View Full Version : Ruins in NC

02-02-04, 09:43
Ok, saw this posted in another topic as like a supporting thought, but I think it deserves a bit of discussion at least.

Throughout the world of NC, there are places with ruins, yes. But check it out, they look like one building in the middle of nowhere. There needs to be a huge city or 2 worth of buildings, like an crumbled New York, or a smashed London. Not the whole city, but I mean a city sector that has been sealed off by NCPD or something out in the wastes with a huge "wall" around it and a zone point through the wall, like a gate. Inside should be a city sector like NC and DoY that is a completely nuked city. Not as big as NC or DoY, b/c after nuclear war, only the most dense part of the city would still be standing (for the most part) and the underground system like the sewers and such would be intact. The sewers in New York are, in some places, 7 stories deep. That would make for a good place to find mutants and the Anarchy Breed. Maybe an Anarchy Breed HQ there? Sounds good to me.

I am making this up as I go along, so bare with me.

And another structure that I think is completely lacking in the world of NC and I think would make for a good OP on the proposed island sector is a nuclear reactor. One from today, of course that is left over from the apocolyse. Check this scenario out: It has 2 reactor cores. One is ruptured and partially sealed by the CA, but the other was sealed and, with work, could function again. Again, make it like a city sector on the island and make it into the big type OP like TH and TG will beocme (if I understood that correctly). The first time it comes onto the server, the successful hacking team "activates" the reactor again. Then, if said hacking team is pro city, then all allied city factions get a bonus, no matter where they are in the world of NC. I dunno what a reactor would give, but lets say maybe hacking? or recycle? maybe several skills? Not my point, so I'll continue. Then the OP is up for grabs. Whoever fights for it, and wins it, gets it. The stations could be labeled different things like "Power Grid", "Reactor Control" and "Grid Patch to (insert city name here)". You hack them in order of course, or else the takeover fails and you have to start over. Neutral factions such as CM should get a slight bonus and enemies get none. The reactor itself should be at least 6-8 sectors underground and above, just like the MB or TH. You should be able to "explore" the ruptured reactor core, just for fun, so make it look cool, with glowing rods blown apart and whatnot and make the sector reduce your HP while in it to simulate radiation poisoning and of course X-Ray resists limit this (so spies could have fun with their uber X-Ray suits inside). Maybe even add a "cave" entrance to the ruptured reactor and have a Spider Mob boss that drops a radiation suit/armor that gives decent X-Ray resists, but not as good as Spy PA.

As I said, as I think of it......

And Tokyo II (no matter how far off it is in the future): here is the theme you need to follow for it that would be cool and a different theme (sort of) from DoY and NC. Make it like a Via Rosso type area over the whole city. Modern, and very high tech, stuff NC has never even thought up. It is contained in a huge dome, the whole city being a circular shape. Underneath, there is the ruins of old Tokyo, like we know it today. Mutants live there, the sewers, the storage places the old buildings etc..... It is all contaied underneath Tokyo II. However, the whole City of Tokyo II covers the entire continent. So the wastes are contained underneath and the monsters have developed to a lifestyle without light. new items (like light emitting armor) will have been developed to navigate through there. Instead of OP's, make old sections of city into "districts" that could be contorlled, as sort of a neighborhood to win for your faction containing storage rooms and apts and such. Maybe even include more dungeons with them with more boss mobs with diferent drops to vary armor combinations and weapon combos up to the proportions of Diablo or some such, making rares less the thing to have, so you can make them RARE, and PvP can be based on dropped weapons and armors that vary your stats so everyone isn't cookie cutter, and it becomes more diverse.

Um so yeah, it started as a ruins post and morphed into 2-4 years into Neo's future...... but hey, boredom was solved, but now I gotta do homework. damn. . . .

/KK implements above ideas

/KK has 2 options to choose:
a) go bankrupt from getting the additional servers per server to include said ideas in one expansion (not DoY)
b) go into said bankrupcy, but pull of the ideas well, so bankrupcy lasts about a week while the first wave of subscriber checks flows in.

Eh... I can only dream.

