View Full Version : Capping Dex as Monk?

25-02-04, 16:15
Pure APU Monk here trying to find best way to cap Dex. Anyone have a little insight on this?


25-02-04, 16:58
I think most people do it by implanting.

27-02-04, 01:17
You mean giving pokes to people to get xp, because if your trying to cap something you can't use imps to get it there mate ;)

27-02-04, 12:21

Only takes a few points of INT ((30+30) = 12 levels) that you can LoM away later on.. btw, Strength and INT increase too.

28-02-04, 10:59
out of Research and CST........ CST is fastest...... there is some shart which i cant find ATM posted by one of the GM's that tells how much the trade relies on a skill....... this also works backwards.... if a trade relies more on DEX than another, it will also give more EXP to DEX. again Construction gives teh most exp, find the highest tl item you can build and get building, i found about a month ago that punishers were the highest so they worked fastest. Dont know now though.

28-02-04, 11:54
I capped my DEX on my APU really quick repairing vehicles, Rhino's mostly, then once i was overcap lommed it all to AGL.

07-03-04, 03:04
easiest way imo is to get a epic chip like moveon or pp resistor and then poke it over and over into yourself and then get it repped you shud cap your dex pretty quik! thats what most monks do and its nice n easy :D

09-03-04, 23:58
erm I was just wondering, when you are like half way through level a character, any type APU, Tank and stuff, you ever just get really bored with it and just give up?

10-03-04, 10:20
I was bored..........

I have my Spy Char since the start of retail....and I am still not capped. I always liked it more to stand on the Plaza and talk to friends than spending my times in caves :D

I just started leveling again to cap my Dex and Int because of DoY and the WoC Skills :D

13-03-04, 02:42
I have a spare char that I keep just to re-roll when I fancy a change :)
I've lost count, but he's on his 10th incarnation or so. Usually get rank 45 then cba to level anymore so change to something new.