View Full Version : Pistols, Over powered?! Never!

06-02-04, 22:25
OK, this isnt a nerf thread, abit of fun TBH, but now that most weapons have had a big increase, in some cases 20-30%, how does everyone feel about the current weapons, and there dmg output?

Personaly at last the judge is how it should be, and finally the Slasher does dmg worthy of its TL.

What are everyone else's thoughts on ALL the weapons now?:angel:

06-02-04, 22:30
Pistols are fine now. Lowtech and hightech are all good. I'm even happy with the wyatt earp (owns pvm). As long as they dont get more powerful they cant get nerfed. :)

I dont see anything wrong with rifles.

Tanks are great now, not a matter of being to weak.

Spys suck and I dont care.

Melee needs damage mods still.

Neocron is really balanced well compared to other mmorpgs.

06-02-04, 22:30
Boost Wyatt imo.

Im only getting 40 damage with it on rank 70 mobs, with 170% damage. :(

06-02-04, 22:31
with the exception of lack of poison options for some classes, and lack of overall poison resist options, i think the weapons in the game are all perfect now.

06-02-04, 22:35
Originally posted by Lifewaster
Boost Wyatt imo.

Im only getting 40 damage with it on rank 70 mobs, with 170% damage. :(

My explosive capped earp does over 100 to 120/120 stuff and kills aggies in two hits.... I'd rather use a liberator in pvp (I'm lowtech pistol pe) and boosting the earp would prolly get people complaining about it.

06-02-04, 22:35
Melee and Drones need alternate damage types (fire/x-ray/posion). Either through mods or just make some weapons have differnet damage types.

I would like netcode improvements for melee - I hate seeing red numbers rolling off my opponet but their health bar staying the same simply because they are running away, but this may be unfixable due to the game engine, bleh.

06-02-04, 22:42
the cs, dev, and speedgun are all too powerful now. NOTE: the dev was fine when it was first implimented, but NOW its overpowerd (got 20% damage increase cs abd dev, 30% on speed.) last patch.

06-02-04, 22:43
Originally posted by VetteroX
the cs, dev, and speedgun are all too powerful now. NOTE: the dev was fine when it was first implimented, but NOW its overpowerd (got 20% damage increase cs abd dev, 30% on speed.) last patch.


06-02-04, 22:45
Originally posted by VetteroX
the cs, dev, and speedgun are all too powerful now. NOTE: the dev was fine when it was first implimented, but NOW its overpowerd (got 20% damage increase cs abd dev, 30% on speed.) last patch.
Could not agree more...
The DEV is crazy. And its not cause of resists.


06-02-04, 22:48
I think CS now is how it should be, since it's more powerful than RoLH now. Dev I haven't seen enough of so I can't comment. SpeedGun is too powerful. SG was fine as it was, less powerful than Lib, but now it is more powerful, which I don't think is right, considering it's an epic item and not a rare. In itself, I don't think it's too powerful (at most it's doing the damage the prepatch CS did) but it's too powerful for an epic item, and is dealing damage more like a rare gat.

Melee still needs more damage. I think it's time Lib got its 28% burst bonus back. Silent Hunter is apparently still underpowered.

06-02-04, 22:55
CS was fine before... its too powerful now... at very least they coulda given other weapons like lib, pain easer, first love a boost, but they didnt... lib doesnt need a boost in bullet damage, but it does need its aiming fixed and for more bullets to hit... things were balanced before.... my lowtech pe devoted totaly to combat could win 50% of the time vs a very good tank.... now that it takes max 10 cs bursts to die instead of max 13, theres no point in fighting tanks with a pe anymore, I just use my tank to pk.... and other weapons shouldnt be made overpowered cause rolh is overpowered, rolh needs a nerf, even lupus said it.

06-02-04, 22:59
Judge is fine now. Lib still sucks.

Raygun aiming still is way too easy.

CS, Dev and TSG are way too powerful now.

High end rifles still sucks. My Disruptor did 31 dmg to the last PE i tested it on. And its a fucking TL 115 rifle. And dont even talk about the fucking FL.

06-02-04, 23:04
Originally posted by SorkZmok
Lib still sucks.

:wtf: I'm a lowtech pistol pe and I say it's fine! If someone sucks with it it's because they cant aim. FFS 28% more damage would make it the best pistol again. That wouldn't be right... It would get nerfed back to nothing8| 8| 8|

Psycho Killa
06-02-04, 23:09
Originally posted by SorkZmok
Lib still sucks.

You forget lib is 9 tls under any other pistol rare? o_O and i see a fair amount of people do well with it so I suggest you learn how to aim and make it so not as many bullets miss as they do now.

06-02-04, 23:13
Originally posted by Psycho Killa
You forget lib is 9 tls under any other pistol rare? o_O and i see a fair amount of people do well with it so I suggest you learn how to aim and make it so not as many bullets miss as they do now. Oh boy i can aim. Trust me.
I was according to the fact that you nearly never hit with all 4 bullets. not even crouching up somones ass with a fully closed reticle.

So fuck you. :)

06-02-04, 23:48
Originally posted by Drake6k
:wtf: I'm a lowtech pistol pe and I say it's fine! If someone sucks with it it's because they cant aim. FFS 28% more damage would make it the best pistol again. That wouldn't be right... It would get nerfed back to nothing8| 8| 8|

It currently has a burst bonus of 20%, whereas every other burst weapon has a bonus of 28%. Last I heard from Vet was that its aiming was fixed, I guess now he doesn't think this is true.

CS, Dev, and SG weren't the only weapons which were boosted unintentionally.

I still say CS isn't overpowered. It's certainly not a problem for PEs as long as they still have stealth. Besides if Lib aiming was fixed and burst bonus increased it would also be balanced. There's nothing wrong with other weapons any more either - HL got a massive boost, RoG deals prepatch CS damage up close, FL deals only slightly less damage than prepatch CS.

I'd certainly much rather see people dying in 2 clips from most weapons rather than 3+ as was the norm before the patch. If things need balancing then bring other weapons up, preferably by fixing them (i.e. Lib).

Put it this way, prepatch CS would deal less damage than a Lib with 28% burst and fixed aiming.

Shadow Dancer
06-02-04, 23:48
I was thinking of rerolling to pistol spy. *dies to flames*

What kind of DMG does slasher do?

I think CS is fine, and all the boosts to the weapons are fine but not if HL stays nerfed. I would have agreed to a "reasonable" tweak in HL damage, but now that all other weapons have been boosted..........

Psyco Groupie
06-02-04, 23:52
slasher is damn mean ... abit too old rolh like imo ... its a pulselaser but pretty much all bolts were hitting me from a PE ... :rolleyes:

06-02-04, 23:58
Can you get a good combat pistol Spy using the slasher with enough const to build rares? Without changing setups mind. I don't mind like one drug for the const or something. Because I'm thinking of either making a pistol/const spy or a droner/const spy. Not sure which though.

07-02-04, 00:01
Originally posted by VetteroX
CS was fine before... its too powerful now... at very least they coulda given other weapons like lib, pain easer, first love a boost, but they didnt... lib doesnt need a boost in bullet damage, but it does need its aiming fixed and for more bullets to hit... things were balanced before.... my lowtech pe devoted totaly to combat could win 50% of the time vs a very good tank.... now that it takes max 10 cs bursts to die instead of max 13, theres no point in fighting tanks with a pe anymore, I just use my tank to pk.... and other weapons shouldnt be made overpowered cause rolh is overpowered, rolh needs a nerf, even lupus said it.

one word: same


I can't fight a tank with a PE...

07-02-04, 00:04
I am taking a shitload more damage from CS now - before when I had a sucky Con setup, I was doing well Melee against CS tanks - now I am taken down to over half health before I can even get more than a few swings off.

<--- runs off to make a pistol PE :D


I seen a PE owning just about every tank tonight in NF - Well played Onoz :) If he did lose, it was only just - and I DO mean Only...

