disciple of Yagyu Jubei who gives her the "lovely eyepatch" Which grants her the power of Yagyu Jubei who was a legendary swordman and who has to fight assassin of rival ninja clans... :) Ok well this is abad description but it is an ok anime I would recommend watching it.. It is only 13 episodes long. ^_^

Well these are a few of my favorite maybe I will list some more if this thread becomes active.. :) Since most dont know me very well I would like to say That I NEVER Recommend seeing an anime with english seiyuu (Voice talents).. Anyway LiST YOU FAVORITESS!! PlEAse!! ^.^

03-03-04, 11:03
My favourite anime at this moment is Naruto. Naruto just pwns.

03-03-04, 11:10
They playing exel saga on sci-fi in england at 5.30am and I have been really getting into that recently. :p
Other than that; macross plus I like a lot.

03-03-04, 11:13
fav. serie: saber raider and the star sheriffs (dont hit me)
film: Armitage III

03-03-04, 11:20
Originally posted by Hoernerice
fav. serie: saber raider and the star sheriffs (dont hit me)
film: Armitage III

That is an OLD anime but it is really good.. :) That would be Saber Riders I am taLking about.. :P

I forgot to mention FOR ANYONE WHO DOES NOT LIKE ANIME DO NOT POST IN MY THREAD! I DO NOT WANT TO HEAR IT! If you dont like it why are you even in my thread?? :P

Psyco Groupie
03-03-04, 11:31
is naruto animated episodes ? everytime i search for it i get really crap comic strips O.o

03-03-04, 11:37
3x3 Eyes, best and first anime i ever saw, also fist of the north star owned.

03-03-04, 11:42
Naruto is really great... cant wait for EP 73 ...
(Sabaku Kyuu... Sabaku SouSou - Gaara rocks! :D )

But Gunslinger Girl is also good. :angel:

03-03-04, 11:49
ATM I think that Hellsing is the best, I haven't seen too much of anime yet though.

"In the name of god, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen."

03-03-04, 12:09
Originally posted by Psyco Groupie
is naruto animated episodes ? everytime i search for it i get really crap comic strips O.o

Yes there is animated episodes.. :) But the Manga is far greater than the anime.. :p

03-03-04, 12:10
Damn right Oath, 3x3 eyes absolutely rocks! I really must replace my old VHS copy of the series with the DVD release. Shame the dubbing is different though..

Oh, and from the few episodes that I've seen, Naruto is pretty good too :)

03-03-04, 12:21
hmm lets see series : Naruto, Vandread, Hack// tasagore no udewa densetsu (sp?) and Hellsing (i could mention more but you don't want me to so hehe)
film: Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and both Vampire hunter D

03-03-04, 12:30
Originally posted by Lathuc
hmm lets see series : Naruto, Vandread, Hack// tasagore no udewa densetsu (sp?) and Hellsing (i could mention more but you don't want me to so hehe)
film: Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away and both Vampire hunter D
if you liked Princess Mononoke, and Spirited Away try kiki delevery service.
also my all time fav is and will always be bio-booster armor guyver

03-03-04, 13:40
I like so much anime it's hard to list any above others . lol
I'll just name some that I'm currently watching or just finished.

Tsukihime (http://www.geneon-ent.co.jp/rondorobe/anime/tsukihime/)

Cyber Team in Akihabara (http://www.animetric.com/abc/ctia.html)

One Piece (http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/reviews/display.php?id=326)

Urusei Yatsura (http://www.animeigo.com/Products/UY.t)

Key - The Metal Idol (http://pierrot.jp/title/key/)

Tenshi na Konamaiki (http://www.animefringe.com/magazine/02.08/feature/6/index.php3)

Whisper Of the Heart (http://utd500.utdallas.edu/~hairston/whisper.html)

Maison Ikkoku (http://www.csua.berkeley.edu/~leon/mi/)

Well I guess I should stop cause I could go on and on and on :p

03-03-04, 14:03
Not sure about a best anime as it depends on my mood, but Neon Genesis Evangelion stands out mostly because it was the first anime I saw :)

Rurouni Kenshin has excellent characters and interactions, and a lovely clean style; it's usually the anime I show people new to anime as it's fun and accessable but without all the stupid ecchi crap.

Paranoia Agent (only onto Ep3 so far) is shaping up to be something pretty special, sexcellent style and fairly gritty plotline.

As mentioned, Naruto is getting very good, holding my breath right now for ep 73. How can you go wrong with Ninjas ninjaing each other ninja style (unless it's over an OP :)).

I love Hikaru no Go, but it's a bit odd for western audiences, how many of us sit down and play Go of an evening, let alone want to see an anime where minutes at a time are just animated Go matches...Kind of a Love or Loath it anime.

DBZ has a special place in my heart simply because it has about 400 episodes of which two are outstandingly blazingly excellent and could contend for best episode of anything ever, and the other 398 are useless padding.

Giant Robo is an older one that I like, although I've only ever seen the dub. Really digs into the father/son mentor/pupil relationship stuff that the Japanese seem to love so much. Lots of raw emotion and anger, with a fairly comic style.

Saw Spirited Away the other day, thought it was brilliant.

Currently watching Full Metal Alchemist; it's as good as you'd expect from a Full Metal series.

Infinite Ryvius, pretty darn good, very underrated anime.

