View Full Version : Was ist Neocron wirklich?

28-02-04, 18:51
Ein tolle Seite das. Sie sammelt Googlehits und schreibt zusammen was Google über ein bestimmtes Thema, eine Person oder was weiss ich in Erfahrung bringen kann. Wirklich lesenswert, wenn es auch nur Sätze sind, die aus dem Kontext gerissen sind.

klick (http://www.googlism.com/index.htm?ism=neocron&type=2)

Besonders interessant finde ich folgende Quotes:

neocron is good for the people who like to role play without the need to fight

neocron is hard ****** sex

28-02-04, 19:04
die seite is wirklich nice, muss man sagen

28-02-04, 19:08
muha geil ;>

28-02-04, 20:04
sargas is our god


28-02-04, 20:12
Die Wahrheit: ripper is portrayed as someone who's insane as a result of a stroke or brain aphasia

Würd gern wissen welches Spiel: theripper is ranked 1 and has played for 1d16h9m in 30 days

???: theripper is ranked 60 and has played for 6h32m in 14 days real name

hab doch schon genug Signaturen: theripper is yet to submit a signature

28-02-04, 20:49
neocron is in open beta right now

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Die Seite hat recht!

28-02-04, 21:24
neocron is in open beta right now

Originally posted by WarBoy
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Die Seite hat recht!


28-02-04, 21:30
man warum findet die seite nix über hackisaeck :mad:

28-02-04, 21:41
leff is named "legislator of the year"
leff is the rabbi and has been for the past 17
leff is board certified by the american board of ophthalmology
leff is its president
leff is a desperate candidate who is behind and has nothing to lose
leff is a historian of rhetoric and a rhetorical critic
leff is a world

nein wie geil :)

28-02-04, 21:49
beliar is a class two demon
beliar is evil
beliar is uber
beliar is the enemy of god
beliar is prominent
beliar is immune to practically everything except getting shot in the heart

28-02-04, 22:14
neocron is pretty fuckin bad man lol


Cpt Crunch
28-02-04, 22:17
crunch is history
crunch is coming
crunch is a very bad captain
crunch is the world's most powerful
crunch is the first of its kind here

Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about Cpt Crunch yet.

28-02-04, 22:17
serpent is rising lyrics
serpent is a 128
serpent is bad
serpent is beginning
serpent is rising/man of miracles styx


29-02-04, 00:20
void is one of the most famous voids in the universe mainly because it was one of the first

:D :D

29-02-04, 00:20
maroc is a beer
maroc is only an astral projection
maroc is the prodigal son (der verlorene sohn)

lustige seite :D

29-02-04, 00:31
Googlism for: dome of york

dome of york is breached and ceres executed in public
dome of york is in the works
dome of york is the name and we should see it in q1 2003
dome of york is nearly finished as well


29-02-04, 01:47
beowulf is slower than your aunt jamima (Die haben mich noch nie flüchten sehen);)
beowulf is dead (Ab und zu schon)
beowulf is a hero and an example of a great warrior (Volltreffer) :cool:
beowulf is the prime example of an epic hero (Wird ja immer besser)
beowulf is very mad (no comment)
beowulf is described as a perfect hero who fights for his people and vanquishes evil with his extraordinary abilities to bring peace and justice (Jetzt uebertreiben sie es aber) :angel:
beowulf is stronger than any other man (Ich liebe diese Seite)
beowulf is now available in fine comic shops (Cool, mich gibts als Comic)
beowulf is a story of good luck and mystery (Glueck gehoert doch immer dazu)
beowulf is human but also has the strength (Hab ich schon gesagt das ich diese Seite liebe)
beowulf is the result of over 20 years of continuous design evolution (GenTank eben) :D

Wird Zeit das ich aufhoere, sonst werde ich noch groessenwahnsinnig.

29-02-04, 07:51
sargas is our god

Originally posted by Beliar
beliar is a class two demon
beliar is evil
beliar is the enemy of god

Ok Beliar, wann und wo? :D

Originally posted by Beliar
beliar is immune to practically everything except getting shot in the heart

Gut zu wissen ;)

29-02-04, 08:04
mahagon is pevným kufrem
mahagon is ranked 100 and has played for 30m in 14 days real name
mahagon is in complete upheaval?”