07-02-04, 00:27
dueling a dev tank with ur pe is as simple as drinking an energy resist pot, a poison resist pot, and putting a poison resist belt on

viable for duels yes....but not viable for anything else

07-02-04, 01:18
Cs and Dev are now a little too powerful IMO

pre patch i took 50 damage from a CS burst now i take 75 or so 0.o which is a nasty hike

07-02-04, 01:48
Personally im still winning 50% of my fights vs CS using tanks, as my lowtech Libby PE.
Yes its harder than before the patch, but just needs a few CON mods. Im sure you can work it out Vett :D :p :D

07-02-04, 01:52
My First Love needs some loving :(

07-02-04, 02:19
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
I was thinking of rerolling to pistol spy. *dies to flames*

What kind of DMG does slasher do?

Slasher does very nice damage now. I find myself using Executioner for the most part now, which isn't nearly as good but still acceptable. It's nice to be different.

07-02-04, 02:21
gonna say USUALLY here....I can USUALLY kill any tank with my Pistol PE....

...but if he whips out a Dev, it's really tricky, and I really have to get the first shot in to win.

Dev is way over-powered....I've seen entire rooms full of people annihilated by a tank and a good dev. That just should not happen....one person should not be able to kill 5 or more people while they are all firing at him.

Pistols are all great, really. I LOVE MY LIBBY :p

07-02-04, 02:34
I love my Libby but it just cant compete with that CS boost. That being said I like the CS boost but still think the Libby needs perhaps a slight boost. I dunno maybe I am just being selfish. :p We'll see where Lupus' fixed weapon strengths leave us.

07-02-04, 02:34
dueling a dev tank with ur pe is as simple as drinking an energy resist pot, a poison resist pot, and putting a poison resist belt on

Isnt any situation that simple? Its the player overall setup which lasts, not a dueling one :)

07-02-04, 02:42
All weapons are going to be removed and the DMG on all rares is going to be equal to the Nail gun! ONOZ!

Shit - Double Post! :confused:

fucking connection

07-02-04, 02:43
Imo apu's need their dmg fixed asap, with other classes having thier dmg boosted at the same time they get their's nerfed it takes one of their main roles in a battle away from them, atm they are not the main dmg dealers their ment to be. About the only good thing about the situation atm is theres more variation in chars at op wars (well alot more tanks anyway :p )

07-02-04, 03:19
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
I was thinking of rerolling to pistol spy. *dies to flames*
RolH still is the only way. Simple as that. o_O

07-02-04, 03:28
pulse laser rifles suck ass, they need a major boost ;o...

1. even if u got ur rectile perfectly aimed on somethin u miss at least once most of the time... and its weak as it is so missing 1 shot out of 3 is kinda ... bad...

2. weak as hell o.0...

07-02-04, 04:02
Originally posted by Jest
I love my Libby but it just cant compete with that CS boost. That being said I like the CS boost but still think the Libby needs perhaps a slight boost. I dunno maybe I am just being selfish. :p We'll see where Lupus' fixed weapon strengths leave us.

Give Lib it's 28% burst bonus back would even things up IMO. What do you think?

07-02-04, 04:19
ill ne happy to nerf devs damage if thay remove the speed nerf from it. i always wanted to run circles with a flamer :)

Mr. Chainsaw
07-02-04, 04:22
How are the pain easers doing? I never see anything about them.

07-02-04, 04:28
duno but ive been thinking to switch to rifle. because everyone is becoming pistols i stuck out with lib when none used it i wanted to feel unq. but now :(

07-02-04, 04:28
Originally posted by Scikar
Give Lib it's 28% burst bonus back would even things up IMO. What do you think? Would prolly be nice. I think I just want my cake and eat it too. Or however else the hell that saying goes. I want Libby to be good but I dont want other people to use it. haha. I like being one of the few, the proud, the low tech pistol PE without PA.

Mr. Chainsaw
07-02-04, 04:31
I like the feel of a good rifle. Besides, I can't wait to get that new shotgun anyway:)

07-02-04, 04:40
Originally posted by Jest
Would prolly be nice. I think I just want my cake and eat it too. Or however else the hell that saying goes. I want Libby to be good but I dont want other people to use it. haha. I like being one of the few, the proud, the low tech pistol PE without PA.

heh, ditto

Shadow Dancer
07-02-04, 04:58
Lol, how powerful do you guys want lib to be? It's a TL 91 pistol ffs.