Gonna have to stop now, I have 2TB of anime and more ££ worth than I'm gonna admit to, I could go on all day :)

03-03-04, 14:06

03-03-04, 14:09
Originally posted by Finl

That is awfully helpful.. :)

03-03-04, 14:17
-Mahoromatic : begins with nice comedy then slowly turns into a drama.One of my favorites.
Rahxephon: nice story,beatifull drawing style... truly one of the best series around
-Kiddy Grade: Dunno,just like the character Eclair :)
-Gundam Seed : first gundam i actually enjoyed.

Recent anime : Gunslinger Girl,Chrno Crusade,Ghost in the shell : stand alone complex both gigs.

Movies/ova, i liked Armitage 3,Hoshi no koe,Spirited Away a lot .
Then theres battle angel alita a nice cyberpunk anime of 3 eps.

Well those were the first that come to mind.

03-03-04, 14:21
OK - I don't think I have ever watched any Anime in my life and so many peeps tell me I should.

Soooo, where do I start ? Hell, I don't even know any questions to ask :D Is there anything good for the un-initiated? :)

03-03-04, 14:21
Akira still stands as the best one I ever seen, Ghost in the Shell was fantastic too.

The whole Robotech series was pretty cool too.

03-03-04, 14:28
Well got a few so....

Love Hina- Its still tied with Maburaho for number 1. I just cant help but crack up when Keitaro gets sent into the stratosphere.

Maburaho- Same old girls around boy deal, but with magic! Sometimes its weird but other times its the right mix of comedy/romance.

Kanon- Basically a guy visiting home town after 7 years. Romance and comedy happens....Its just good so not gonna say anymore ;)

Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien- Very good romanace/drama story. Its rarely funny enough to make you crack up. Its more of a story of love, betrayal, and deals with a ex-girlfriend waking up after 3 years in a coma.

03-03-04, 15:05
For series my favorite is Ranma 1/2, followed by Gunsmith Cats(all 3 episodes) and Saiyuki.

Movies I would have to say Vampire hunter D and Venus Wars.

Anime that I own and enjoy would be a long list, but some thing I havent noticed people mention would be Cowbow Bebop, Chobits (I just recently started collecting this) Magic Knights Rayearth, slayers, blueseed, Record of the lodoss war, Trigun (just got the boxed set, finally) and I have the first DvD to Nuku-Nuku, I want more but for some reason the local place doesn't carry it. I have the first 2 DvDs to boogie pop phantom, but I couldn't really get into it.

I also have alot of Viz VHS like Fatal Fury and my first 2 seasons of Ranma (which I rebought on DvD), a couple of Pioneer Techi LDs, and a ton of Us Manga Corps VHS stuff (Like my first copy of Venus wars [which I also rebought on DvD] and Wrath of the Ninja)

I've been collecting anime since middle school (I'm about to graduate college, if thats an indication) and I work on otakon staff. Although, in my own little elitist way it depresses me to see how mainstream anime is today...

leGit v. 2
03-03-04, 15:07
down with the hentai finl i feel you... HENTAI OWNS YOUR LITTLE ANIME SHITS..

03-03-04, 15:14
let me get this straight...

Hentai = Cartoon Porn O_o

if you get your frillies off over cartoons you need definate psychiatric care.... :p

leGit v. 2
03-03-04, 15:15
its not the cartoon part.. its the moaning and how wet that shit gets.. DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

03-03-04, 15:16
Serial Experiments Lain (it was cool :) )
Ninja Scroll
Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex
Rurouni Kenshin

Runouni Kenshin, havent read other mangas too much..

Spirited Away (really awesome)
Rurouni Kenshin
Ninja Scroll

03-03-04, 15:18
Originally posted by leGit v. 2
its not the cartoon part.. its the moaning and how wet that shit gets.. DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

ROFL! :lol::lol::lol:

Real pron is still better :p

leGit v. 2
03-03-04, 15:19
=P :lol:

03-03-04, 15:19
Ok here is my other list of favorite anime!!

This is abotu a secret organisation called Akham that looks for relics of the past but they find one that in turkey they think is part of "Noah's Ark." The relic however kills the team of explorers. The US Military and Akham start to fight over the relic, Akham has super soldiers called "Spriggans" and the US military has super humans too.. Ominae Yuu is a Spriggan who is sent to "defeat" the US militaries super human soldiers and whoever else is trying to get the relic.. It is a good anime but the ending is not to impressive.. :)

Shadow Skill:
This anime is about people who are fighters that want to be the greatest fighters in the world.. A boy named Gau Ban dreams oif this more than anyone.. His sister Elle, him and there companions battle for master of the "Shadow Skill".. It is about 26 episodes long... :P There is a Shadow skill OVA too..:)

Gatekeepers 21:
This is an OVA that takes place 32 years after the original Gatekeepers anime.. In the original they removed the invaders from earth but 32 years later they invadars are starting to reappear.. Ayane Isuzu who is part of A.E.G.I.S recruits a girl named Miu Manaduru who has the ability to use a "gate" like Ayane to stop the invaders.. A.E.G.I.S that was created to stop the invaders in the original Gatekeepers. This is really good anime.. It is way to short for how good it REALLY is.. Miu Manaduru though whines alot in it.. :) It is only 6 episodes long.. :(

This is a really good movie so everyone should see this movie! ^_^

This anime is about a man named Brandon heat who is "was" part of a crime syndicate called the Millenium Group.. Who is betrayed by his friend Harry McDowel in the syndicate and killed the boss of the Syndicate "Big Daddy" then killed Brandon, afterwards he killed Brandons girlfriend Asagi Maria.. Brandon was brought back to life by a man named Dr.T.. Brandon now known as "Beyond the Grave" seeks only revenge on the syndicate and Harry McDowel.. He uses two guns called Cerberos and carries a coffin on his back that has a bunch of armaments in it.. :)

Magic Knights Rayearth, slayers, blueseed, Record of the lodoss war, Trigun

hehe I own them all on DvD.. INcludeing all the slayers series.. :)

03-03-04, 15:20
i get tired from watching pr0n O_o

03-03-04, 15:21
Originally posted by GT_Rince
OK - I don't think I have ever watched any Anime in my life and so many peeps tell me I should.

Soooo, where do I start ? Hell, I don't even know any questions to ask :D Is there anything good for the un-initiated? :)

Check out the animatrix ;)

also check out Akira, which is a first anime for alot of people, or of course watch DBZ, which like a zillion other people have.

It depends on your tastes, like if you like Scifi I highly recomend checking out Armitage or Macross/Robotec. If you like Fantasy Slayers and Lodoss war are excelent. if you like crazy Excel Saga is the ruler of bizarre, or tenchi is pretty much on the weird side as well. if you like action try Dragonball (Zor GT) or Jojos bizarre adventure or Yuyu hakusho(but try to get the uncut stuff), if you're like me and like long involved stories check out some of the longer running series like Ranma or (if you can stomach it, many can't) sailor moon. if you like some deeper meaning and want a story to hit that part of your psychie, I advise checking out trigun, cowbow bebop, or to a smaller extent Blue Seed, short series but make you question alot.

on a last note, if you want your mind totally screwed with, check out a movie called Blue.

03-03-04, 15:22
Hmm, i personally think, Naruto the anime rocks more than the manga, got both, anime till ep. 72 and manga till ep. 205.

My favs:

Naruto - It rocks really (´I wanna ROCKS´ :lol: )
Love Hina - Motoko is my favourite
Excel Saga - Plan #13467673233 for city domination .... failed
Puni Puni Poemi - When in Excel Saga is a little grain of sense, in Puni Puni Poemi there ain´t
Hellsing - Grandaddy Abraham must be proud.
NGE - The classic itself, hours of discussions inclusive.
Saber Marionette - All of them, except of R
Tenchi Muyo - Funny funny funny
Trigun - The funny parts rocks, but the dark, melachonic parts are much better
Silent Möbius - Again, the dark parts are real cool.
Agent Aika - Hooray for the panty-adventure-series :p
Armitage III
Ghost in the shell

Kana-Little Sister - It´s a game but not for people who have build to near to the water, it makes an emotional wreck out of you.

03-03-04, 15:24
down with the hentai finl i feel you... HENTAI OWNS YOUR LITTLE ANIME SHITS..

Be a little more construtive please.. :)

let me get this straight...Hentai = Cartoon Porn if you get your frillies off over cartoons you need definate psychiatric care....

What does this have to do with favorite types of anime???

i get tired from watching pr0n

Nothing to do with my thread.. I have no idea what that word is but I suspect it has something to do with whatever the other two are talking about... :/

Edit: Silent Mobius is really good especially the "dark" parts like mentioned earlier.. :) If You didnt know there are two Silent Mobius movies too! ^.^

03-03-04, 15:25
Originally posted by Mattimeo
Check out the animatrix ;)

also check out Akira, which is a first anime for alot of people, or of course watch DBZ, which like a zillion other people have.

on a last note, if you want your mind totally screwed with, check out a movie called Blue.
Blue, or Perfect Blue? I havn't heard of just blue...

Anyway, I would go for Ghost in the Shell & Animatrix if your an Anime noob from either US or UK. They are both pretty western in style, yet feature some decent parts of Anime.

03-03-04, 15:29
Totally forgopt about the Animatrix, that was astounding. Better than the joke they made of the two sequels.

Kasumi, pull the stick out yer ass and enjoy a little bit of joking around :p

03-03-04, 15:42
At the Animatrix there is of course the episode "The last flight of the Osiris".

The Wachovsky Brothers, or whatstheirname again, said, that you should watch this episode before you watch the third episode of the movie.

But some of the other episodes of the Animatrix are cool, too. And in "Second renaisance" you can see, what Morpheus didn´t know exactly in the first Matrix, about the rise of the machines.

I saw the Silent Möbius ´Movies´ (at least one of them), but
1. The graphic is horrible.
2. The whole story of the movie is told in the first episode of the series (with some minor differences)

03-03-04, 15:48
Originally posted by Hitchhiker

I saw the Silent Möbius ´Movies´ (at least one of them), but
1. The graphic is horrible.
2. The whole story of the movie is told in the first episode of the series (with some minor differences)

Hehe Yes that is very true, The first movies came out way before the anime did.. :)

Kana-Little Sister :p :eek: ;)

03-03-04, 15:50
Originally posted by Mattimeo
on a last note, if you want your mind totally screwed with, check out a movie called Blue.

