View Full Version : Does anyone play eve-online?

random hero
23-02-04, 16:33
[I know mjs has expressed annoyance about talking about other mmorpgs but the only mmorpg i have ever played is neocron (since beginging of beta 4) and i feel like trying something new so please don't close this :) ]

Can anyone tell me what its like?
good community?
and how do you make money and get exp and stuff as a noob?
is it worth parting with my cash?

Random Hero

Devils Grace
23-02-04, 16:37
bored game

SWG is more funnier then that one, still a bored time sink game

canceled my acount after 2 weeks

but everyone is diferent

tho beter in game suport, almost no bugs, and no laaaaaaaaagggggggg with only one server with 5000 usually online

random hero
23-02-04, 16:39
what boring about it?

23-02-04, 16:40
Originally posted by random hero
[I know mjs has expressed annoyance about talking about other mmorpgs but the only mmorpg i have ever played is neocron (since beginging of beta 4) and i feel like trying something new so please don't close this :)Actually it's just one MMORPG we're not happy with and EVE isn't it. ;)


Devils Grace
23-02-04, 16:44
Originally posted by random hero
what boring about it?

well if u like the PvP in neocron u will not like the PvP in there.

time sink to make things done

harvest harvest harvest harvest harves harvest harvest

build ship.........ship gets destroyed

harvest harvest harvest harvest harvest

it has some positives points, me thinks, graphics and shit like that, the comunity its big so u easy find someone to hunt harvest with, and helpfull guilds/clans.....

but its not my type of game.....

i think neocron beats that in all, as it is now

tho i didnt played much (2 weeks) so i didnt discovered much

23-02-04, 16:52
bought it and tried to get involved, but it is just dull

I'm still subscribed for another month, but I haven't even logged in for weeks and I doubt I will again before the subs run out

very disappointing

Original monk
23-02-04, 16:54
Originally posted by Nidhogg
Actually it's just one MMORPG we're not happy with and EVE isn't it. ;)


does it starts with an F and ends with a D ?

or does it starts with an S and ends with an S (and has an x somewhere in between)

i dunno

23-02-04, 17:15
Face of Dromkind....

now that would be a game.

X Kitty X
23-02-04, 17:38
Best MMORPG there is, without doubt. It has more depth than any other and far more scope to do what you want and establish yourself as a power.

The player base is very good, you don't get pre-pubescent kids on there going on about leet haxors or whatever. It's a lot more social than other games too. The corp and alliance system that has been developed by players is unrivaled and the means of communication is very efficient.

Customer support is very good, and in-game support from Mods and other players is superb, people actually listen to you and try and help you out.

It's not true that you have to harvest (mine) to make money. My corp is very well off and we never mine. There are a whole load of ways you can play the game. Central systems are relatively safe places, whereas frontier systems are dangerous - this creates a natural equilibrium between beginner and advanced players without forcing it upon people.

As a newbie, I would recommend doing agent missions to get money as it helps you get to grips with the game, try out a range of activities and it pays very well! If you start playing join the 'Help' channel and ask - the people are all cool and will help you out. Or ask in your starting corp channel, thats usually a good source of info. There's also decent searchable help articles and guides in-game.

The server has over 7000 on it now at peak time, and popularity is growing. Graphically nothing touches it, it really is beautiful.

You can train your skills offline. There's thousands upon thousands of items. Player owned stations are in there now...

It's not for everyone because it is very involving/challenging and some people don't like that. You can do a free trial of Eve now without giving out any card info. If you do, or want a key so you can just message me. I'll be glad to help you out in game too.

Oh and you can play it 100% perfectly on a 56k modem, even in large battles - I do.

And... all upgrades are free as part of the patch system, even the big ones that add massive gameplay changes. Maybe it'll catch on ;)

23-02-04, 17:56
I tried the 3 day trial given away on PC Gamer.

i thought i would like Eve seeing as I used to play Elite (and other space trading games).

The tutorial is very good, gets you into the basics of travelling around, combat, missions etc. and I think it is a good game. My main problem is the amount of time it takes spent flying around space. It takes ages just to get to mine some ore. I don't get a lot of free time so I found this frustrating and time-consuming.

I agree graphics, controls and community are very good and if I had more time for 2 MMORPG's I would have continued playing.

But I wish it had a first person view (like Elite) or combined the combat features of X2 with the online aspects of Eve I would probably have liked it more.

But give it a try....

X Kitty X
23-02-04, 18:00
Originally posted by Patso
I tried the 3 day trial given away on PC Gamer.

I think it is a good game. My main problem is the amount of time it takes spent flying around space. It takes ages just to get to mine some ore. I don't get a lot of free time so I found this frustrating and time-consuming. But give it a try....

I do agree that travelling can be slow to start, but if you fit some afterburners to your ship it is a lot quicker! And by training some navigation skills it makes a lot of difference. 300m/s basic but with some afterburners I go 1500m/s. As a new player I would avoid mining because with one crappy laser it is slow. Wait until you can fit 5 Miner II's to your ship. You can literally mine millions and millions in a few hours.

random hero
23-02-04, 18:03
i'm downloading the client now, do i need to pay anything to play a free trial or is it completley free for a few days?????

X Kitty X
23-02-04, 18:06
Originally posted by random hero
i'm downloading the client now, do i need to pay anything to play a free trial or is it completley free for a few days?????

With the download from the homepage you will have to pay I believe. If you PM me with your email address I will be able to send you a free trial as part of the 'Buddy Program' - this will have the account code you need - so you dont have to use a credit card at all.

23-02-04, 18:10
some very new and interesting game elements

you only gain skills by purchasing them and then spending real time to "study" them. hours, days, weeks, etc. you can only study one skill at a time. the higher level the skill, the more time it takes and more expensive it is to purchase the "book" for.

massive trading scheme that works when you are offline, everyone is a buyer and seller and you can check the market with any search filter you desire either to buy or to check the listing prices for selling. universe, galaxy, solar system, planet, item, item type, price, etc.

this is the single most impressive thing about eve. in terms of game structure. kudos to the devs on this one

to make cash - you are either a miner, fighter of npcs, and/or pirate of other players. none of those activities gain you "xp".

setups for different activites vary quite a bit.

ships are cool, visuals are cool - very very cool, different setups are interesting and would definately take time to figure out. pvp certainly takes time to figure out. jamming, different wepon types, different ships, drones, etc. etc. etc.

lots of people online, that's a pro. only one galaxy too. everyone plays together.


it's booring. there is just something about space and ship based games. it's cool, you are the captain of your vessel ---- but eventually booring. all mmporgs are booring you say? that's not what I mean. this gets booring a lot more quickly than it should.

X Kitty X
23-02-04, 18:15
Maybe you just didnt find the right corp for your style of play. Join a pirate hunting corp and wipe out player-pirate scum! It's what you make it at the end of the day. Loads of different ways to play the game. As I said, it's just not for some people.

23-02-04, 18:17
I played beta and yah... after spending like my first week harvesting asteroids... I definitely stopped playing it... dunno though, it might have better higher level content.

23-02-04, 18:36
I loved Elite and the X universe but have been put off Eve by peoples reactions on the NC server. I'm gonna give it a go now tho I think. Lets see how it fairs...


random hero
23-02-04, 18:58
can someone please send me a "buddy" code to trial eve for 3 days? my e-mail is handkmp5@hotmail.com


random hero

random hero
23-02-04, 19:19




Someone plz send me a code

Random hero

Devils Grace
23-02-04, 19:48
Originally posted by random hero




u got that right;)