View Full Version : A second account

06-02-04, 01:13

how the heck do i setup a second account?

If i do it via the trial it trys to charge me 30$ again and with the normal one it wants a CD-key

any you multi account guys gimmie a hand?

I bet when im told it will be moronicly simple

06-02-04, 01:14
u gotta pay the $30...wel i did....if u aint gotta ill b pissed :p

06-02-04, 01:15
Here are your options:
1) Buy new CD
2) Download trial

If you can find a discounted NC package online you will save mucho bucks. I got mine for 5 bucks each. :p

06-02-04, 01:16
bah was hoping against the whole buy another sodding copy... grr...

thanks guys

06-02-04, 01:46
Originally posted by Barak
bah was hoping against the whole buy another sodding copy... grr...

thanks guys Though the good news is when we upgrade to BDoY we only have to pay once no matter how many accounts we have. Well thats what was promised anyway. You know how that goes. :p

06-02-04, 02:14
so 30 dollers a char? 0.o

06-02-04, 02:20
Originally posted by Barak
so 30 dollers a char? 0.o

Neocron is a bargain bin game rofl.

It's 5 bucks most places.

06-02-04, 02:41
Originally posted by t0rqu3
Neocron is a bargain bin game rofl.

It's 5 bucks most places. Love people who make these comments then don't explain why....

Mr Friendly
06-02-04, 02:44
lol QD, everything's an essay to u :p

06-02-04, 02:45
Originally posted by Mr Friendly
lol QD, everything's an essay to u :p ^_^;;
It makes KK look bad that the game is in the bargin bin.

But that's only because Neocron currently doesn't have a publisher, otherwise, it would still be on the shelves with EvE and stuff..

06-02-04, 03:41
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
It makes KK look bad that the game is in the bargin bin.

But that's only because Neocron currently doesn't have a publisher, otherwise, it would still be on the shelves with EvE and stuff..

I got my friend a copy for 4 bucks and change.


<3 kk.

06-02-04, 03:45
Originally posted by QuantumDelta
Love people who make these comments then don't explain why....

He said 30 dollars per character, as in he thought the game was still 30 dollars.

It isn't.

I love people who comment without having any brains.

06-02-04, 04:06
Originally posted by t0rqu3
He said 30 dollars per character, as in he thought the game was still 30 dollars.

It isn't.

I love people who comment without having any brains. Irony...

06-02-04, 04:15
I dunno, it sounded to me like the $30 per character was basically a shot at one character servers. Because if you only play those servers, and buy more accounts to get more characters, then yeah you are paying $30/character.

Of course I could totally have misinterpreted/misunderstood his meaning :wtf:

06-02-04, 04:19
Originally posted by QuantumDelta


Err um, the reason why neocron is a bargain bin game is it's been out for a while and most stores need space to put newer games on the shelves.

06-02-04, 04:30
Originally posted by t0rqu3
He said 30 dollars per character, as in he thought the game was still 30 dollars.

It isn't.

I love people who comment without having any brains.

After the 10 day free trial, you're charged 30 dollars for your first month. As if you just purchased the game.

06-02-04, 05:42
Holy fuck hi idiots.

How can you not understand, driving or walking or whatever to a Futureshop, BestBuy or whatever you yanks have, walking in, paying 5 dollars for Neocron (YES FIVE DOLLARS, NOT THIRTY), drive home, get CD key, sign up for new account.

How does this = 30 dollars?

Yeah if you do the trial of course it's 30 but why the fuck would you if all you want is a new account.

06-02-04, 06:35
Originally posted by t0rqu3
Holy fuck hi idiots.

How can you not understand, driving or walking or whatever to a Futureshop, BestBuy or whatever you yanks have, walking in, paying 5 dollars for Neocron (YES FIVE DOLLARS, NOT THIRTY), drive home, get CD key, sign up for new account.

How does this = 30 dollars?

Yeah if you do the trial of course it's 30 but why the fuck would you if all you want is a new account. QD is the only one who "doesn't understand" and he is from the UK. Just thought Id clarify since your post seemed like you are pissed at "us yanks." (I'm not really a fan of gratuitous American bashing, but maybe I just have a complex and see it where its not. So apoligies in advance if you meant nothing by it).

As I said in my first post, I got my account for $5 as well because it was in the bargain bin (except an online bargain bin). I bought 3 accounts because it saved me $25 bucks each and I think I got that 2 extra free weeks deal with each other. ;) (I gave two of the games to 2 friends).

06-02-04, 07:51
Well Im not going to pay another 50 bucks (yes 50) to get a new neocron in the shop, then I rather pay for the trial :P

06-02-04, 08:06
well compared to what my initial game cost me, US$30 is nothing...

to get mine in time for pluto to open ( i got online 3rd day of pluto retail) cost me AU$100... about US$75 now.. but closer to US$50 at the time...

when i get around to gettin my second account of course i will be lookin into the now much cheaper options...