View Full Version : freezer weps and spells are not the root of all evil

05-02-04, 19:58
I just want to weigh in on the opposite side of this, the anti-freezer people seem to be overwhelming because of how vehiment they are. I have always thought and still think that there is still a place for freezers in this game.

I don't know about spells now, havn't used those. they certianly are being used a lot less -- that's for sure. as for weps, the pistol is the only usefull one -- you can't get a consistent hit with the rifle cause it targets too slow. and the canon is just bloody useless, which is too bad.

05-02-04, 20:32
any type of freeze spell/weapon takes the skill out of PvP. I think the freeze spells should have stayed the same strength but been limited to Mobs. Basically so you could freeze those damn stingers and bats in the caves. simple as that

Dribble Joy
05-02-04, 20:39
Dragonflies too.

Seriously, all frezers have to be made PvM only.

05-02-04, 20:42
para and frezzer are the route of all evil

i know lets bring the old days back when every one carried a freezer and would run up frezze and kill with the other person not able to do fuck all about it.

the only thing i liked about frezzers was the graphics of the attack and the gun style they looked cool even though they were evil

Dribble Joy
05-02-04, 20:43
It's a shame the best looking weapons are the freezers (gat rifle looks cool though)

Shadow Dancer
05-02-04, 20:46
God no, just remove freezers from pvp. :(

05-02-04, 20:48
lmao stop that, i had to look twice then i mean often i cant remember posting something but not 2 min ago :lol:

05-02-04, 20:48
When I first started playing, freezers didn't have any effect. At all.

You shot something and there was the crackle of electricity on the target for a while, but no damage and no freeze.

I reported it as a bug and someone (I think one of the KK staff at the time, but not 100% sure) said that they used to work but were disabled because it had been a case of the first one to hit the other with a freezer pretty much automatically won the fight.

A little later they were reactivated. At the time I assumed because they'd been fixed/balanced. Except. They were reactivated in a state that meant whoever got first hit with one pretty much automatically won the fight.

I always kinda wondered what exactly happened there o_O

Anyway. I enjoyed fighting a lot more when freezers did nothing (even if, at the time, I wanted them fixed) than I did when they started working again. Losing a battle wasn't frustrating, but having your ability to at least fight back become crippled was. Not sure they're the source of all evil, but their use sure made PvP a *lot* less fun for me. And I guess from others given how strongly some people feel about the subject.

05-02-04, 20:50
Paras should be usable PVM but just fuck up PVP so badly that it drains the game of all fun and pisses people off to the point that the wont play if a ppu with para is about and it would be worse if all other freezers worked again.

Oh and Shadow Dancer are you trying to be confusing today?

Dribble Joy
05-02-04, 20:52
The removal of one's ability to control and affect their surroundings, in the hands of another player is the key issue.

05-02-04, 21:02
I think para should be use in PvM and PvP.

It should be stronger in PvM, just like being able to cast DMG boost on a mob 3x while only once on a player. In PvP it should be 1/2 effect or maybe 1/3 effect, but not removed. Hitting a run capped PE is hard enough with him para-ed.

My POINT : Make para useful in PvP without completely removing the opponent's ability to fight back (Like Para has been in the past). It seems the current patch is getting more towards this middle road.

EDIT: But I haven't tested the new para PvM. Did it decrease there too? If so, see my above idea.

06-02-04, 02:54
Originally posted by WhiteKrAkRBOi

Hitting a run capped PE is hard enough

Skillz ? (I don't think so)

If you actually have to aim and track the target, then it's something else entirely. i respect tanks hitting me with heavy weapons or opponents with rifles. Pointclicking is not the same thing.

The PE has to be fast in order to make up for deficiencies in armor and resists, compared to a tank. Glue him and you just negated the whole point.

Now that hybrids are somewhat better, much better than before, and that glue has been reduced, i have incentives to reactivate my account which expired last month ( my gaming CPU is almost fixed, yay! )

06-02-04, 06:10
I think parashock should only affect ppu's :)

Psyco Groupie
06-02-04, 06:27
naaa apus :lol:

06-02-04, 07:19

To me, Melee + Freezing makes sense...

Snipe freezing, does not.

06-02-04, 10:25
Guess im not the only stupid enough to leave the appartment without antishock pills...