View Full Version : Gat Rifles

11-02-04, 14:55
good day,

ive been thinking about gatling rifles recently and ive just realised they cud do with a lot of lurvin.
i think it wud be good to boost all gat rifles a bit so people use them more, i think it wud also be good to add it to the CM epic so maybe more players would go to cm to do the epic then, and i wud love to see a rare gatling rifle wich has high specs so its spy only so at least we have another weapon and a decent weapon to do PvM with. because

PE's have pistols and decent rifles for PvM hunting, and damage boost

APU's do incredible damage and have barrel

tanks have gat cannons which do amazingly quick damage

PPU's airnt meant to do damage anyway :p

and spies have normal rifles, but no extra DB or anything and out of the extra rifles we can use compared to PE's :
redeemer: just crap
Silent hunter: to slow
first love: misses a lot
and the only decend one may be the disruptor but i still dont think its enuf, and i think a new rare gat rifle wud be great. post wot u think here plz :p

11-02-04, 15:02
RoG is good,healing light is good pvm not sure about pvp and pain easer has always been a decent rifle if not as good as it used to be.

They really should have an option in the CM epic of choosing a cannon or pistol or rifle but meh.

More rare rifles arent really needed in my opinion.

11-02-04, 15:06
i just want a boost or an intentive to use the gat rifle

11-02-04, 15:10
Gats do too much damage if too high TL thats why KK choose to add a rare plasmawave and rare flamer instead of a rare gat cannon so I somehow doubt that they will make a rare gat rifle or pistol, and the only incentive to use them is that they sound cool and/or are a higher TL then your old weapon.

11-02-04, 15:21
Are you insane ?

Dont take that personally but I'm shocked that you are complaining about the rifles for Spies and especially for PVM.

I tried out the Tangent Epic for the first time last night instead of my Pain Easer / Lightbringer 2 set up. It is the perfect wapon for hunting WBs and pretty much anything else in the wastes.

The healing light I would guess is better.

Also the Redeemer is good as long as its used correctly and you combine it with a close up weapon.

An incentive to use a Gatlin Rifle apart from it sounding cool I'm not sure. But to be honest IMO its not really a Spy type weapon , its hardly a sniper and looks as bulky as hell.

No doubt though eventually there will be a rare made of it as has happened to the shotgun but I'm sure it would be targetted as a PE weapon being bulky.

11-02-04, 15:26
i dont mind about the weapons we have some are great in pvp and some are good in pvm to, i just wonder why no one ever uses them, there has to be a reason

11-02-04, 15:26
Originally posted by Sorontar
Also the Redeemer is good as long as its used correctly and you combine it with a close up weapon.

Redeemer sucks because it has a range of something massively over the clipping plain and since it gets a damage bonus for hitting further away but cant hit at its furthest range its impossible to get full damage off of it.

Its really the only type of rifle they need to fix.

11-02-04, 16:21
Originally posted by Mr_Snow
Redeemer sucks because it has a range of something massively over the clipping plain and since it gets a damage bonus for hitting further away but cant hit at its furthest range its impossible to get full damage off of it.

Its really the only type of rifle they need to fix.

Its still a very good rifle :) just becasue the clipping plane range sucks does not make the rifle suck :) is does decent dmg and i can kill wb's and grims before they get close to me :)

Psyco Groupie
11-02-04, 16:27
everything you post is utterly useless, especially that mag article .. rofl

11-02-04, 16:55
i knew u wud be the only person who wud ever bring it back up, and in ur case i find that very sad.
and nub, topics of conversation airnt meant to be useful, its a topic of disscussion, and i was just disscussing gatling rifles.
so if u wud please go and do something intresting with your sad life instead of posting bullshit and negativly commenting on things u know fuck all about

Doc Holliday
11-02-04, 18:22
wow groupie. u harrass people in game with your sad little comments and now u have to troll the forums too. jesus u really need to get a life.

11-02-04, 22:59
I still use Gatlin Rifles......

They're good in the Outzone, J_02 Gogo house and Swamp Caves, where you don't need alot of range.....

With Lupus's Weapon TL changes, going Low Tech is even more viable now(or will be).....
He filled in the gaps in the low tech rifles/pistols..... \o/

11-02-04, 23:09
good point matey i recon the city mercs epic should give u a speed gatlin rifle pistol or cannon