View Full Version : Ways to counter stealth

14-02-04, 05:17
Look I see lots of posts asking for a change in how stealth works, instead of changing it and basically nerfing the defense one class has (talking about spys here) maybe we can suggest methods of countering stealth?

How about a heat sensitive scope, a scope that would pick up peoples heat signatures and allow you to fire upon them. It would take up one slot and would be hard to maneuver since the scope doesn't show terrain all that well. It is also difficult to move around while looking in a scope anyway.

A Drone that detects stealthed characters, a droner can see the stealthed person and the drone shoots a marker that makes the stealthed person glow allowing people the ability to use AoE to run the stealther off.

How about making the druge haze more prominent and it takes less usage of the stealth device for it to take effect. It seems a lot of people have a problem with the stealth, shoot, stealth, shoot type people so make it after 3 consecutive uses (in a short period of time) you get a druge haze, and if you continue to use it the drug haze gets worse and worse til you can't see. This would make people use the lower level stealth devices more sparringly and put the scouting into the spys hands.

A lot of problems people seem to be having is the people who use stealth and shoot once then restealth and shoot again ad nauseum, well I have never seen this have any effect in an OP fight, and most of the time stealth is pretty much a non factor in the outcome of an OP fight (at least to me in my limited experiance, maybe someone can enlighten me?). OP fights seem to revolve around monks and tanks, rare is a spy to be seen and if he is people put him on his back as soon as possible because it is easy..

Heck most of the monks in my clan now have hacking instead of the implant skill so you really don't need a spy to take an OP... nerfing stealth would make it even worse in my opinion.

Any more suggestions on how to "counter" stealth, not nerf it?

Mr Friendly
14-02-04, 05:25
stealthin whores are hard to kill yeah we all know, but think, ur not gettin hurt at all since hes stealthin alot, dun even try to nerf em all cuz u cant kill em. they're able to stealth where they cant be killed if skilled usin it, & their downside is they cant hurt neone back while doin this (in PvP) & punchin doesnt count as sumthin dangerous to ur health, or at least id hope not :eek:

14-02-04, 05:32
dmg boost or light em on fire?

14-02-04, 05:35
Originally posted by nonamebrandeggs
dmg boost or light em on fire?

Yea people already do this, at least the people I have seen when hunting stealthers... but the way people talk on this forum stealth is supposedly a serious issue and they want to make big changes to it... but most of the time when my clan is hunting someone using stealth they use those exact tactics so I dunno why it is such an issue? :confused:

Mr Friendly
14-02-04, 05:37
Originally posted by Estabin
Yea people already do this, at least the people I have seen when hunting stealthers... but the way people talk on this forum stealth is supposedly a serious issue and they want to make big changes to it... but most of the time when my clan is hunting someone using stealth they use those exact tactics so I dunno why it is such an issue? :confused:

sooo.....why did u make this thread? ... :confused: :eek: :wtf: :D

14-02-04, 05:42
To counter all the other threads that people are making about changing how stealth works... most of the polls I have seen on those threads it seems people are in favor of changing stealth to make it harder to do so, and I wanted to give my own opinion on it, instead of changing how stealth works make a counter for it.

I don't think there is a problem what so ever with stealth and it seems most of the time stealth is a non issue as far as OP wars go... now the fighting that goes on in PP and places such as that.. yea people have a way to opt out, but to me the game is all about OP wars so I don't really see a problem with it. But since it seems a majority of the people do on this forum I thought I would give an option instead of just fighting against them :p . Also if a change is being planned somewhere somehow I would like to voice options... I really hope there isn't one but you never know.


I am at work so I am bored, that is why I am posting a response so fast... they are closing the building soon though so I get to go home early :D

14-02-04, 07:14
Gee, if you are going to be able to counter my stealth, which is what keeps me alive at times, then give me a way to counter the healing and general buffing that a ppu can do to similarly keep alive (even when i am shooting them non-stop).

While you are at it, then give me a way to counter the shelter / deflector buffs on tanks which help to keep *them* alive.

Then extend this to all of the other character classes as well, giving me ways to counter what ever it is that helps to keep each of those alive.

Do all of that, *then* it would be consistent to also counter my stealth in some fashion.

In other words, simply asking for ways to nerf stealth or counter stealth is a very one sided point of view.
