View Full Version : Switching Factions

06-02-04, 14:02
Switching Factions should be much harder.

This is to prevent the huge swings that take place when a new faction becomes dominant


06-02-04, 14:05
Originally posted by Bengalmin
Switching Factions should be much harder.

This is to prevent the huge swings that take place when a new faction becomes dominant

harder? lol atm its just time wasteing and only NIBs swap factions all the time...

06-02-04, 14:07
There should be something like an epic, basically a series of tasks to show that you are willing to put in time for your new faction etc to prove that you are worthy of joining but seeing the balance of power shift is generally interesting even if it shifts in a bad direction.

J. Folsom
06-02-04, 14:07
Personally I think it's fine, the huge swings of power keep it interesting, since it's generally caused by one of the large clans splitting up, and the split off group joining a faction hostile to their old one.

For example, assuming we take Saturn's older situation as an example, if faction switching was really difficult, it's very likely that most of the map would still be TG, while last I checked it's now split up into TT, BD, CM and CA.
This is because people tend to get pissed off at one another after being in the same faction/clan for a while, thus splitting up into various new factions so they can effectively fight one another without soullight loss.

06-02-04, 14:08
Just thinking that the swings in power that can take place on a server from one faction to another can't be because everyone makes a new character on that faction, they move to it.

I'd love it if people were locked into thier starting faction, but could join allied faction clans, but that is just my opinion and not the discussion.

06-02-04, 14:10
People would leave if they were locked in the same faction all the time because they would get bored or they could end up in a faction full of tits.

06-02-04, 14:13
like I said, not the discussion ;)

I guess I'd just like a bit of faction loyalty or people to have to achive sometihng other than killing a few NPCs and paying 300,000nc (which isn't alot to anyone) before they can switch.

too many sheep about I guess ;)

06-02-04, 14:15
I dont want to count how many npcs I had to kill to get from -99 bd to 50 on 3 chars.

06-02-04, 14:19
Well most people just have someone make, or make themselves a enemy faction noob on another account and GR kill him............

I never quite understood faction sympathies.........I mean you could have -99 CA symp and the gaurds will talk to you like youre an enemy faction, but never end up shooting.....that needs to be fixed to where they do shoot instantly it would prevent people from doing that above formentioned things, as not only enemy, but allied and neutral faction gaurds would KOS if you had bad symp......

fix missions too to give more symp/SL/XP, but make them really long like epic submissions(mini one part epics) cause doing quick kills in agg cellars gets monotonous......

for instance:
go kill 5 aggressor captians
visit jow blow in blah sector(pick up package)
deliver package to blah in blah sector(tells you to bring him dogtag of enemy runner)
kill one enemy runner(keep dogtag)
take dogtag back to bitch ass npc
mission complete 3000nc 1500XP or some shit......

Agent L
06-02-04, 20:31
I believe it shouldn't be any harder to switch faction and it should be easier to leave faction at all. Belonging to one of them should not be enforced like it is now, but membership of certain faction should give benefits.

06-02-04, 22:14
I agree, for roleplay reasons, but the main reason after the most-powerful-faction bandwagon is switching around for epic items.

A way to fix this is make epics repeatable that way a, say, ProtoPharma member could do the epic over and over again selling the resistors to ppl who had normally changed faction to get said item.

06-02-04, 22:19
Its one thing to go pp and bio to do the epics... ut once your chars capped you should pick a faction and stay.... this faction hopping crap just doesnt work with me.... example an FA or CM who was fighting me 2 days ago going BD.... umm.... sorry no. We arent freinds now just because you wussed out of your faction and joined mine.... I kill people who switch to BD from a faction that was hostile.... saty with your faction through the goood and bad ffs... i was bd when it had 10 people and when it has all the ops.

07-02-04, 01:56
I agree the epic switching is lame. I think items should be faction limited, so you loose it when you switch and have to redo the epic if you switch back. like the faction steals back the equipment from its traitorus ex-member

Faction switching should be a long arduous process where it is a carrier choice not a hop from one to another

07-02-04, 08:41
Maybe in addition to the 300k cost of switching factions, perhaps they should add some kind of complex mission like an epic. Except you'd get no EXP or Money, but if you completed this mission you'd prove your worth to the faction and they'd let you in, after paying the 300k of course. Failing the mission would result in you not getting into the faction and maybe your old faction giving you the boot or a sympathy loss for your being a traitor and all.

*shrugs* Just a crazy idea.

07-02-04, 13:26
no so crazy, but would result in lots of unfactioned runners about

I also think remove the faction sympathy bonus (or heavily reduce) for killing NPCs so that it is better to kill PCs :) (maybe make symp bonus proportional to rank)

that way kill a couple of high rank runners, pay your 300k, do the run (risk loosing your money if you fail) then they let you in. you then automatically loose a lot of sympathy from your old faction so you can't hop back