OK - tell me more about this? :D

Looks like a certain proggy will be busy tonight, making the most of P2P :D

03-03-04, 15:54
Originally posted by Benjie
Blue, or Perfect Blue? I havn't heard of just blue...

Perfect blue, I'm sorry in my little circle we just call it "Blue, the mind **********".

I've seen it about a dozen times, and to be honest rince, I still couldn't explain it to you, it's about a singer, who thinks she's going crazy but really someone else is crazy and making her crazy...I think...*head explodes*

03-03-04, 15:59
You can´t make :p :eek: ;) because of 3 scenes in 8 hours gameplay. If you really played it and wasn´t been deeply emotional touched, then you must really be an emotional brick.
If you want to :p :eek: ;) at a game, try out the Viper Series. :p

03-03-04, 16:15
Originally posted by Hitchhiker
You can´t make :p :eek: ;) because of 3 scenes in 8 hours gameplay. If you really played it and wasn´t been deeply emotional touched, then you must really be an emotional brick.
If you want to :p :eek: ;) at a game, try out the Viper Series. :p

I have never played that game before. I hate those kind of games.. I do however know someone who worked on that game that is why I made those faces.. :)

03-03-04, 16:34
You know someone, who made the game?
Then, please, do me a favour:
1. Go to him.
2. Grab him by his collar.
3. Lift him 5 inches from the ground.
4. Shake him and
5. Shout: How DARE you do? Do make such a sad game and put it into the H-game corner? I dared only to play it three times and then i DLed an endsequence-delocker to see the rest. And? And? And? Only one of 8 is a happy ending (and it´s not even a very HAPPY ending). And..and...and the two endings, the one with the voice-recording-gimmic and the one, where he gets nuts, it ain´t funny sobbing in front of the computer, DAMNIT!
6. Shake
7. Shake
8. Put him back to the ground
9. straight his clothes and pat him on the shoulder
10. Say: But despite that, it´s a GOOD game.

03-03-04, 17:01

Cowboy Bebop
Vampire Princess Miyu


Ghost In The Shell
Perfect Blue
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

03-03-04, 17:05
linked for size (http://dirtynuke.net/jin-roh01.gif).

03-03-04, 17:10
Originally posted by Marx
linked for size (http://dirtynuke.net/jin-roh01.gif).
Marx, wtf was that?
Have you heard of an Italian band called Lacuna Coil? I've seen that Anime played over a Lacuna Coil song. I am pretty sure you can find it on http://arcticnightfall.com/ but I have no idea where.

03-03-04, 17:12


Look! :eek: PERKY BOOBIES!


Ahem. I also enjoy Tenchi Muyo, Bubblegum Crisis... I *hate* DBZ. The Animatrix is pretty cool too. Oh, and Evangelion.

03-03-04, 17:14
Are we allowed to post Hentai on the forums? Would be cool of this was a censorship exception in Germany and they let us use it in the sigs.

Hold on a second... There is nudity in Pepper Park. We shud be able to.

Dribble Joy
03-03-04, 17:16
Some animes I hate.

Nadesco (and it's bastard child Kiddy Grade, saw one episode of that and promtly deleted it) I hate, dunno why.

QD almost won't speak to me after I told him I can't stand the Kenshin series and that I actually like the OVA.

Things I do like.

Naruto, though I'm waiting for Sakura to be actually USEFULL.

Gun slinger Girl, loved it for some reason. Nice animation, and it was set in Italy bizzarely.

EVA was cool, if a little... ugh self-important.

Love Hina I unfortunately go quite into.

SE: Lain is one of my favourites.

Cowboy Bebop pwns

And my favourite of all time..


03-03-04, 17:20
Oh man, DJ, didn't you see the game I was playing at SUKING?


Download that, and play LH4SIM.SWF - it's a flash file, I posted it on here ages ago (it's a fucked up Love Hina dating sim, with severly messed up characters, you'll either die laughing or just go o_O )

And the other one is a much less interesting EVA dating sim... but again, it makes the characters all messed up (no matter which Shinji you play, he sucks and cannot gain experience)

03-03-04, 17:22
Furi Kuri
Macross Zero
La Blue Girl:p
Vampire Hunter D - Blood Lust (Movie)

Cant Remember Anymore:( (Havent Watched Much Anime For a While)

03-03-04, 17:24
hmm my fav movie(s) are definatly Hunter D and bloodlust granted ive only seen about a dozen anime movies or so, im not a huge anime freak but i do like most of the ones i manage to see.

series.. hmm Trigun.. mint, just mint best series of ANY kind ive ever seen in my life, its tragic how short it was...and this other, I saw it so long ago, i cant even remember the name, tis about this girl who was raised as an assasin or sommat....somehow loses her memory, but retains all her skills...i unno.. bad memory, but i remember the action sequences and they kicked ass :D

03-03-04, 17:29
Originally posted by SigmaDraconis
hmm my fav movie(s) are definatly Hunter D and bloodlust granted ive only seen about a dozen anime movies or so, im not a huge anime freak but i do like most of the ones i manage to see.

series.. hmm Trigun.. mint, just mint best series of ANY kind ive ever seen in my life, its tragic how short it was...and this other, I saw it so long ago, i cant even remember the name, tis about this girl who was raised as an assasin or sommat....somehow loses her memory, but retains all her skills...i unno.. bad memory, but i remember the action sequences and they kicked ass :D

could it be kite? also am i the only one that thought guyver was great. (anime not live action, tho 2 was better then one and they had luke skywalker in the first. he was turned into a roach.) also anybody watch Big O? If you did can you tell me, What it is all about? Why at the end did it look like they were in a holographic box? Also with cowboy bebop did spike realy die at the end or just pass out?

03-03-04, 17:49
ahhh read FLCL once here... a really great Anime!

Pure non-sense, but funny like hell :D

03-03-04, 17:54
FLCL...at one point i actually thought about that and started to understand what was actually going on, ive lost most of it now, but it had a good story, most of it was entirely metaphorical and too abstract to get what was going on as you watched it tho lol

I didnt understand most of it untill i saw it the second time around on [AS]

03-03-04, 17:58
Originally posted by masterguyver
also anybody watch Big O? If you did can you tell me, What it is all about? Why at the end did it look like they were in a holographic box? Also with cowboy bebop did spike realy die at the end or just pass out?

Still can't figure out Big-O myself, but yes, Spike really did die.

03-03-04, 18:02
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
Some animes I hate.

Nadesco (and it's bastard child Kiddy Grade, saw one episode of that and promtly deleted it) I hate, dunno why.

QD almost won't speak to me after I told him I can't stand the Kenshin series and that I actually like the OVA.

Things I do like.

Naruto, though I'm waiting for Sakura to be actually USEFULL.

Gun slinger Girl, loved it for some reason. Nice animation, and it was set in Italy bizzarely.

EVA was cool, if a little... ugh self-important.

Love Hina I unfortunately go quite into.

SE: Lain is one of my favourites.

Cowboy Bebop pwns

And my favourite of all time..


Nadesico = bastard child of Eva

Kenshin ova's ROCKED....series blowed chunks.

Sakura never did get useful...they phased her out ^_^

Never saw gun slinger girl

EVA is a exploration into man and catholic MYTHOLOGY, therefore of course it's gonna seem self important :P

Love Hina....Fan service AHOY!!

Lain....= AWESOMENESSS (another awesome classic and delving into human consciousness anime)

Cowboy bebop...the movie rocks...series is decent

And well.....FLCL...what can i say about that? :P

...and that's why i don't like sour stuff. XD

03-03-04, 18:23
Moon light lady rocks

03-03-04, 18:31

Absolutely Trigun:
Rocked starts you out laughing your ass off, then cathes you up in the story.

FMA: Full metal alchemist This series Really is my favorite new anime series. Has a great story and is also really funny at times.

Peace maker Kurogane: Also a new anime show.
Harsh story of the transitional period i Japan between openness and closedness. Very catching story.

Chrno Crusade i found Really weird at first but it has its moments.

People interested in new Anime should really consider looking into Animesuki (http://www.animesuki.com)

03-03-04, 18:32
Neon Genesis Evangelion (my first and still favorite anime series)
Ghost in the Shell
Cowboy Bebop (havent seen the whole series yet though)

My Neighbor Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, etc... :p

Yes all the animes I like are mainstream. I am an anime poser. :p

03-03-04, 19:11
There are so many good animes, that my favorite is usualy whatever I've watched recently. Currently that would be Noir and Vandread, both with great soundtracks too.

03-03-04, 19:13
Trigun > All

03-03-04, 19:36
I just finished all the hunter x hunter you can get on fansub and It has to be my favorite. If you watch fansubbed anime go download it NOW.

Naruto would be second. (my avatar)

Psyco Groupie
03-03-04, 19:39
can you download naruto or isit released ? o_O

03-03-04, 20:04
Originally posted by Artie
Nadesico = bastard child of Eva

Sakura never did get useful...they phased her out ^_^

the series aint over ... yet.... so she might become usefull... perhaps...

She should stop using the same shampoo as the dog :D

03-03-04, 20:33
Originally posted by Psyco Groupie
can you download naruto or isit released ? o_O

www.animesuki.com you can get everything here ;)

03-03-04, 20:40
Vampire Hunter D (both versions, '85 and the new one)
Blood - the last vampire
Ghost in the shell
Princess Monokoke
Samurai Deeper Kyo
Cowboy Bepop
Rurouni Kenshin
My Golden Boy (rofl!)

kk, thats it

03-03-04, 20:58
Originally posted by Iorghe
the series aint over ... yet.... so she might become usefull... perhaps...

She should stop using the same shampoo as the dog :D

lol...stop being so optimistic :P This is a post apocolyptic message board, remember? ^_^

But yeah, i suppose you're right...but....damn...i'd rather have the creepy eyebrowed dude fighting with me than 100 sakuras....

Although.....that would definately put a new meaning to the words Harem no jitsu :angel:

03-03-04, 21:26
Originally posted by Artie
Nadesico = bastard child of Eva

I don't know how you came to that conclusion about Nadesico. Does every series involving a guy and several girls with mechs somehow a descendant of eva? That's all they have in common. The setting is different, the genre is different, the relationship of the characters are different, the endings are different, etc , etc. I guess you could losely say they both have the theme of a single individual defying the odds and all logic to "win". But that is repeated so many times in so many different animes, before even Evangeleon came out.

