View Full Version : Griefers VS Carebears Episode The Ongoing saga

15-02-04, 05:24
Griefers VS Carebears Episode The Ongoing saga

This war has gone on for many years. It is still being fought to this day. Every since the first game that called it self a RPG put in the ability for players to interact with each other these two camps have done battle. Each side thinks it has the right to certain things and the truth is always somewhere down the middle.

It started in MUDS, I guess. The first time people started abusing the game mechanics to just piss in someone’s post toastsies. Simple text based internet dungeons run on small machines allowed people to play roles of medieval fantasy. There were always a few sad people that wanted to play the roll of mass murder or lunatic killers. They ran around killing what ever they could for the simple enjoyment of knowing someone else had to reap the rewards of dying in what ever game system they were playing. Then came MMPORPG’s. This brought in a hole new wave of griefers from different game types demanding the right to kill who ever and what ever they wished. All the time defending their actions with saying its just a game … whatever we all know the rhetoric of these players its gets old about the 4th or 5th game you see the same type of people saying the same thing.

Then there are the Carebears. These are a strange lot themselves. They profess that these game are to be played as RPG’s and PVP should be in the strict RP role of the game. That people should attempt to limit PVP to people of equal levels and speak of honor and respect for other gamers. These gamers want to just come in and explore the game produce items in what ever market system and mostly just like to be social and have light hearted fun. They also know that forming a brute squad to go after the griefer that just ganked them is just playing into the hands of the griefer so most of this battle has been fought on the various boards of each game system.

The ones caught in the Middle, the game devs. Each game attempts to keep both sides happy but to no avail it comes down to the same battle. Each game fails to be able to control the gankers and still have a PVP system that is close to useful. Im starting to wonder if there will be a game that can have PVP in an RPG setting and not have this war being wage

15-02-04, 05:26
Originally posted by Biznatchy
to just piss in someone’s post toastsies.

In their what ? :confused:

15-02-04, 05:42
post toasties = breakfast cereal

15-02-04, 05:50
You can do RP and PvP, even griefing, at the same time.

On Jupiter I am the most evil BD Gangsterboss there is. Don't ask. We raid the MB with our Tank, we blow TGs and FA to smitherens at the CRP with our drones - but (almost) everybody has a chance to buy his head out of the noose. Yes. We sell "protection".

You don't wanna buy? No problem, you die and get a reminder to balance your account with our consiliere.

Is this RP? Probably. Is this Griefplay? Maybe.

Are Carebears RPers? No -ing way. This RPG demands PvP, hate, loathing, aversion, friendship, common enemies, etc. What else is there to do? Go camp the MC5? Play Evercamp if you want that kind of crap. Where would be the fun in the game without? When I was a newbie Melee Tankeh on Pluto I got ganked 24/7 by MaGgOtMaN, Elkdork and the like. Boy, revenge makes a great character motivation!

I died so often, I can't remember - but the day I spanked Maggotman I will never forget! Nor the stupid face he made, when I blew him away with a Kamidrone....

Or Elkdork, the evil Hybrid, boasting and full of arrogance: "run Ray, run". I couldn't stop laughing when I seperated him into his base elements, backpack, dogtag and belt, telling him to "run 'dork, run"

So - being nice to everybody, being carebear, does not suit this game. On the other hand, l33t shooter kiddies who play this game as a shooter are the other extreme. They deny the base RPG element of this game, so they're teh sux also. Well... time to spank them some more and teach them RP the hard way.

Jake Cutter
15-02-04, 09:08
Yeah revenge is a fine motivator.

Please point out the people who want us all to group-hug and sing "kumbaya". I honestly don't see them.

I'm not against RP PvP, duels, etc.

I am against vainglorious morons who see fit to gank people for no purpose other than to grief, and then bring their egotistical nonsense into this forum and insult people by calling them "cowards" just because someone didn't lie down and die in front of them like good little bitches, and play the game "their" way.

And, last time I checked, griefing is against the EULA.


15-02-04, 09:37
I do RP. And i love to Pvp. I just dont gank noobs.

Now wheres the sense of this thread? I dont get it!

15-02-04, 15:26
I will not gank n00bs unless they have asked for it.
I have been leveling a new char, and in the last 2 days have been killed 6 times by capped players shooting me in the back.
I don't mind my n00b char dying as I have nothing of value to loose, and it's quite funny to know someone wasted some ammo and SL to kill some low level n00b they don't know (well at least it brings a smile to my face).
What I fear is the truly new people who come to play are getting ganked in the same way and getting pissed off with this game.
I also find the F6 roleplaying excuse very lame.
This doesn't make me a carebare as I will gank just like everyone else if I know the victim or they have asked for it.

15-02-04, 17:53
Originally posted by SorkZmok
I do RP. And i love to Pvp. I just dont gank noobs.

Now wheres the sense of this thread? I dont get it!

I guess the point was i was getting 1500 ping on saturn and couldnt play, and just was rambling about the constant debate of the LE chip. Those that argue against the le are the greifers and the ones that want the le are the carebears. I just wanted to bring to light the fact that this is not a new debate and its not just a neocron debate. It is a debate that has plagued every game that has had pvp in an RPG envioment.

15-02-04, 19:52
gank > all

15-02-04, 20:41
The day i saw a runner abused for wearing an LE was the day i quit neocron, its their choice.

but Gank > all

Saito Hajime
16-02-04, 02:00
I'd have to say the best pvp I have seen yet was in dark age of camelot.
It was great because if you were all about the killing of other players there were ways of venting your anti social tendencies. Realm v Realm.
Some of the RVR fights were really sweet, be it simple search and destroy in neutral or enemy territory, or a raid to overrun a stronghold.
meanwhile, if you dont care for such things. you can play without ever being in a player vs player fight, at no point did you have to worry about some asshole 10x your lvl deciding that youre hunting in the wrong noob zone and must forfiet your life for it.
If it werent the tired fantasy genre and have some of the worst exp treadmill action i ever saw I'd still be playing it.