View Full Version : Har Har

15-02-04, 21:24

The homepage was updated, yay!

15-02-04, 21:25
in what way, not been to the site in about 6 months, i just link streight to the forum so dont see the page

15-02-04, 21:25
was it..?

loks them same to me, and it dont even have peek 4 recorded on it,

or have i missed the sarcastic point cos im a stupid mofo? :p


15-02-04, 21:27

If only :(

15-02-04, 21:34
GHOD..... It'd just so fucking rock if you could use the bikes inside TG Canyon and the Outzone... I mean, it'd just fit so beautifully...

Why not, I ask? KK has shown they can mix those areas that lets and doesn't let vehicles drive around... why not just make the Outzone streets from the outdoor engine, so that at least the chainbike/wheeler bike/hoverbike can operate there?

The Crahn-ward Neocron Gate would let them in easily enough...

And perhaps that eastern Neocron gate would work too, if it wasn't like the KOS zone for goodygoodies :(

15-02-04, 21:49
Huh? I see nothing changed....the pics are damm old too..

15-02-04, 21:55
Pictures have been updated, and, further down the page, theres stuff about patches and BDOY peeks.

15-02-04, 21:56
i never looked at em much just noticed that one tho and thought heh may aswell :p

Page looks the same how about some new screenies :D

15-02-04, 21:58
Show me the new pics, im not seeing any new ones...unless you mean the doy sneak peeks thingy from the rpgvault.

15-02-04, 21:58
Originally posted by Opar
Pictures have been updated, and, further down the page, theres stuff about patches and BDOY peeks.

The screenies cycle through and are old beta and offline demo shots, and the news like the BDOY peeks gets updated after everyone (except the recent one) and the neocronical part is updated as soon as it comes out, so no real updates :(