But Seriously, implement the reactor, it would be easy and a good addition to add later on when ppl whine about no expansion after DoY (which they will, I know how some ppl are on tis forum, everyone knows. Hell, even me sometimes...)

02-02-04, 09:53
Sounds seriously amazing, but I can't see it happening anytime soon..if ever :(

02-02-04, 09:55
Well, it is me dreaming after all.

02-02-04, 09:59
Originally posted by WhiteKrAkRBOi
Well, it is me dreaming after all.

keep dreaming :)

nah its sound good would liek to see a planet of the apes style :)

02-02-04, 10:01
Well, I mean it is possible, with KK upgrading their engine and what not. Hey, why not wait. If BDoY does good, move on to a different engine. Be the next version of MMORPG. Make Neocron 2 on a better, faster engine and in that include BDoY and Tokyo II as an entire new game......

Damn my dreams! I keep setting myself up to get hurt.....

02-02-04, 10:02
I definitely would have thought there would of been at least some city ruins out in the wastes to travel through. Though most likely this is North America that Neocron is in, with York, there should at least be some old city ruins and structures, even statues and stuff of the old civilisation. Kinda give it that nalstalgia feelin.

02-02-04, 10:04
That sounds simply awesome! But im afraid that KK is not going to do any of that too soon because they are going to release BDOY :rolleyes: Anyway it would be great to even have few bigger ruins in the wastelands. Think about few huge old buildings in middle of the wasteland with some roads going around it. Like MadMax style :D Oh yeah and how about making some real roads in the wasteland? :)

02-02-04, 10:08
You mean like old blown away highway overpasses and such? Sounds cool to me. Maybe** an old 20th century gas station?!! LOL that would rock.

02-02-04, 10:08
I real road system would be nice. Something to petition NExT to do o_O, oh wait, ia m in NExT :D

02-02-04, 17:14
Eh isnt like doy ment to be some trashed city but like being used as a fortress?

J. Folsom
02-02-04, 17:34
Originally posted by sanityislost
Eh isnt like doy ment to be some trashed city but like being used as a fortress? DoY was trashed after their war with Neocron.

Fault (Erm... WhiteKrAkRBOi), wants some ruins left over from pre-apocalyptic times.

Anyway the idea is neat, would make for some nice new places to explore.

Dribble Joy
02-02-04, 17:46
Originally posted by sanityislost
Eh isnt like doy ment to be some trashed city but like being used as a fortress?

Doy wasn't trashed, but the land between them was, the cities simply lost contact with each other after the Ceres wars, due to the radiation in the wastes.
As of yet we don't even know WHY DoY is hostile to NC, the dome was left with a leader from Regant's govenment in place.

02-02-04, 18:45
Well, I don't think you'd find much left from the old world in the area around Neocron. Why?

Because, all-out war including nuclear weapons has taken place there in recent years! Plus, don't forget, the cataclysmic geological changes triggered by World War 3 700 years ago probably destroyed much of the ruined cities.

Having said that, I can think of something you might find interesting: Project Eden (PS2/PC game) has your squad exploring the ruined remnants of the 21st century, with lots of destroyed old buildings and such exactly as you describe.

02-02-04, 18:53
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
As of yet we don't even know WHY DoY is hostile to NC, the dome was left with a leader from Regant's govenment in place.


How many government's have come since then...

And who's to say the people of the dome didn't rise up and take control over their city, much like what happened in neocron when the psi's took control.. they'd not be happy with Neocron as after all they cracked the dome open exposing everyone inside the harmfull rad..

Dome's don't have to be circles..

Also, old world, totaly trashed, and long gone...

02-02-04, 18:54
I want to see ruined cities in Neocron!! There has to be something left even from all the destruction right?? Why wouldnt there be? oh well it is a good idea well thought out too.. I will dream with you! :P Not sure about the whole TOkyo II covering Tokyo thing :P

Mr. Chainsaw
02-02-04, 18:55
Ruins of 20th century stuff is definately a great idea. Perhaps a new area on the map somewhere that's a ruined city, complete with blasted out skyscrappers and rusted cars sitting in the cracked street.

