View Full Version : [Brainport]-Ingame Screenshot Transfers

24-02-04, 04:28
I was just thinking that a system for transfering screen shots ingame would be infinitely useful. Here are a few potential applications:
Pictures of an outpost security layout taken by a stealthed spy could be sent to clan members to help plan the attack.
Pictures of npc's could be sent to players who can't find them.
Assassins could send a screenie to their client if the situation is too hot for a dog tag pickup.
Potential buyers could see the product without having to be in the same zone.
Players can send screenshots of exploits/violations/bugs ingame to GMs who respond to the call.
I think that it could boost roleplay as well through player based recon missions and political intrigue pics.

24-02-04, 04:33
Good stuff, man! I like it.

How could we make this work?

24-02-04, 04:34
like u can have a camera and then u go to a city com plug in the usb port then find out u gotta install the fucking thing then upload the files then email them to ur clan. :angel:

sounds good but i dont like the idea about the usb port :wtf:

24-02-04, 04:39
It'd be great if citycom could support this but I really don't think it's able and may cause lots of problems if they choose to implement.. :/

24-02-04, 04:41
Sounds good in theory, but I don't think it would be practical. The increased transfers would hurt net speed (causing more lag, which this game has enough of..) and could be used to spam someone to the point of crashing.

24-02-04, 04:44
I don't know that much about it . but the servers would haev to store the pictures or something and then people would have to get the images sent to them which would put a strain I believe even if they restrict thte transfer it's still putting a straing on the DB isn't it? unless it's something like Black and white at 100x100 shots :p

24-02-04, 15:01
I appreciate the logistics replies, but I am mainly interested to know if anyone else would like to see this type of feature implemented.

24-02-04, 15:04
First, the screenies are bitmaps (huge), then KK would have to code both a P2P client and a bitmap viewer into the game, and third... OMG THE BANDWIDTH!

Nice idea, but far from practical.

24-02-04, 15:06
Hows this:


Spies (or PE's) can browse OPs, take a quick photo of turret layout etc, and may actually have a purpose in OP fighting.

Can make different TLs of camera,

Perhaps a camera that takes Heat sensory shots (Red vision - heat glows up white - players can be seen and counted thru walls)