29-02-04, 08:19
dragonfly is madness
dragonfly is not a fly and is named for its fierce jaws
dragonfly is the essence of the winds of change
dragonfly is a lot better than i was expecting
dragonfly is a pressure
dragonfly is the bringer of visions of power
dragonfly is a logistical dream
dragonfly is a gift that was meant to be unwrapped slowly
dragonfly is a great little cutter

Yeah Baby :D

29-02-04, 08:26
Unter dem Penis enlargement banner stand:

Daniel k. is toch een grap?
>>>Erich Honecker is back in town<<<

Meine charnamen sind alle so abgefuckt das es nix findet sry :)

01-03-04, 12:29
rofl was soll der shice?

01-03-04, 12:41
pulse is a below the line agency
pulse is the leading e
pulse is the only electronic corruption
pulse is the only electronic consultancy monthly in fry
pulse is the newsletter of the school of health sciences
pulse is picking up
pulse is present
pulse is here
pulse is live
pulse is for you
pulse is the real
pulse is lost
pulse is just that
pulse is very irregular? even
pulse is a strong and forceful pulse
pulse is uneven and rough
pulse is produced by a feedback
pulse is not in the system tray

hokay? :D

01-03-04, 15:11
ray keith is in the
ray keith is a true drum&bass souljah
ray keith is the dark lord
ray keith is still one of the uk’s top djs and plays all around the world
ray keith is already on playing up the crowd with professional ease
ray keith is the man you'll find behind the blackmarket decks most afternoons
ray keith is the boy's gym teacher at the elementary schools
ray keith is for you
ray keith is unmistakable
ray keith is a 35 year old attorney with his primary practice areas in automobile negligence and toxic tort defense
ray keith is a good lad
ray keith is the counselor and student affairs manager at colorado high school charter
ray keith is the man for drum and bass
ray keith is truly a gifted dj
ray keith is the counselor and student affairs manager at colorado high school of denver
ray keith is someone i will always love and respect because he uses the a
ray keith is without doubt one if the true pioneers of drum and bass
ray keith is from the uk you wanker
ray keith is nice n
ray keith is making the arrangements for the meeting
ray keith is nothing to do with keith murray
ray keith is
ray keith is today pondering on how he will get to college in ipswich
ray keith is a legend in the
ray keith is an originator from the old school who's managed to maintain a consistent level of success without either totally fading from the public eye or
ray keith is a trip
ray keith is now home recovering from his knee surgery


01-03-04, 15:23
@Ray Keith
Hmm, hab auch mal nach "Ray Keith is" gegoogled. Hast da wohl einen wichtigen Hit unterschlagen "Ray Keith is the fuckin shit ... AMEN" :p
( Darfst mich nachher ingame dafür schlagen ;) )

lisa is a mod girl
lisa is back
lisa is a 76 year old lady
LISA is a production-rule system
lisa is talk of the town
Lisa Is F****** With Bart (censored) O_o ;)

"Sledge Hammer!" is a mystery
"Sledge Hammer!" is frequently referred to as a "cult" show
sledge hammer is indestructible
Sledge Hammer is a menacing, mechanical giant
Sledge Hammer! is dirtier than Harry, meaner than Rambo, and more articulate than Cobra
sledge-hammer is extremely hazardous
Sledge Hammer is pretty bad
SLEDGE HAMMER is made of plastic and foam O_o

01-03-04, 15:29
tolle sache :)

shakal is an insane person
shakal is 47 and has been on the throne for 13 years
shakal is now ready to attack our dimention once more

hrhr - ich bin also ein verrückter Herrscher, seit 13 Jahren an der Macht und werde eure Dimension angreifen (das wort dimention hab ich ned gefunden und denke mal dass es falsch is :D )


01-03-04, 16:05
white pony is "rx queen"
white pony is simply a masterpiece
white pony is that much better
white pony is awesome
white pony is a step forward
white pony is heavy
white pony is passenger
white pony is more mellow
white pony is so invigorating
white pony is in the mood pieces
white pony is far from a sideshow; it's the main event
white pony is a hateful one
white pony is sending tiny
white pony is everything and
white pony is that it wasn't heavy enough; this famed quintet traveled from the brash emotional
white pony is all about just that
white pony is amazing
white pony is diverse
white pony is quarry hill
white pony is their best yet
white pony is coming soon
white pony is a curious animal
white pony is very long
white pony is so effective not just because it's heavier

