View Full Version : can't connect :(

01-03-04, 01:12
Anyone got any idea why i cannot connect to Neocron?

all i get is

ERROR: Could not connect to server

I wanna play :(

01-03-04, 03:17
who knows... to many bugs to narrow it down to one..

but i would try restarting... sometimes it helps for me... no idea why but it does

01-03-04, 05:36
make sure you got the right IP thingy in the launcher, I couldnt connect for like 2 days once cause i guess my kid got a hold of the PC, thats what it ended up being..........

01-03-04, 10:39
Everything is correct,
tried restarting,
tried re-booting modem,
bloody thing still won't work.


01-03-04, 11:37
are you using a firewall or router?
if you are using a private firewall it maybe asking you to allow the game to connect when it loads, so ya will need to alt tab out and allow the game to acess the net

01-03-04, 11:40
Probably someone else logged in your account ?

01-03-04, 11:41
is the tracerout still acting up?

01-03-04, 15:36
^ Can't try that until i get home Lat.

Basically it is the client which is not coming up.

When you open Neocron at first in the window and click to launch Neocron, thats when the error comes up

01-03-04, 22:19
I had almost this exact same problem.
The solution after much trial, error and confusion, seems to be that if you open your .ini file and look at the number after the ip that the game connects to (ie xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8040)

That 8040 on the end allowed me to connect (it was a diff number).

After which i exited NC restarted my comp, rewrote the line again, started NC connected got ingame, exited and it seems to work now since i can connect.

Not sure how long this'll work though since the login port is 8040 and NC, due to the latest patch won't allow you to change this (server seems to rewrite it).

Hope this helps