View Full Version : THREADS MERGED - Is it no healthy to play for this long?

21-02-04, 10:30
I play Neocron way too much..... I will sit and play from when i wake up till I go to bed! When im not at work im on the game! Can thsi be unhealthy??? Also anyone else play like the hours I do?

21-02-04, 10:40
It becomes unhealthy when you play the game and it screws up your normal life. MMORPG's are an addiction tho, and some people go as far as calling in sick to work to stay home and play, or even give up their "normal" daily routine. The in game routine means more to them.

So in short, don't forget about your real life, and always put it first. Gaming is a hobby, so keep it that way =) and no you're not a freak for wanting to play this game all the time. Sheesh, all of us that post on these forums play the game to some excessive amount at some point or another. But draw the line =)

After all there was some poor kid in Korea that died after a 70+ hour gaming binge. He didn't nourish himself and dropped. =O Pretty nuts huh?

Just to let you know, when I have a day off and have nothing to do, I'll sit in my favorite mmorpg all friggin' day long. Its fun to immerse. Just remember to climb out lol

21-02-04, 10:41
hmmm im starting to only eat and sleep and play! not really having a social life anymore.... i need to stop playing!

/edit opps this was a reply pressed wrong button sorry mods

21-02-04, 10:55
Hayato, you're screwed. Your will begin to lose hair and then
finally drop fingers and your weener. Then you will rot to death
and die alone.

Oh btw hi everyone, I finished moving so I got internet at home
again after 2 weeks of radioshadow. I know ya'll missed me.

21-02-04, 10:55

21-02-04, 11:04
It is suggested that for every hour you sit in front of a computer screen, for whatever reason be it games or work, that you take 15 mins away from it.

For myself i can do exactly what you do, get up and after about 30 mins im ingame on something, and mostly spend the day in front of the computer either playing games, reading forums or whatever, sometimes though i get sick of it and shut it down and go watch a film, like last night i watch bruce almighty, damn good film.

But yeah, if you find yourself tired, eyes are hurting, take time away, go for a walk or something to get some exercise and fresh air, does wonders trust me.

21-02-04, 11:09
stabbing forks into your eyes > bruce almighty

21-02-04, 11:11
my eyes always hurt

Shadow Dancer
21-02-04, 11:27
Originally posted by Rade
stabbing forks into your eyes > bruce almighty

That movie was comedy gold.


21-02-04, 11:34
just read the back of your keyboard, usually theres a warning msg somewhere on your keyboard that tells you the effects of long term computer usage. heh I was playin just about the same as you for like 2 years and ended up with a minor case of tendonitus :eek:

21-02-04, 11:34
just read the back of your keyboard, usually theres a warning msg somewhere on your keyboard that tells you the effects of long term computer usage. heh I was doin just about the same as you for like 2 years and ended up with a minor case of tendonitus :eek:

21-02-04, 11:35
tendonitus? whats that

Super Mario
21-02-04, 11:37
Well i remember when i first got NC i played for 72 hours with 1 hour sleep inbetween now i usally play it for 14 hours a day (when ever i can really) but to answer your question i dont think it's good to play for that long a day as soon you will truly believe you are a NC citizen and will go out on to the street and start PKing ppl :D

Shadow Dancer
21-02-04, 11:39
Originally posted by Hayato
tendonitus? whats that

When you post the same thing multiple times.

Originally posted by Hayato
tendonitus? whats that

When you post the same thing multiple times.

21-02-04, 11:39
oh i didnt know that

oh i didnt know that

Original monk
21-02-04, 12:06
but still a nice thread:

problem wirth neocron is that it makes the border between reality and virtuality smaller, i dunno how to put it ...

it comes to the situation that some people start preffering there virtual live above there real life ... or get absorbed by it ..

a good example of it is a real life friend of me that asked ingame how it was going with me: so i said: its going well with me, how else cause its weekend :P (i yust arrived home after a hard day of work ya see)

he's answer was: ow is it friday ?

i said: yeah its friday ...

he said: ow funny lol


this guys plays a bit to much and starts to loose the contact with real life ... he is desorientated in time and space ...

my opinion is that human brain isnt reall developed or cant really adapt in a nonstop going virtual word ... so if ya play to long and you dont have fixed times to eat and sleep youre mind will get confused cause we (humans) need that rhitm, that order , that structure ...

playing alot is ok ... but not if ya dont stay in touch with youre friends or family and aslong as ya stay with youre 2 feet on the ground .. or ya will get socially isolated .. and that has severe consequences ..

not even talking about if you lock yourself up behind youre computer every day that ya will never find a sweet hunnybunny, or whatever your lookin for.


Original monk
21-02-04, 12:06
ok its still morning here, so please delete my doublepost :P im sorryz im still a bit "tired" from a party last night lol

21-02-04, 12:07

What is tendonitis?

Sometimes the tendons become inflamed for a variety of reasons, and the action of pulling the muscle becomes irritating. If the normal smooth gliding motion of your tendon is impaired, the tendon will become inflamed and movement will become painful. This is called tendonitis, and literally means inflammation of the tendon.

What causes tendonitis?

The most common cause of tendonitis is overuse. Commonly, individuals begin an exercise program, or increase their level of exercise, and begin to experience symptoms of tendonitis. The tendon is unaccustomed to the new level of demand, and this overuse will cause an inflammation and tendonitis.