My only beef with both of those series is that they follow the hugely cliche'd storyline of "pathetic guy with lots of pretty girls interested in him, but nomatter what he does he makes at least one mad at him." So while he should be enjoying having all these girls around him, he doesn't. He's busy being pathetic and bein slapped around. A good movie/tv series tries to get you to identify with at least one character, so that you care what happens to them. For maybe the first two or so anime series that involved this, I was cheering for the guy to actualy do something. They never do, and they just end up making it worse.

Oh ya, if you're interested in downloadin anime then go to "www.downloadanime.org" It's a huge torrent search engine, which collects from animesuki and some other sites. Of course since they're torrents, it can be really hard to get anything other then the newest/most popular series.

03-03-04, 21:35
The Limited Edition set of Biohazard 0 Anime Comics were cool.
Shame I only got one of the set but I got a heck of a lot of other Biohazard stuff. :p

http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image379.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image380.jpg

Crap pictures but u get the general idea I think.


03-03-04, 23:26
At least, a post which makes sense :p :
And here´s your reward: www.narutofan.com
There are the Mangas.

Dunno know how many episodes it will be, but after 205 Manga-Episodes it´s time for Sakura to show some power.

But in the new adventure she´s only weeping ´Buhuu, Sasuke knocked me out and went away with the bad guys, buhuu. Naruto had to go on the search, i have to stay at home and i´m crying, buhuu!´

I, for myself, wouldn´t want to fight against Garaa, especially in the forthcoming battle.

03-03-04, 23:51
Hmm there are really lots and lots of great animes.. but some fav's that popps in mind is probably

Hajime no Ippo
I liked Hikaru no Go
Fruits Basket
Gits movie, Stand alone complex season 1, Season 2 has started out great too.
Konjiki no Gash Bell! is kinda funny
Rurouni Kenshin, the Trust and Betrayal OAV. Heavent seen the series yet.
One Piece is funny as hell :)
Ninja Scroll
My childhood first anime Space Adventure Cobra is flashy, funkey and nice (Hokuto no Ken or Fisth of the North star is there too but it isnt that good).
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Grave of the Fireflies
Cowboy Bebop
Get Backers
Full Metal Alchemist
Full Metal Panic and Fumoffu 2'nd season. And the list goes on.

Dade Murphey
04-03-04, 00:34
Cowboy Bebop is probably my favorite.
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water...was really good
Tenchi (all)
Bout to start Hellsing
Last Exile is good, what I've seen of it
Yu-Yu Hakusho
Grave of Fireflies (amazing)
Spirited Away
Castle in the Sky (Miyazaki's wonderful)
Dragonball (original is better than Z)
Blue Seed
Ah! My Goddess

04-03-04, 00:35
Originally posted by Matthew.v.smith
The Limited Edition set of Biohazard 0 Anime Comics were cool.
Shame I only got one of the set but I got a heck of a lot of other Biohazard stuff. :p

http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image379.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image380.jpg

Crap pictures but u get the general idea I think.


heheh ^.^ Gimme!! ^_^ I like biohazard lots!! The games are so much fun :)

You know someone, who made the game?
Then, please, do me a favour:
1. Go to him.
2. Grab him by his collar.
3. Lift him 5 inches from the ground.
4. Shake him and
5. Shout: How DARE you do? Do make such a sad game and put it into the H-game corner? I dared only to play it three times and then i DLed an endsequence-delocker to see the rest. And? And? And? Only one of 8 is a happy ending (and it´s not even a very HAPPY ending). And..and...and the two endings, the one with the voice-recording-gimmic and the one, where he gets nuts, it ain´t funny sobbing in front of the computer, DAMNIT!
6. Shake
7. Shake
8. Put him back to the ground
9. straight his clothes and pat him on the shoulder
10. Say: But despite that, it´s a GOOD game.

No that is mean!! :) It has to be an H-Game because of the type of game it is and the content in it.. :P I dont think it was his choice.

Peace maker Kurogane
i cant believe anyone else but me watch it.. It is really good! :p

I saw it so long ago, i cant even remember the name, tis about this girl who was raised as an assasin or sommat

Probably talking aboute Kite but there are several other animes with this plot.. Kite was to gorey for me to enjoy and the ending was uh sad.. :(

Neon Genesis Evangelion was really dumb.. The story was horrible and the endings were all kind of stupid. I actually liked the movie Evangelion: My Pure Heart for You.. but that is because it was the end of the Evangelion series.

"pathetic guy with lots of pretty girls interested in him, but nomatter what he does he makes at least one mad at him."



Go buy your anime! ^.^ It is ok to download anime until the americans liscense it?? I dont honestly see how that is fair but ok. :\

04-03-04, 00:36
the only anime i like is an anime in the garbage can


04-03-04, 00:37
My favourite anime is................ nope it sucks.

Is manga or w/e animie cos i heard alot of people get off to that shit..

04-03-04, 00:38
Originally posted by Sanch0s
My favourite anime is................ nope it sucks.

Is manga or w/e animie cos i heard alot of people get off to that shit..

Manga isn't anime, it is basically a Japanese comic. ^.^ Most anime series and OVA's are based off some of the most popular Manga.. :)

04-03-04, 00:55
And my favourite of all time..



am i the only one that didnt understand ANYTHING that was going on in that short but 8| series?

all i got from it was some kid who plays a guitar, and hits some ball thing...and a crazy girl that likes to have sex with the kids dad...and drives a yellow moped....and the kid has things coming out of his head...

but the animation and drawing is pretty good...:p

04-03-04, 01:01
you're not the only one. from what i hear the Manga is ever worse on being able to understand.

also, on a side note, didn't madhouse studio do the animation for FLCL? (I only ask because I thought I remember them sayign it at their panel at otakon, where they also mentioned something abotu a new Vampire hunter D!)

04-03-04, 01:05
so kasumi when does FF advent children and Appleseed (sp?) come out in Japan?

04-03-04, 01:10
Originally posted by Lathuc
so kasumi when does FF advent children and Appleseed (sp?) come out in Japan?

Last time I heard Final Fantasy Advent Children is suppose ot be released in the summer in Japan. I dont think Square-Enix has given an official release date yet. :)

04-03-04, 01:11
ok so it will be fansubbed and ready by fall but what about appleseed?

04-03-04, 01:12
Cowboy Bebop
Final Fantasy Unlimited

04-03-04, 01:14
Originally posted by Lathuc
ok so it will be fansubbed and ready by fall but what about appleseed?

I have no idea. That is that CG movie right?? I dont know.. Sorry :)

04-03-04, 01:16
yeah its a remake of the original and its cg i think and from the looks of the trailer they changed the story a lil but it looked so sweet it wasnt even funny hehe

04-03-04, 01:22
Originally posted by Lathuc
yeah its a remake of the original and its cg i think and from the looks of the trailer they changed the story a lil but it looked so sweet it wasnt even funny hehe

hehe You should see the new clips of Final Fantasy Advent children.. A few new characters are shown in it.. From what I know Cloud reappears in it, Barret(?), Vincent might be in it, umm hrmm there is a bunch of silver haired men in it too.. :P It also shows part of the thing with Aerith when Sephiroth killed her.. :P

04-03-04, 01:36
Originally posted by Invertigo

am i the only one that didnt understand ANYTHING that was going on in that short but 8| series?

all i got from it was some kid who plays a guitar, and hits some ball thing...and a crazy girl that likes to have sex with the kids dad...and drives a yellow moped....and the kid has things coming out of his head...

but the animation and drawing is pretty good...:p

Haha, yeah, it was totally crazy, made little to no sense, and was compeltely random.

BUT, the animation was great, it was very funny, the characters were likeable and the soundtrack kicks ass.

Tis good fun :D

04-03-04, 01:37
I only listed my favorite two (hunter x hunter and naruto) but I'll put a few more great series down as most people are just making lists.

Get Backers - Great action and it can be very funny.
Scrapped Princess - Amazing fantasy anime anyone can watch.

^You can download those easy and legal^

Last Exile - Gonna be on Tech TV this month. Really good.


Everyone should download Naruto 1-5 right now.

04-03-04, 01:39
Originally posted by Aziraphale
Haha, yeah, it was totally crazy, made little to no sense, and was compeltely random.

BUT, the animation was great, it was very funny, the characters were likeable and the soundtrack kicks ass.

Tis good fun :D

I hated FLCL.

It wasnt funny, it was stupid.


04-03-04, 01:48
Mwahahah... <-not anime

Dirty-Pair Flash

Ghost in the Shell

Excel Saga (just finished on Si-Fi, V-funny/V-random! "Quack Experimantal Anime" )

Loads more....


04-03-04, 10:46
Originally posted by Kasumi
Go buy your anime! ^.^ It is ok to download anime until the americans liscense it?? I dont honestly see how that is fair but ok. :\

I suppose it doesn't make much sense, but it's an accepted practice here. Until a company that distributes to the us gets the liscense for a series, it's fair game. If the makers of anime had a problem with it, wouldn't you think they'd shut down fansub groups? The only fansubbers that are shutdown are ones that release already liscensed anime. So either they don't care, it's not hurting them, or just don't feel like wasting money on stopping it.

If the only way i could watch anime was to buy it, I'd never watch anime. If it came on tv in a decent matter, it'd be a different story. But the best we americans have is Toonami on the Cartoon Network, which features awful dubbed and censored versions. The prices on anime dvds are painful. They're like what dvd's used to cost when they were brand new. Spendin 25-30 dollars on a dvd hurts, especialy when you only get like 3 or 4 episodes. Box sets go for well over $100, and that's usualy just one season. I could buy two movies for the same price on anime dvd with just a few episodes on it costs. In fact I'm sure if you added it up, the amount of money I've spent on anime is at least double how much was spent on the rest of my dvd/tape collection. When anime only takes up at most 1/3 of my collection.

04-03-04, 10:48
More pics of the Biohazard stuff :p.
I really wish I had the whole set :(

Try E-Bay u might find a few.:D

Here's some more pics and some of the Biohazard stuff I got.

http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image100.jpg Biohazard Gas blowback BB gun ^_^

http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image381.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image382.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image384.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image383.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image385.jpg

Well thats all....
sorry to go off topic.

Spike - Saturn
04-03-04, 11:10
I enjoyed Scryed immensely.
I cried at the end of Chobits.
Blue Submarine 6, Witch Hunter Robin, Noir, were all great too.

FLCL made me want to go buy a guitar to hit shit with it :lol:

04-03-04, 11:16
i havent watched anime for long ass time but the ones i watched when i watched them are kinda... kiddiesh ;[... so dun make fun o me >;[

angelic layer pwns u
bubble gum crisis and bubble gum crisis tokyo 2024 pwns u so much u will die thinking of how much it pwned u
and got lots o tenchi dvds ;o

edit: forgot bout hellsing i lub hellsing ;O

edit2: i think i wub teh metal gurl ladeh.. O_o

04-03-04, 11:18
Originally posted by Matthew.v.smith
More pics of the Biohazard stuff :p.
I really wish I had the whole set :(

Try E-Bay u might find a few.:D

Here's some more pics and some of the Biohazard stuff I got.

http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image100.jpg Biohazard Gas blowback BB gun ^_^

http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image381.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image382.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image384.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image383.jpg http://www.angelfire.com/ab7/matthewsmith/Image385.jpg

Well thats all....
sorry to go off topic.

I just go down to the game district and I could buy all the biohazard stuff I want... :P

04-03-04, 11:19
Originally posted by Spike - Saturn
I enjoyed Scryed immensely.
I cried at the end of Chobits.
Blue Submarine 6, Witch Hunter Robin, Noir, were all great too.

FLCL made me want to go buy a guitar to hit shit with it :lol:

hehe Chobits is a personal favorite of mine.. :) Ending is very sad.. ^_^

Edit: Sorry abotu double post meant to get Edit/Delete :(

Originally posted by Carinth
I suppose it doesn't make much sense, but it's an accepted practice here. Until a company that distributes to the us gets the liscense for a series, it's fair game. If the makers of anime had a problem with it, wouldn't you think they'd shut down fansub groups? The only fansubbers that are shutdown are ones that release already liscensed anime. So either they don't care, it's not hurting them, or just don't feel like wasting money on stopping it.

If the only way i could watch anime was to buy it, I'd never watch anime. If it came on tv in a decent matter, it'd be a different story. But the best we americans have is Toonami on the Cartoon Network, which features awful dubbed and censored versions. The prices on anime dvds are painful. They're like what dvd's used to cost when they were brand new. Spendin 25-30 dollars on a dvd hurts, especialy when you only get like 3 or 4 episodes. Box sets go for well over $100, and that's usualy just one season. I could buy two movies for the same price on anime dvd with just a few episodes on it costs. In fact I'm sure if you added it up, the amount of money I've spent on anime is at least double how much was spent on the rest of my dvd/tape collection. When anime only takes up at most 1/3 of my collection.

Yes I understand what you are saying and I have no problem with but sometimes it irritates me that people think it is alright to steal from japan but when it is liscensed in their country they have to stop all of a sudden.. I dont mind fansub groups, I really do like the fact they are there for peopel to enjoy anime but I do not like it when people think fansubbers are there for people to get all the free anime they want.. :)

04-03-04, 11:20
Originally posted by Kasumi
hehe Chobits is a personal favorite of mine.. :) Ending is very sad.. ^_^

Edit: Sorry abotu double post meant to get Edit/Delete :( angelic layer > chobits >;o

so does bubble gum crisis tokyo 2024 ;O

04-03-04, 11:25
Originally posted by Shujin
angelic layer > chobits >;o

so does bubble gum crisis tokyo 2024 ;O

I have seen angelic layer, it is really good.. :) Most anime/manga that CLAMP makes is really good. :) Speaking of which Clow Card Chapter(Card Captor Sakura) is really good, also CLAMP worked on the X TV series which is alot better than X 1999 :)

04-03-04, 13:24
I almost forgot: Angel Sanctuary!

I´m from germany and there are only three tv stations, who have sent animes.
On the first, they only got Angel Sanctuary and Hellsing.
On the second, they got The Hakkenden, Submarine Blue 6 and Silent Möbius.
On the third, :mad: they got all the sh** : Yugijo, DBZ, Detective Conan, Pokemon ...., all the sh** who mades people dislike animes. I hate this station :mad: And what is the second-worst thing you can do to an anime? It´s german dubbing! :mad: The worst thing is: english dubbing! :p

The I-Net is the only chance to get your favourite animes. (subbed, but not dubbed).
And i don´t think, that www.narutofan.com would have got a direct link to TV Tokyo, the producer of Naruto, if they have to fear a law suit, (or at least the site wouldn´t have been on the net for more than a year now).
Non-licensed in your country -> You can dl it from the net.
Licensed in your country -> You have to buy it.
It even doesn´t matter if you can speak japanese or english; if it isn´t licensed in your country -> You can dl it from the net.

04-03-04, 13:55
Originally posted by Hitchhiker

Non-licensed in your country -> You can dl it from the net.
Licensed in your country -> You have to buy it.
It even doesn´t matter if you can speak japanese or english; if it isn´t licensed in your country -> You can dl it from the net.

hehe Yes I know this very much! :) But does it seem fair you can take away from one country??? :P And Angel Sanctuary OVA is not as good as the Manga of it! You dont get much of story from the OVA.. Good ANime/MAnga though..

04-03-04, 14:03
1. Last Exile
2. Cowboy Bebop
3. Love Hina
4. Inu Yasha
5. Escaflowne

as for movies, i like the cowboy bebop movie, and i like akira and mononoke hime etc.

04-03-04, 15:02
Dirty Pair Flash struck me as needless, it's like doing 'The new adventures of' or 'The Next Generation' or whatever, what was wrong with the old characters? Same thing with the 'new' Bubblegum Crisis, there's no point in fiddling with an established franchise like that!