View Full Version : Impairment.

15-02-04, 22:16
Seen as now we can warp into our owned OP's without impairment, Why cant we GR into our Faction HQ's without Impairment?

At least that way it will make city travel quicker, and also increase the use of faction HQ's


J. Folsom
15-02-04, 22:18
If you're talking about your own faction HQ, then sure, it's cool. Would increase use of both faction HQ's as well as the zones outside of faction HQ's.

15-02-04, 22:19
Yup, Your own Faction HQ's

If your BD - You port there.

15-02-04, 22:24

Of course they'd have to put GRs in them first.

Until then why not take SI off the Plaza GRs for CA, TT, PP, etc; off the PP/OZ ones for BD,TS and CS. After all from an RP perspective SI is now somewhat inconsistant anyway.

15-02-04, 22:27
And MB for CM and TH for FA and TC for TG


15-02-04, 22:29
I agree.

Particularly with the arrival of DoY when these will become safezones.

Let's 'avit KK. Please.

EDIT: On that note.. you really need to sort out the whole GR system - e.g. allow people to GR from one apartment to another, and to clan - none of this GRing to only your primary apt crap - surely it can't be too hard? *sigh*


15-02-04, 22:31
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
And MB for CM and TH for FA and TC for TG


Yeah. I left them out as they are kinda obvious :D.

15-02-04, 22:53

Had a hard enough time rationalizing the GR to op thing, thanks, no GR facility down there, how the hell you get put together?

And besides, there isn't enough of a price to pay with just GRing around inside a damn city. Get some fresh air, you bastards. There's a subway. Hell, why's my money going towards paving Plaza one anyway, nobody gonna see the damn street?