View Full Version : Casual Players?

Beanie McChimp
02-02-04, 18:42
Are there any casual players in this game like me who just plays for like probaly an hour at a time and doesn't have a capped character? I enjoy this game even though I don't play for hours at a time I haven't seen every mob I ain't been to those crystal cave thingys. So is there anyone else who has fun while playing like 1-3 hours at a time?

J. Folsom
02-02-04, 18:43
Me probably, though the time I spend on these forums probably makes me a non-casual gamer. :p

But I do have fun despite (Or, perhaps, because of) only playing a few hours most days.

02-02-04, 18:43
I have only ever capped 1 character - a PE, but that is no big shakes.

As for casual gaming - sorry, not here. Maybe 3-4 hours per night - a little more at weekends.

02-02-04, 18:44
I play like 4+ hours a day for over a year now (exclude fridays) and
i still havent seen all the mobs :D

pp > caves


02-02-04, 18:44
when you're capped, you are casual player -- you log in once in a while and all you do is chat for a while, and log off until next time ...... :D

02-02-04, 18:45
My current char set are not capped..

I don't play to cap, I play to have fun, when the game's not fun I log off..

So I'd call myself casual..

Beanie McChimp
02-02-04, 18:51
My best character is my spy Beanie McChimp xx/56 I ain't played since the battledome event.

02-02-04, 20:34
Ive played in a casual style , tho like , 24/7 :p for about a year on my main char soulblade.

ten months to cap *shrugs* no powerleveling. no real 'leveling' infact, just getting parts from wbts.

02-02-04, 21:07
Originally posted by GT_Rince
I have only ever capped 1 character - a PE, but that is no big shakes.

As for casual gaming - sorry, not here. Maybe 3-4 hours per night - a little more at weekends.

Its like looking in a mirror 0_0

02-02-04, 23:49
i am the dictionary definition of "casual players" i only play for fun and probly 1-2 hours a night week days, more a week ends :P, i LOVE this game, just thinking about it. i have had a char since jan and still only 23/45 :p but im not botherd, i got 6 decent appartments(including lvl3s), 2 troop carriers, 1 tank, 2 jeeps,1 bike, 1 combat hovertech, 1 assault bike, and a scorpian trike. so i got enough to keep me enitained :D

02-02-04, 23:55
In all honesty, I've yet to ever hunt in any of the caves.

Only been in graves once.

I too play only casually and all of my leveling has been done via warbots, hovers, and recently the DoY bots.

The only players I've ever capped completely were my PE's.

02-02-04, 23:58
I get to play about 2 hours a night, maybe 4 days a week. Some weekends I get to play more, some weekends I don't.

I am in a clan and I check the clan forums a lot more often, just so I can feel like I'm more involved then I really am.

Beanie McChimp
03-02-04, 00:45
I played for 1hour 30 mins just getting sum money then i went searching for the jail as I barely ever level I just find about mythsical places and search for them then i log off,btw i didnt find the jail :(

03-02-04, 01:28
I usually play for no more than an hour at a time and only 2-3 times a week

I've been playing since retail started and I've haven't got a totally capped character (6 con to go on my PE)

The main problem I have is rares, I don't have the time to hunt for them often and I never have the time to trade parts to get the ones I need. Every finished rare I have ever had has been a gift, even though I have loads of techs sitting in cabs gathering dust

03-02-04, 14:45
I play for 1 - 3 hours a night in the week , 3 - 4 nights a week, more at the weekend.

Been doing this for around 6 months or so, my apu is nearly capped.

its all the spare time I get, but spend as much of it as I can on NC

03-02-04, 14:53
Originally posted by Judge
Its like looking in a mirror 0_0

You a handsome SoB as well? ;)

03-02-04, 17:39
Yeah, I'm casual. About 30 mins daily online, the rest on the forums whilst at work.

Wish I could play more but time and money restrict.