View Full Version : its the 'leet' people who put me off this game

10-02-04, 00:13
coz 90% of them are a bunch of [ edited for violation of the forum rules - homophobic ]really.

theres some new bd clans on pluto. with some so called 'vets' in them, and all they do is talk shit on trade and pk people 30 ranks lower than them.

as a certain bd clan was pking noobs in mb i went to stop them, being cm. i came across one of these people who are so called leet (actually well known for noob ganking) and she had a ppu with her (she was a tech pistol pe). suprisingly i managed to kill the pe who was shooting my with a blacksun b4 another apu killed me. it was after that she was spamming shit on trade like 'well i couldnt do much with only a nail gun' etc

then i was on my spy alt (rank 30 ish) and a different capped pistol pe who brags about being a leet pker killed me, even though i was roughly 33 ranks lower than her.

i killed this other tg guy and his ppu too in pp (i think the ppu crashed or sumthing) when i was alone, allthough he spams trade with how he can own me

this other tank who just came back to the game aslo is supposidly leet, gave it all the mouth on trade. and he still does, even though ive killed him loads of times know

then theres the gm brown-nosing

i imagine it happens on all servers but i just play pluto. it is [ edited - homophobic ] shit ever. [ edited - GM corruption allegations are to be made to abuse@neocron.com ]

shit like this spoils the game, and it really puts me off it. if your on pluto, and leveling at mb bunker, or your ebing pk'd generally anywhere by sum1 30 ranks higher than you dm masta killa or cryotchekk and i will sort them out. i know i will probably get lame flames like 'omfg masta kill you actually fucking suck you fucking nib suck your mums fucking tits you fucking ************'... but shit happens. its only the crap player wich act like that anyway...

/rant over

10-02-04, 00:15
i know wut u mean... but flip a bit the real thing that is a bugger is the shit talk...

10-02-04, 00:15
Keep it in-game. Except for the homophobic crap, keep that to yourself.


P.S. Allegations of GM abuse are to be made to abuse@neocron.com. Posting it on the forums earns you a ban.