View Full Version : Negative Soulight? I got my LE chip in, WTF???

22-02-04, 19:36
This is without a doubt the dumbest thing I've ever seen in this game.

I got my LE chip in and I got negative 21 Soulight. I don't even remember how I got that negative. I was only killing Agressors.


22-02-04, 19:38

Psycho Killa
22-02-04, 19:43

Or wait 20 minutes and be fine o_O

22-02-04, 19:46
I dont understand, I'm not a criminal. I guess I must have killed a couple Agressor NPC's in Industrial Park.

Thanks Rade, that must be it.

22-02-04, 20:20
Originally posted by Smacktard
I dont understand, I'm not a criminal. I guess I must have killed a couple Agressor NPC's in Industrial Park.

Thanks Rade, that must be it.
There are NPC's in Industrial.
It's no bug, you just killed one accidently.

22-02-04, 20:27
Believe it or not, I've done exactly the same. Have a SL of -26 after committing mass murder in the Bump Asylum.
The guard in there drew his gun and I wapped him on instinct with my Face Scratcher because I'd never been in there before and was a bit nervous.

Then people started shooting at me so I killed them, which I figured was fair! Obviously the law takes a different view of mass murder, but never mind :D

I'm not complaining, it's my own fault, I just kinda didn't notice I had negative soullight until I left the area.

Needless to say, a copbot has shown me the error of my ways. I love copbots :lol:

God only knows how I'm going to get my soullight positive again. Haven't even activated any genreps anywhere yet

Oh well, I'm an angel at heart,
:angel: Blum :angel:

22-02-04, 22:24
Well, my negative soulight is down three points from -21, and it is now -18 after about three hours of looking for Dome of York up north.

I got to the gates of Dome of York and sqeeked past the drones. But the guards shot me dead after letting me stand there for a few minutes.

I guess eventually it goes down all the way to zero if you stay in the game long enough. Like someone said, leave your character alone and go to bed, when you wake up it should be back to positive.

23-02-04, 04:10
Originally posted by Smacktard
I dont understand, I'm not a criminal. I guess I must have killed a couple Agressor NPC's in Industrial Park.


Yeah, there's a guard in IND 1 that shoots me everytime I pass, even with my LE and +SL. I finally got tired of it, so I killed him; my SL went into the basement then.

Bottom line: missions, missions and more missions. :p

23-02-04, 04:38
yeah -21 aint a big problem, i recommend getting launcher missions in pp3 and going up to storage in ind a to do them. I crawled back from -35 in an day like this :)

23-02-04, 05:25
There's a storage area in IND-A???

What... the... hell?

I been through that area a fair few times, NEVER seen a sewer hatch there...

23-02-04, 09:11
Originally posted by Heavyporker
There's a storage area in IND-A???

What... the... hell?

I been through that area a fair few times, NEVER seen a sewer hatch there...

He must mean the 2nd IND sector, cause I'm quite sure that there is no storage cellar in the sector immediatly after pp3? I'm willing to be shown otherwise, though. :)