View Full Version : Forum email notification messed up

08-02-04, 22:37
I deactivated the option of "Sending an email to notify when a subscribed thread has been responded in" option under profile here about a year ago...

yet ever since then I've always still received like 20 emails a day everytime someone responds to the RL pics thread. That's the only thread that I still get emails for.

I'm thinkin it's cause I was subscribed to it when I de-actvated the feature, and since it still exists I still get the emails

Don't ask me why I didn't post about this say..11 months ago. Just felt like doin it now since my email is totally flooded.

Can the mods like..manually desubscribe me from the RL pics thread so I can stop getting the emails :(

08-02-04, 22:48
You'll have to unsubscribe yourself I'm afraid. Deselecting that option in the profile does not unsubscribe you from threads you were already receiving messages for.


08-02-04, 22:48
i think u can unsubsrive urself, click on profile and it should be under subscribed threads. unless i'm reading you wrong, it should be there so click unsubscribe

09-02-04, 00:37
but it's not even under my "subscribed threads" list :wtf:

well it is sometimes and sometimes it's not...it like happens everytime someone else posts a reply it becomes subscribed again.

bahaha ok, got it, nevermind close teh thread please

09-02-04, 00:45
Closed at thread starter's request.