View Full Version : Weapon Stats

18-02-04, 20:11
After having more rares built and all with 1-2 slots i've started to wonder if i really need anymore than 2. If anyone cares, i will list all the rare weapons i've had built(over 20) and all had 2 slots or less. While I'm so pissed off at this, i'll keep that for another time.

My question is. Does the weapon stat Damage really matter?
I've heard that you cap frequency easier if the damage on the weapon is 120 rather than any lower. I checked something today with a friend.

Heavy Combat Tank. HC skill is 209.

CS 1
Damage: 108%
Frequency: 120%

Shot frequency: 220

CS 2
Damage: 119%
Frequency: 120%

Shot frequency: 220

It seems obvious that it doesn't matter at all. It is of great concern to me since I've given up all hope on getting better weapons. I'm hoping the 2 slot Judge i have will be fine once modded with ammo mod and Ultima. I do understand i wont cap damage as quick but that doesn't matter.

I'm interest in player that have Judge setups. If you wouldn't mind posting you PC and Wep Lore skills along with your gun stats. Thanks. :) :)

18-02-04, 20:14
They are the same cause the frequency stat is the same. I never heard of the damage stat altering the frequency of the weapon.

With rares, if you happen to get a rare built at 120%, then it CANNOT be made any better except for an ammo mod. And even then that just alters the type of damage it does mostly.

An all 120% melee, for example, needs no mods, no slots.

Dribble Joy
18-02-04, 20:16

dmg has no baring on freq.

You don't allways need to mod the dmg on a gun because with enough PC/RC/HC you cap the dmg regardless. This is especially true of HC and RC setups, getting decent RoF/aiming requires so much mainstat skill that it will be far higher than that needed to cap dmg.

Pistols and the Judge is different. aiming caps well before dmg and dmg caps slightly higher than the equvalent rc/hc TL. (afaik)

A judge with about 75 wep and 175 pc will only just cap dmg with 120% on the weapon.