07-02-04, 05:00
Just powerful enough so that CS doesn't get nerfed. :D

07-02-04, 05:06
all I want is for libs bullets to HIT.... im sick of having a closesd recticle and only 1 or 2 bullets hit... i dunno whay its so hard to fix... same with pain easer... so many times im crouching point blank infront of a wb, and 1 bullet out of 3 hits... wtf? Scikar on test it seeme fixed, but as someone said its just a client side bug on test.... sadly thet were right... and im sick of peope saying "lib is tl 91, pain is tl 93" stfu... thats not the point... we arent asking for more damage we are asking for our god damn bullets to HIT thats all.

07-02-04, 05:07
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Lol, how powerful do you guys want lib to be? It's a TL 91 pistol ffs.

True. Remember a pe specced for using libby can have one hell of a mean resist setup and therefore make up for the lib's damage output being less than the opponents CS for example.

P.S. I'm lvl'n a cst pistol/drone spy atm (drones is the best way to lvl a spyso fast) but all i can say so far my TL18 pulse laser pistol out damages my TL38 uzi. I'm aiming for around 140 cst which when i cap will be as good as anyone else for constructing 'maybe' slightly slower but still the same capped stats.

07-02-04, 05:10
Originally posted by VetteroX
all I want is for libs bullets to HIT.... im sick of having a closesd recticle and only 1 or 2 bullets hit... i dunno whay its so hard to fix... same with pain easer... so many times im crouching point blank infront of a wb, and 1 bullet out of 3 hits... wtf? Scikar on test it seeme fixed, but as someone said its just a client side bug on test.... sadly thet were right... and im sick of peope saying "lib is tl 91, pain is tl 93" stfu... thats not the point... we arent asking for more damage we are asking for our god damn bullets to HIT thats all.

I get what your saying but i never really liked Libby that much love pain easer though. For my pistol pe i used to use ryker nypalm. Now use Jugde because i got a decent one.
Also if they fix lib's aiming they really should fix First Love's aiming too its a TL 114 weapon and it usually misses blobs from every burst!

07-02-04, 06:20
Originally posted by VetteroX
all I want is for libs bullets to HIT.... im sick of having a closesd recticle and only 1 or 2 bullets hit... i dunno whay its so hard to fix... same with pain easer... so many times im crouching point blank infront of a wb, and 1 bullet out of 3 hits... wtf? Scikar on test it seeme fixed, but as someone said its just a client side bug on test.... sadly thet were right... and im sick of peope saying "lib is tl 91, pain is tl 93" stfu... thats not the point... we arent asking for more damage we are asking for our god damn bullets to HIT thats all.

Lib and PE are very close in terms of TL so it makes sense that they are about even. But CS is 14 TLs above Lib, and it's a cannon over a pistol. I think a lot of people seem to forget that. Also, since Lib's aiming is bugged, it's wrong to use it to compare with other weapons. When you compare CS with RoLH, RoG, etc. there's no problem.

07-02-04, 06:34
Ok just back from some NF fights. A dmg capped TL 115 Disruptor does about 35 dmg to a good setup PE. Maybe 45 to a tank.

Its impossible to kill someone with that rifle. In a duel i have to hit at least 90% of my shots. Otherwise a PE can fucking outheal me and a tank can simply waste me.

I know i'm a spy but still the dmg is just crap. I mean a fucking TL 93 Pain Easer does the same dmg. And a TL 98 rifle totally outdamages my TL 115 rifle. In PvM and PvP. Wheres the fucking sense in being a spy? And if anyone says "STFU and go snipe" TRY THAT YOURSELF. SH is such a fucking piece of shit i wont even talk about it. Same with the FL.

*fucks off*:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

07-02-04, 08:47
Spies seem to be doing a lot of damage now (whether rifles, drones, whatever). They are still weak as piss but they got uber stealthing abilities now :)

I think the pistols are quite well balanced now, more or less (boost wyatt earp). Same with the cannons, however dev might be a little bit strong? Especially considering that it is hard to get a good resist against poison without nerfing other resists to hell, I think we need anti-poison imps or gasmasks or something.

