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View Full Version : damn damn damn damn

17-02-04, 13:30
more like fuck, fu.......

so heh i finally got myself a tank rollin around out there tonight, so we drive around we're havin fun with the new toy, getting Gr's in hard places and we end up at the place where your new characters start out right? and we just drive by like "oh the noob place, yeah w/e let's just drive past it down he-....oh my god!!" and all these stupid little robots shot the crap out of us the person driving actually tries to plow THROUGH them to get to the other side!! ACH! so anyways we blow up and he manages to get a few steps farther away from the green fray than i did. *sigh* oh well time to salvage on the key...

i had no idea that whenever i looked to my right when i left that building at chargen i was so close to imminent death! 8|

17-02-04, 13:32
hehe, silly driver you cant run people over in this game thats UT2k4 or Planetside :lol: