View Full Version : NPC bulk discounts

12-02-04, 06:01
Makes sense in the real world-

Why do NPC's charge the same for every unit of something bought in bulk? Ammo, psi boosters, etc..

Maybe something to consider: NPC's should be like any real life businessman. Supplies bought in bulk should cost less than the price per unit multiplied by the number of units bought. In other words, if a unit of ammo costs 500 NC, the NPC merchant would NOT charge 500 per unit when buying, say, 50 rounds of it. No RL merchant in their right mind would do so, so why not have the price go down every few units?

Example: Yakarma charges like 1000 per psi booster. If you buy 50, it's 500 per booster, and so on...

Just thinking of realism & convenience.

12-02-04, 07:31
You think a 50% drop for buying 50 is realistic? Where do you shop? I think that is where barter comes in.

12-02-04, 07:38
I agree but nothing so drastic as 50% for 50, more like 1% for every 10 you buy, this would be noticeable for large purchases. Also how about were hy you can "buy" a whole buttload of chemicals from a vendor, in order to get the discount, and then pick it up in small batches, so that someone with low transport does get screwed. there should be a maximum cap for the discount say 30% on top of barter/whatever.

12-02-04, 08:31
It was a hypothetical example. Bottom line is, I think you should get some sort of discount, doesnt matter what, for buying in bulk. No one looks for a barterer to buy ammo, and you don't see recyclers hanging around in Plaza 1...

....and yeah, something like a percent off for every 10 you buy sounds good.

12-02-04, 08:56
Sounds cool. And maybe Barter could get an even larger discount per 10 items depending on their skill.

12-02-04, 23:18
ya good idea
althought barters are meant for that a small discount wud be good

12-02-04, 23:19
Great idea but with barter it would even fuck economy even up more..oh wait there is none cause of the barter...