I'm sure Neocron has built upon itself very much over its existence. It sounds odd when I mention it, but there was an episode of Futurama where the crew went under the earth into the ruins of 20th century New York. It was a huge city, like we know it but abandoned, wasted, ruined, and inhabited by mutants and giant insects. Even though the show is a comedy, it was still creepy.

Neocron has a main sewer system. I don't think many people have been there because it's off the beaten trail. The place is huge, I got lost there and had to fight my way through hordes of mutants for literally an hour before I saw sunshine again. That would be the perfect spot to make an entrance to the ruins of Neocron's past incarnations.

If they do include a ruined city in the wasteland, somewhere there should be a sign that's barely readable that says "Welcome to...." and list a real world city, just to make it creepy.

02-02-04, 21:45
I did give an explaination as to how the city ruins could have survived. It would only be the most dense parts of the city, surrounded by huge buildings with lots of concrete structures to withstand the blasts. And also, it wouldn't be so much the upside stuff, but more like the subterrain that would be intact, such as subway stations and sewers that could have been developed, by the Anarchy Breed in my example, into a subterrainien city. Like Neo and DoY, but smaller for the faction of Anarchy Breed.

The "round" dome idea I put forth (why it being round is such a big deal is beyond me) is because of the pics I have seen of DoY, it is not round, so I proposed haveing a round dome in Tokyo II, because their isn't one anywhere else in NC. And the roundedness would be an element of Tokyo II so that it had a totally different feel than NC or DoY. In the story, Tokyo II is supposed to be really advanced, and possibly farther along than NC, so to enhance that and show it in a different perspective, I for one think Tokyo II's archtecture would be a nice rounded landscape. So the "round dome" would only serve to enhance the feel.

As for the ruins of old Tokyo underneath it, I figured that it would be kinda like a FF7 feel, but much more dark and abandoned. Remember, there would be no sunlight at all, so creatures in the severe radiation would have evolved into different organisms down there, with bioluminescent bodies and the like. Imagine a giant, beatifully colorful worm boss mob that glowed phosforous green in the distance. And its attack spat glowing acid that poisons you and makes you glow for a short period. Stuff like that, to open up a new genre of monster that NC just hasn't had yet.

EDIT: And the neighborhood thing would have vastly different benefits than OPs b/c it would feature its own apts and storage areas that could be used at the risk of loosing everything inside of them. Also, they could contain (the ones closer to the above civilazation) the special armors and things that are required to explore beneath the city, but they only sell to the holders of the neighborhood, so as to produce conflicts over things other than the bonus the place gives.

Not to mention the politics that Tokyo II would incur if placed in game. What if they ally to DoY? What if they ally NC and DoY, but then conflict with CM? Or they ally just NC? See, KK could go lots of places with it, open new possibilities and what not. But as I said b4, it is well more than a year off, if they even go this far. And I am just speculating, its not like this is to be the end-all be-all on this topic, its just suggestions/observations.

02-02-04, 21:51
First off, I agree. 23 billion people died, that's a lil under four times the current population.

Right now there's hardly anywhere you can go where you won't find evidence of civilization. As such, it certainly wouldn't be erased so easily, especially after only several hundred years. Hell, in places of the world you can find wooden buildings still standing with little to no upkeep after 200 years. I would imagine that buildings of reinforced concrete and steel would stay up for ages.

Anyway, according the the DoY blurb, the wastelands are getting renovated to seem more properly wastelandish.

Clive tombstone
03-02-04, 00:55
I dont know, this id be kinda funny, what if you put like the ruins of the statue of liberty from planet of the Apes or somthing lol. that be a nice tribute hehe

sides that *****'s man

Dribble Joy
03-02-04, 01:40
Originally posted by Q`alooaith

How many government's have come since then...

And who's to say the people of the dome didn't rise up and take control over their city, much like what happened in neocron when the psi's took control.. they'd not be happy with Neocron as after all they cracked the dome open exposing everyone inside the harmfull rad..
Dome's don't have to be circles..
Also, old world, totaly trashed, and long gone...

Yes, duh.
But we still don't know the exact nature of the domes history, although an overthrow of the placed leader, isolated from NC is the most likely explanation.