View Full Version : quick question about pspies

29-02-04, 12:17
i dont have a spy or anything but if they stealth can they still be DB or even hit??

leGit v. 2
29-02-04, 12:20
they can be DB before they stealth.. maybe with a DB sanctum yea... and they can be hit with aoe.. iunno about anything else

29-02-04, 12:23
umm can't they be hit with soul clusters after they have stealthed? as long as it was cast on them prior (set to attack) or maybe if they are hostile? .. I'm not sure on this but I thought I read about that

29-02-04, 12:24
strange because a freind of mine was stealthed ingame and was bd and killed by a cs ... when he was in mid stealth....

29-02-04, 12:32
The db guess it was already clicked on him just while he stealthed (lag?)

And u can kill some1 in stealth with a CS cause u can still try to hit wiht the flying bursts (u cant target the cloud but u can try to shoot it, killed a spy myself like this before u jus have to hope some bursts hit him)

29-02-04, 12:48
You don't have to have a "box" on them in order to hit them. Basically if you can put your aiming recticle where you think he is, you could potentially hit him. I can kill people that are stealthed with my drone if i can keep track of where he is. Same with a CS. If a guy is poisoned/damage boosted, then its very possible to take a guess as to where he is and shoot him. It is not possible to damage boost him or poison him while he is stealthed, but the effect will remain on him even after he has stealthed. I am unsure about the effects of sanctums. But I can take out many PE's with a nice aoe weapon. And they definitely know it means their doom.