07-02-04, 13:55
When I see you at MB Enemy, id say its your PE with the uber stealthing, not the Spys :lol:

07-02-04, 13:59
whats better on pistols than rifles ?

no speed nerf

aims faster

does more dmg

nething more to add :rolleyes:

rifles shoot just further

Cyphor (Ash)
07-02-04, 16:03
I've just returned from a break from Neocron, and as a Pistol PE, I must say I like the changes, it's made me just a little bit less crap :D

07-02-04, 16:15
Originally posted by XaNToR
whats better on pistols than rifles ?

no speed nerf

aims faster

does more dmg

nething more to add :rolleyes:

rifles shoot just further

fuck ya

screw pistols and sort rifles out just because theres so many llamas doesnt meen spend all the time on messing with them :(

07-02-04, 17:09
Originally posted by SorkZmok
Ok just back from some NF fights. A dmg capped TL 115 Disruptor does about 35 dmg to a good setup PE. Maybe 45 to a tank.

Its impossible to kill someone with that rifle. In a duel i have to hit at least 90% of my shots. Otherwise a PE can fucking outheal me and a tank can simply waste me.

I know i'm a spy but still the dmg is just crap. I mean a fucking TL 93 Pain Easer does the same dmg. And a TL 98 rifle totally outdamages my TL 115 rifle. In PvM and PvP. Wheres the fucking sense in being a spy? And if anyone says "STFU and go snipe" TRY THAT YOURSELF. SH is such a fucking piece of shit i wont even talk about it. Same with the FL.

*fucks off*:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

FL is more powerful than Disruptor. Capped it does almost (as in 98%) the same damage as prepatch CS. And hit has better range = better aim = hit more. And a bigger clip.

08-02-04, 09:05
Well, Ive fought a bunch of tanks, and Ive fought a bunch of other PEs, and I think my conclusion is that the Libby needs some love. I dunno nowadays when I see a Gentank of any ability level, I know I have to be on the very top of my game to even stand a chance. I was fighting a tank in PP2 today and got the shakes and let me just tell you, shakey hand + Libby = not a good combination. I really do like the amount of skill it takes to use the Libby, but its no where near compared to as powerful as everything else now. I know its a lower tech level, but it should still be better than it is. Maybe raise Libby up to 28% like Scikar was saying, maybe 'fix' the aiming like Vet is saying, I dunno. But Lupus as you are fixing the weapons, let me just remind that I love you. haha.

08-02-04, 09:10
Originally posted by Jest
I was fighting a tank in PP2 today and got the shakes and let me just tell you, shakey hand + Libby = not a good combination.

I get the same thing with the Executioner. They're both good guns for their class but the aim is such that if you're not really on the ball, you may as well be swinging a Wiffle bat :o

08-02-04, 10:23
Originally posted by Scikar
FL is more powerful than Disruptor. Capped it does almost (as in 98%) the same damage as prepatch CS. And hit has better range = better aim = hit more. And a bigger clip.
Well. The thing is: Disruptor got no recoil, nearly no stamina drain, aims fucking fast and hits most of its bolts. While FL recoil is pure evil, 1 clip nearly sucks up all of a spies stamina, the aiming even on an artifact FL with insane wep is fucking slow plus you wont hit with all 4 bursts, not even if you crawl up your enemies ass.

If im warmed up, i can put 90% of my Disruptor shots right into my enemies head. With a FL, thats simply impossible. I love the FL but its shit. Especially if youre at an OPfight and have to snipe. Cause then you cant hit shit at all. And carrying a gun thats only for close combat on a spy cant be it. o_O

Psyco Groupie
08-02-04, 10:44
After I got a first love made and ultimated it to get all arti - i was quite honestly apauled at what i'd just wasted the ultima on .. anyway .. moral of the story is, I was a droner by the end of the week!

08-02-04, 13:20
Dunno if I agree with ya there Jest. I play a low tech pistol PE and tbh, way I see it is this:
1) You are a PE, maybe you arent destined to get the uber pistol accuracy that a spy can get on the higher TL weapons that he would normally use?
2) You are lowtech - maybe lowtech weapons dont have the super-duper i-lock-on-like-a-mofo gizmos that the tech guns like ROLH do?

Personally I like the difficulty of the libby. Its taken a long time to "master" and id hate to see it become a joke to aim like CS. I find nothing funnier than watching an NF fight with 2 libby PEs, that couldnt hit the broadside of a barn :lol: