View Full Version : the damage post patch

31-01-04, 18:52
i got to say i love the new improved damage post patch that the weapons are doing, not just my tank weapons, but pistols that are getting used on me, judge has seeming become more viable as have other weapons not to mention the drones.

but one think i most like about it the fights are faster more furious its more action packed, you know you gotta but them bastards down and quick if you want to win, before i never really got excited about fighting(not since early days of retail anyway) but now, im loving fighting, not just cos i can win a lot of times, cos i still lose a few when faced with good opposition.

fights that last for ages bore me im after action and now im getting it.

but another thing is, hunting, before patch i hated it, takes ages to cut a mob down for shitty loot just so i can make my money back on the 325k i spend on my camo armour etc.

now im enjoying hunting, the mobs go down a little faster so i dont get bored as quickly of hunting.

im happy with the damage post patch(maybe a few weapons could do with a boost though- pain easer perhaps?)and i hope they keep it, but no doubt cos im having fun they wont:rolleyes: :p


31-01-04, 18:55
I like more damage, I might not like imbalance due to the fact
that some weapons didnt get boosted but I definately like overall
damage increase.

31-01-04, 18:55
Well FL and SH got the boosts that they needed (though imo the SH still should be better), but ROG got nerfed to shit. I think the changes are good, means there's more viable weapons :)

31-01-04, 18:55
Originally posted by Rade
I like more damage, I might not like imbalance due to the fact
that some weapons didnt get boosted but I definately like overall
damage increase. ya i think some weapons that got left behind also need a increase

31-01-04, 19:01
judge was SUPPOSED to get boosted tho, the cannons werent

31-01-04, 19:02
Tanks are SUPPOSED to be pure power.
They have no INT, no psi.

Cannons deserve their boost imo, and should keep it.

31-01-04, 19:04
Originally posted by Lethys
Well FL and SH got the boosts that they needed (though imo the SH still should be better), but ROG got nerfed to shit. I think the changes are good, means there's more viable weapons :)
FL got boosted? Gotta test that. Though more dmg doesnt help shit if you never hit...

Also RoG still is damn good. Mostly cause of its aiming. Also its only TL 98, so it shouldnt do uber dmg anyway.

Worst of all is, my Dissie didnt get boosted. 31 to a buffed PE. :( What a crap.

31-01-04, 19:07
i like the changes but imo some of the weapons not boosted need boosted to bring back balance, apu weapons for one, their only defence is their offence (and their ppu :p ) so they need to be boosted to the same extent if the boost is to stay, the same goes for most weapons, although as said the rog/rolh are fine as they are now as before they were abit too powerful in comparison with other weps.

31-01-04, 19:08
TBH i'm loving everything about this patch

31-01-04, 19:10
Everyone is talking about damage increase. I got none :(

Pure R-C Rifle user got no increase or benefits..... *sniff*

Doesn't bother me though as i wasn't bothered in the first place. Plus i am still sexy!

31-01-04, 19:11
I seem to be one of the few that prefers longer fights.

Maybe it's a spy thing, and I am too used to dropping quick as it is.

31-01-04, 19:23
Originally posted by kurai
I seem to be one of the few that prefers longer fights.

Maybe it's a spy thing, and I am too used to dropping quick as it is. well th sniper rifles got boosted so you can snipe pretty well atm

31-01-04, 19:27
I have to say I too absolutely love it, I've only been semi-playing for the last month or two but this patch has brought me back into the faster paced fights. My only concern is that some weapons like the Lib may now be quite underpowered. I do like the fact that a clip from most weapons puts a serious dent in your health, rather than it taking 10+ clips to kill someone. I would very much like KK to keep this level of damage, but look at exactly what level the weapons are at and boost weak weapons as necessary.

31-01-04, 19:28
i dont feel the rog nerf. I think i fight better now than i ever have

31-01-04, 19:32
Originally posted by ezza
well th sniper rifles got boosted so you can snipe pretty well atm Yeah, I realise that.

It still makes for shorter fights though, which is a Bad Thing[tm], in my opinion.

I play in a more `tactical` style, rather than the all or nothing `psycho banzai Rambo` approach.

What I was getting at mostly is that the PvP mechanics for spies have reverted to how they were with pre-PA character setups.

Spies had good damage possibilities, but dropped too fast to make much effective use of them.

31-01-04, 19:33
what new damages?

nothing related to monks got tweaked at all.. but just about everything a monk use's was nerfed


31-01-04, 19:38
Originally posted by spikeownzu
what new damages?

nothing related to monks got tweaked at all.. but just about everything a monk use's was nerfed


Yeah, finally. Too bad that they are still overpowered.

31-01-04, 19:52
The rog got nerfed ?

WTF... I havent been in NF yet , but...

Dude , a skilled rog user is less powerful than a skilled pistol user (as far as pe's go, riflers dont do so good vs pistols) and a skilled rog user was about equavalent to a skilled tank.

Why the hell did it need nerfing ? o_O

Id yet to see sum1 with a RoG outright slaughter his opponents...

Bear in mind the Rog has always done apalling damage at range. The fact you have to get right up to your enemy , like pistols or heavy weapons, meant you got the boost to damage. At least thats what I knew.

Uber damage and uber range I could understand...

31-01-04, 19:54
Well, hm, I have a feeling that both RoLH and RoG got nerfed in
the last patch. I tested the dmg on aggressor captains before
and after patch and it was the same but I guess PvP damge
_could_ have been nerfed. Sounds unlikely tho. Maybe its just
that since all other weapons got boosted RoLH is feeling worse...

31-01-04, 19:58
rade how can monk be overpowered?

Tanks are more powerful / tougher / faster then monks

they have loads more con then monks and can take loads of hits and their weapons are stronger e.g devourer and CS

I can't even think of one good thing about monks apart from maybe range.. but tank weapons can shoot just as far as my HL now with the nerf

take a look at neocron since the patch, everywhere you look you see camo PA tank with a devourer

anyway rade, cud u just tell me what makes a monk overpowering cuz i really would like to know

31-01-04, 21:09
PPUs - goes without saying.

APUs - HL is still by far the best weapon in the game, no aiming,
amazing damage, no reload (oh boo hoo about psi boosters, ask
SD about it, its far better having psi boosters than reload),
decent range. HAB, the only way to take out monks, and then
add the energy barrel which owns both in PvP and PvM.

Monks is still the only thing you need to PvP or PvM, and alot of
things you cant do without a monk. Why would someone pick a
tank over a APU on group combat, give me one reason.

31-01-04, 22:20
Originally posted by spikeownzu
they have loads more con then monks and can take loads of hits and their weapons are stronger e.g devourer and CS

If you saying that could actually make it true, I would kiss you. But, fortunately (or unfortunately depending on which way you look at it), it's not.

Shadow Dancer
31-01-04, 23:23
Originally posted by Rade
PPUs - goes without saying.


Originally posted by Rade

APUs - HL is still by far the best weapon in the game, no aiming,
amazing damage, no reload (oh boo hoo about psi boosters, ask
SD about it, its far better having psi boosters than reload),
decent range. HAB, the only way to take out monks, and then
add the energy barrel which owns both in PvP and PvM.

HL damage is the best. The best part is no los and insta-aim.

Um psi boosters are better than reloading imo. In 1v1s you don't need to "reload"(meaning you waste all your mana and now have to wait before you shoot), unless you miss alot with HL or using fire a-crap-alypse.

Range is not that great, but it's the combination of no reticle with the range that is uber.

HAB is ovverated. Honestly it is. I only use it because i can get 120% on the freq unlike antishelter which is store bought and frigging TL 101. TECHNICALLY i can cap it, but i need like a 3 slotter with an utima mod. And who's gonna build 50 tl 101 shelters for me? :( :p

HAB is also bugged.

But otherwise, antibuffing spells period own.

The only thing I disagree with on rade(or with rade) is energy barrel. Sorry but IMO all barrels suck for pvp.

Originally posted by Rade
Why would someone pick a
tank over a APU on group combat, give me one reason.

Better protection when they have shelter and devourer rapes IMO.

I prefer an even spread of tanks and apus.

But I prefer apu over pe or spy all the time, unless the pe or spy is a hacker.

Psycho Killa
31-01-04, 23:30
Anyone tried the good ole tank aoe weapons?

How did doom beamer malediction and moon striker make out with this patch?

31-01-04, 23:42
Yah its cool but my Libby is sad now. :(

I havent tried any of the tank AoE weapons though some one test the Doom Beamer!!! Man I hope they make that gun good some day.

01-02-04, 04:50
was using AOE before ,just seemed the same to me tbh, but i dont ues it much, and my doom beamers are still in mint condition

01-02-04, 15:59
Originally posted by Psycho Killa
Anyone tried the good ole tank aoe weapons?

How did doom beamer malediction and moon striker make out with this patch?

Didnt try DB (it has been so bad all the time I dont even know in what app I put them), but MS and Male still suck bigtime. There is just no practical PvP use for these weapons beside the good old "wow, cool" effect when some tanks keep hitting the OP with their AoE, but thats mostly just for show and impressive screenshots ;-)

01-02-04, 17:19

Originally posted by Lupus
90% of the rares ended up getting boosted. So the Resists are working fine. The amount of boost was not intentional.

the "not intentional" part seems to me to suggest something that might be taken away again, so maybe judgement should be reserved.

meantime, anyone remember rifle PEs? no boost to pain easer, intentional or otherwise, occured. which probably means we're fooked now.

01-02-04, 17:21
but if people like the changes they should leave em instead of taking something that was actually fun from this patch, i mean they fucked the para up, they guards are still fucked up and god knows what else.

the damage boost of the weapons was a fun part of this patch

01-02-04, 17:31
Originally posted by ezza
but if people like the changes they should leave em instead of taking something that was actually fun from this patch, i mean they fucked the para up, they guards are still fucked up and god knows what else.

the damage boost of the weapons was a fun part of this patch

agreed, sort of. but accidental changes are rarely balanced, and my point would be that arbitrarily boosting 90% (or so) of the rares puts those that use the other 10% at a severe disadvantage, thows out any previous delicate balance that may have existed, and increases the gap between rares and non-rares.

all such changes should have been at least discussed or mentioned pre-patch and really should have tested too.

it also means that, ATM, there's really only one viable weapon for a PE, and it ain't a rifle and it ain't lo-tech.

01-02-04, 17:34
as ive said the 10% that got missed out should get boosted too

01-02-04, 17:34
Originally posted by s0apy
it also means that, ATM, there's really only one viable weapon for a PE, and it ain't a rifle and it ain't lo-tech.

judge... and rohl for capped and well equiped PE

so 2 :)

but it is too poor in choices...

01-02-04, 18:08
Originally posted by ezza
as ive said the 10% that got missed out should get boosted too

hence agreed "sort of". but, knowing KK, the other 10% will continue to be overlooked, and i kinda liked the way things were "balanced" pre-patch.

Originally posted by Ralendil
judge... and rohl for capped and well equiped PE

so 2 :)

but it is too poor in choices...

hehe - u mean "very, very, very" well equiped PEs. surely not even KK would force us all into requiring an SA to be combat viable... no, wait. they might...

Shadow Dancer
01-02-04, 19:25
I believe the rest of the weapons should get boosted, except Holy Lightning.

01-02-04, 19:26
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
I believe the rest of the weapons should get boosted, except Holy Lightning. i agree.

01-02-04, 21:26
well sorry to say but speed gat does a silly amount of damage atm

and CS ouch dunno if its really balanced