So is das nämlich...

edit: ma noch alles rauseditieren, was mit Deftones zu tun hat :D

01-03-04, 17:19
real life is not the absense of computers and internet community; it is just what i do every day

real life is frequently disappointing

real life is about grace

cUrSeD sOuL
02-03-04, 17:18
[Edit by Beliar: Spam]

02-03-04, 17:44
ashanti is a fashion casualty
ashanti is a winner
ashanti is undervalued
ashanti is cool
ashanti is still #1 in the us
ashanti is 9400 square miles
ashanti is absurd
ashanti is not available at this time

luschtig :cool:

und mein zuhaus...

uranus is demoted
uranus is famous
uranus is no picnic
uranus is the father of saturn (logo)
uranus is located in between saturn and neptune (hahaha)

02-03-04, 17:51
Sorry, Google doesn't know enough about tenchiro yet. :D

tsunami is +67 cm at the southern coast of izmit bay (ROFL :lol: )

tsunami is possible and you should get prepared; a tsunami warning is issued when a tsunami is imminent and you should move to high

tsunami is a girls' junior olympic volleyball club based in the southside of atlanta

02-03-04, 18:21
nose is smart
nose is still a bully
nose is healthy
nose is longer than a copper
nose is so big
nose is wet
nose is not surgery
nose is the line between light and shadow in the center of el
nose is good nose
nose is this?
nose is too long
nose is bigger
nose is a new and
nose is touching this
nose is back
nose is burnt
nose is red?
nose is cold
nose is a nose is a nose
nose is drooped
nose is lowered into a special
nose is bitten off in row over a girl
nose is responsible for more than just
nose is blocked
nose is
nose is not toes price comparison shopping
nose is out there
nose is fixed
nose is plugged
nose is bad news 03/08/02
nose is having a
nose is not enough
nose is larger?
nose is on your face
nose is still a bully special report
nose is not to be trusted by christopher andreae a sense of direction is a wonderful thing
nose is not to be trusted
nose is not a search engine
nose is out of joint? it continuously amuses me read such nonesence
nose is healthy according to american and british physiologists
nose is longer than a copper telephone wire too bad that what should be the leading always
nose is the line between light and shadow in the center of el cap
nose is dry and flaky
nose is this? 0764153757 list price
nose is an
nose is a new
nose is touching this screen
nose is an important organ for lots of reasons
nose is necessary
nose is still stuffy
nose is red? one year santa and the elves were working hurriedly
nose is as cold as ice
nose is a nose is a nose folksinger phil ochs had an alter ego for awhile named john train
nose is the air conditioner of the body
nose is drooped hydraulically to
nose is cool
nose is growing
nose is injured
nose is held in place with clips
nose is responsible for more than just your sense of smell
nose is the most prominent feature of the face
nose is blocked he fled from the bear into the belly of the beast
nose is proving to be a veritable bloodhound at sniffing out bacteria lurking in the blood
nose is one of the most popular procedures and was one of the first performed in the early days of plastic
nose is not toes and similar language arts
nose is dry and peppery with traces of licorice lingering in the backdrop
nose is light and floral
nose is ice
nose is out there"
nose is broken
nose is thick or enlarged;; the nostrils are flared;; the nose is crooked
nose is in a plastic 'cast' and is all gauzed and plastered up
nose is connected to because
nose is connected to the following things
nose is bad news nascar notebook by don coble morris news service
nose is a complex structure and some of its functions are necessary for life while others are useful
nose is laid out
nose is made of coal gum
nose is actually the result of a true deviated septum?
nose is nature's truest work of art cold
nose is not in harmony with the rest of your face or if you are having complications breathing through your nose
nose is the most defining characteristic of the face
nose is out of joint
nose is?
nose is growing old
nose is an awesome organ
nose is running
nose is painful
nose is below the water
nose is having a my nose is having a mind of its own and its acting crazy
nose is still too projecting
nose is the most prominent single feature of the face and projects forward from it
nose is in harmony with
nose is bleeding
nose is a fracture
nose is missing
nose is fully developed
nose is made up of cartilage and bone
nose is big so he wants a new nose


02-03-04, 20:55
Originally posted by Lisa
lisa is a 76 year old lady

HAHA! Ich wusste es! 8|