View Full Version : New Strippers in the MB

Saito Hajime
27-02-04, 06:42
This is great, I only wish I had the pics ready.
When I get off of work tonight I'll try to get em posted but I saw the funniest thing early early this morning.
I logged in at the GG in the back of the MB. And the Strippers were deaded. Two player characters had somehow due to a bug genrepped into the cage. They had blasted the strippers. I got some screenshots but had to jet for work, hopefully I'll be able to put them up, they rock. If only I'd had a few ones )

27-02-04, 06:44
HA HA HA what server is that? thats hilarious; wish i coulda seen it...

27-02-04, 06:46
I beleive theyve been posted already.....

Saito Hajime
27-02-04, 06:46
Pluto, about oh, Stupid in the morning.

27-02-04, 12:47
Thought that was an exploit not a bug..atleast thats how it looked like.

27-02-04, 13:04
well to get in you have to use a exploit so screenies may get people in trouble..

27-02-04, 18:08
Happened on saturn too, two guys got into the cage, didnt kill the strippers though AFAIK

27-02-04, 19:04
Sorry i dont understand why its funny? :o
I kill strippers all the time while everyone else jst stares at them.... :wtf:

27-02-04, 19:53
I remember that someone i knew was able to pass thru grates after having observed someone else doing it and having a flash of how he did it. He did it right in front of me to get into that grated area on the balcony of the pp1 neofrag, then walked around and out of the grate to the balcony again.

He reported the bug/exploit the next day because similar things could have been used to go past more solid walls.

Psyco Groupie
27-02-04, 20:10
Its just a netcode bug :P

27-02-04, 21:33
please email the screenshots to exploits@neocron.com as well as helpdesk@neocron.com
thank you