View Full Version : Vehicle issue

Saito Hajime
26-02-04, 20:45
I could use some help.
I was out crusin on my speedbike just checkin out places I havent been too and killing things I hadnt killed yet. I was over the place in J08 right near the two DOY troopers and that General and the other tank lookin dude, near the ruins... anyway, I'm drivin along and realize I've driven into a valley that I cant Drive or Walk out of. I tried the /set reset_position 1 command but it wasnt workin on the bike so I had to get off. I managed to reset position but had to leave the bike, Now, I've had my bike disappear during a hunt when I left it sitting too long without sittin on it. It was back to garage when I looked. So, I was hoping that would take effect again. Unfortunately some 12 hours later its still "in service" and I have no clue how to get it back. Any Suggestions?

26-02-04, 20:56
i'm not sure how long it takes for vehicles to disapear, it seems to be quicker in more populated areas such as wazones, i've had to wait 12-14 hours on some occasions too,

if its still listed as in servce then atleast it hasnt been destroyed, hopefully you shouldnt need to wait much longer :(

26-02-04, 23:43
Vehicles despawn back to vehicle depo within an hour but the counter only counts down when there is someone on the zone.

Saito Hajime
27-02-04, 00:23
Heh, wish I had checked that before I headed to work. Not many peeps to be found in J08.

27-02-04, 02:03
respawn time depends on the state of the vehicle I think. The more damaged, the longer it takes.