Another common cause of symptoms of tendonitis is due to age-related changes of the tendon. As people age, the tendons loose their elasticity and ability to glide as smoothly as they used to. With increasing age, individuals are more prone to developing symptoms of tendonitis. The cause of these age-related changes is not entirely understood, but may be due to changes in the blood vessels that supply nutrition to the tendons.

Man google search can be really helpful:)

21-02-04, 12:08
I didn't get my highschool diploma because of this game.

21-02-04, 12:08
fuck i need to get out casue i braely talk with anyone out side of neocorn anymore :|

21-02-04, 12:10
man that suck.....

21-02-04, 12:10
Originally posted by Hayato
tendonitus? whats that

If you feel any pain in your wrist/hand thats tendonitus. Its pretty serious.


21-02-04, 12:19
it's nothing big. I failed one class, so I'm one credit short, so I gotta go to summer school to pick it up. still, though, technically neocron set back my entire future, hehe

21-02-04, 12:19
sure did and it set me back on finding a good gal to call my own :D

21-02-04, 12:31
im already unhealthy. i blame my parents for allowing me to eat so much chocolate whe i was younger, and for that i am now a Diabetic....

chocolate, the reallt tastey ones = neocron
addiction! :shocked:
also, has something to do with sex? :wtf:

21-02-04, 12:45
"WARNING: Typing in awkward position or long periods may cause Repetive Sterrs injuries or related injuries"

omg, my keyboard!! ITS KILLING ME!!

21-02-04, 13:19
i found my playing ability would og down if i played for to long a period, so no im not on as much as i used tobe so when i come on im in top form feeling alert and ready

21-02-04, 13:25
Try an alternate playing with going out (with friends...)

Neocron and MMO's are fun, yes.

They are NOT a substitute for the real world. Nothing you ever do in Neocron will matter. Everything you achieve in NC is property of KK, after all.

I believe its IMPOSSIBLE to be happy if you're playing computer games all day long - as long as the person doesnt do drugs (Weed makes me happy regardless of what im doin).

21-02-04, 14:16
well playing for so long is also known as being a nerd im afraid, or a dork, whatever your preference. This possibility could be emphasised by weather you:

1).collect starwars figures
2).collect comics
3).You start going into hyperactive spasms whenever your standing next to someone kool
4).u ENJOY learning
5).u sit down to a page full of maths when your bored
6).You sit in a small basement or room playing computer games all day drinking laxitive milkshake to help with constapation

and cud be a mixture of all those reasons or you could just play to much

21-02-04, 15:43
Originally posted by Hayato
fuck i need to get out casue i braely talk with anyone out side of neocorn anymore :|

Solution :: Get all IRL mates to start play neocron :D

//Or go buy a bottle of booze.. sit down.. think.. what do I do today ?

Option 1 : Get drunk... pass out
Option 2 : Get drunk... go watch a movie
Option 3 : Get drunk... go waste some roaches
Option 4 : Get drunk... take drugs
Option 5 : Get drunk... go hunt
Option 6 : Get drunk... go party
Option 7 : Get drunk... go PvP
Option 8 : Get drunk... go to forum
Option 9 : Fuck it all, go to bed, go to school, get drunk... go play neocron.

21-02-04, 15:59
I know what you mean, I was meant to start my coursework on monday this week, but Neocron called to me...I ended up starting it about 3 hours ago.
Damn you NC!

21-02-04, 16:02
What thread should this be part of?


21-02-04, 16:09
it's part of "is it healthy to play for this long" :D

I need some belgian friends that like computer games and live close to me, cause my other friends think I'm weird and a geek and all that :(

21-02-04, 16:18
Talk to Dfox on Uranus.. he knows a lot of Belgians..

21-02-04, 16:24
neocron is adictive yeh, but ull be fine if you just go out with your friends etc, im hardly ever on during night in the weekends, cuz im always going out. (go to stuff like clubs/bars/cinema/friends house/girlfriends house <--- favourite/or whatever) loads of stuff to do.

Also take a break from the game every now and then, and just stop playing for a week or so.

Another thing i really think that helps is doing sports alteast 2 times a week, anything goes here. personally i go to the gym twice a week and snowboard atleast once a week

21-02-04, 16:48
I've wasted too much time on gaming to make myself feel happy with my current life situation. Ingame though I enjoy it, which is the reason I guess people do this. I've also met some actual friends gaming too.

21-02-04, 16:56
Thread merged.


21-02-04, 21:06
Originally posted by KramerTheWeird
I've wasted too much time on gaming to make myself feel happy with my current life situation. Ingame though I enjoy it, which is the reason I guess people do this. I've also met some actual friends gaming too.

Ditto Kramer

21-02-04, 21:26
Well i been hooked on NC for a just about a year and that really screwed me up. Now im out of NC and have a LIFE now. Made more friends and have been workin on finishin my degree. Honostly NC isnt worth ur RL. Ill most probably be back to see DOY and then im off again cause i have Long term plans for my life startin this summer. Ive done well and am hopin i dont fall into addiction ever again. Man who invented MMORPGS should be SHOT in PUBLIC naked.

Oh Lets call this thread Cron-oholic Anonymous.

22-02-04, 01:44
Get drunk. Sex. Sleep. Onoz now whart?

**edit: ah neocron. thats whgat. sorry.

22-02-04, 04:08
Real Life is overrated...............

trust me.........;)