View Full Version : Vehicles could use a little help...

Jake Cutter
20-02-04, 06:51
A friend and I had some vehicles out in the wastelands...mountainous areas to be a little more specific. In the same area that night, there were no less than four vehicles stuck in the same area.

Tracked vehicles (including the NEXT Reveler) should be able to climb steeper inclines. They are, after all, tracked vehicles!

And on a related note, howabout making hovertecs true hover vehicles. I think we have all dumped our fair share of hovertecs in the various lakes around the wastes.

Anyone else have ideas?

Jake Cutter

Mr Friendly
20-02-04, 06:56
perhaps the flying vehicle(s) that come with bdoy? :)

but for another idea there could be a "spy only" driven vehicle called the 'mole' that is able to dig in the ground & go through mountains etc

20-02-04, 06:58
Originally posted by Mr Friendly
but for another idea there could be a "spy only" driven vehicle called the 'mole' that is able to dig in the ground & go through mountains etc

lmao Mole hehe

20-02-04, 09:08
I just had this amazing bug yesterday.

I wanted to spawn my SpeedBike, but when i did a Hovertech appeared. So i was like in f*ck i can't drive that thing cause my Vehicle Use is only 17. But when i tried i could actually drive it :cool: To bad it changed back into my SpeedBike after I zoned :(

Still funny though :D