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30-01-04, 00:49
Why has tech-haven been grunged up? techhaven was wonderful the way it was :(

30-01-04, 00:54
kinda agree but b4 it was to teletubby happy it should b darker but this kinda just looks stupid.

30-01-04, 01:12
TH was sux0r, they got just what they deserved :D

30-01-04, 01:14
what happened...?

30-01-04, 01:15
I like the new look.

30-01-04, 01:16
Originally posted by Marx
I like the new look.

anyone wanna post screens? i don't have a char that can enter TH

30-01-04, 01:20
the image from a test server discussion, courtesy of Telepath. (http://www.sorceress.de/TH.jpg)

30-01-04, 01:20
I think the new look looks better then it used to.

30-01-04, 01:23
Originally posted by Marx
the image from a test server discussion, courtesy of Telepath. (http://www.sorceress.de/TH.jpg)

WOAH that is REALLY COOL ! :eek:

30-01-04, 01:24
it got all grundged up zone like this :\

Techaven (http://www.clanvis.co.uk/images/neo-shots/thgrunge.gif)

30-01-04, 01:27
Now it actually looks like a cavernous vault that was made whilst utilizing local materials - i.e. rock.


Shadow Dancer
30-01-04, 01:28
I think it looks awesome.

30-01-04, 01:29
Yah it looks wicked.

30-01-04, 01:29
too dirty to be a place where scientists work :P should be kept spotless like before

30-01-04, 01:31
i love the new look, i actually feel like im underground now.

30-01-04, 01:38
Originally posted by Jest
Yah it looks wicked.

Come on in for a closer look. Bring many rares. :lol: :p ;)

Actually its a bit too dark, center gogo TH SEC2 you need a flashlight, and TH SEC1 lifts don't work anymore.

30-01-04, 02:48
you can always raise the brightness in the option-tab.

Apart from that I dont like the new look either. It gives TH a wild, crude and chaotic look, which is in my opinon not compatible with what the technocrats stand for...

But as I said in the faction forum, maybe that's because the rats are leaving the sinking ship. Every single FA is preparing to abandon TH for a new (better?) home in DOY. Even the janitors and the cleaners :lol:

30-01-04, 02:57
I think it looks well nice, good job kk!

I didn't read it in the patch notesd as was very plesently suprised when i saw it :)

Maester Seymour
30-01-04, 03:05
TH looks wicked now, like it a lot more than i did before.

Nice work kk :D

30-01-04, 03:09
dirty tech haven for dirty FA's :p

but anyway i actually like the look of it, but it isnt going to be the final look of Tech haven so just chill all you FA's thinking your lovely TH has been ruined

30-01-04, 03:14
i think that looks awsome....

30-01-04, 03:21
Originally posted by Rieper
i love the new look, i actually feel like im underground now.

Exactly what I was going to say. :) TH is an underground city, now it actually looks like it's underground. I like the new look. Looks like it's actually in a mountain. Kinda reminds me of marble.

30-01-04, 05:05
only prob that i have with it, is its dropped my fps down to 10 :( used to get about 30-60 in there

30-01-04, 05:09
The texture resolution has been increased dramaticly. Which means Techhaven is now Better graphics.

Admitadly you lost something you where used to, but I think when you get used to it you will like it.

Personally I was wowed by it. I love it to peices, I always hated the way Teckhaven looked. So bland and Empty. Looks more sophisticated now.

Originally posted by sanityislost
only prob that i have with it, is its dropped my fps down to 10 :( used to get about 30-60 in there
You might not be able to play Neocron after BDoY. :(
What computer are you running on? I reccomend getting a Gforce 3 with at leasy 64mb. That way you should run it perfectly. I get an extremely smooth 30fps there now. It's not jumpy or anything, it's a constand 30fps. I'm using a Gforce 3 128mb. Exactly the same FPS as Halo on the Xbox. Thats fine by me. :)

30-01-04, 05:12
Originally posted by Benjie
The texture resolution has been increased dramaticly. Which means Techhaven is now Better graphics.

Admitadly you lost something you where used to, but I think when you get used to it you will like it.

Personally I was wowed by it. I love it to peices, I always hated the way Teckhaven looked. So bland and Empty. Looks more sophisticated now.

Yea it looks chilled, however the whole fps thing pisses me off the most lol and if its a sign of things to come for BDoY im gona have like 5fps in the wastes n so on....gawd and i just got this gfx card :mad:

30-01-04, 05:28
Edit. NM my bad.

love new TH. gtg. kthnxbye

30-01-04, 05:36
Originally posted by Rieper
i love the new look, i actually feel like im underground now.
My words exactly.

30-01-04, 05:45
Originally posted by Keiron
My words exactly.

omg, what were j00 doing in TH!? :p

30-01-04, 05:48
I think its a nice look, and I think TH should have an underground look to it, but the damn place looks like Mr. Clean went on strike. What scientists do you know of work out of something that looks as dirty as that?

30-01-04, 05:50
Originally posted by Lanigav
What scientists do you know of work out of something that looks as dirty as that?

30-01-04, 05:50
Hate it.

It looks like something went disastrously wrong with the plumbing. It's totally out of character now. Even the filthy canyon looks more "tech" than Tech Haven does now.

30-01-04, 05:51

But I'm pretty sure TH is comprised of more than engineers. ;)

Personally, I think the new textures make it look less hi-tech. Need to add some more flashing lights and lines and that kind of stuff to make things look more futuristic.

30-01-04, 06:03
i think it looks way better, the detail looks far greater and therefore more realistic. Good switch. Thanks for the pics, can't wait for my next visit.

30-01-04, 07:43
Not that Kk will ever give a crap but i thought the old look was more appropriate than the new blue drap? steel look

I think the KK designer was listening to a musical and said lets just paint everything dull blue!!

In short it looks like a blue colored ghetto

30-01-04, 07:47
Originally posted by Clothing_Option
Not that Kk will ever give a crap but i thought the old look was more appropriate than the new blue drap? steel look

I think the KK designer was listening to a musical and said lets just paint everything dull blue!!

In short it looks like a blue colored ghetto

what's wrong with ghetto?

30-01-04, 08:06
Originally posted by Clothing_Option
Not that Kk will ever give a crap but i thought the old look was more appropriate than the new blue drap? steel look

Dude, the old teckhaven was blue too. o_O It looked almost identical..8| Only the new Teckhaven looks more like an Engineering science base and it looks more Underground. :confused:

30-01-04, 09:13
it looks like stone or concrete. anyone who seen paycheck see that it looks allmost like the lab with that "Future TV".
ppl should not mind the diry look but the missing of any labs in TH even there are some cool rooms in the VR cellers.

30-01-04, 10:17
Originally posted by Archeus

Actually its a bit too dark, center gogo TH SEC2 you need a flashlight, and TH SEC1 lifts don't work anymore.

They are blocked off, not broken

30-01-04, 10:58
Looks far better imo, much more realistic, why would scientist care about how smart and clean it looked when they can concentrate more on their experiments?

It's not like they have cleaning droids now is it?

[ot] - I just fell over cos of all the ice infront of lots of people near college - WINNER!:D

30-01-04, 11:06
Originally posted by Iorghe
They are blocked off, not broken

no shit.. but why ? when we need to go to TH1 exit to say to go rr.. we need to run 4 zones instead of 0 lol.. TH1 / TH2 / TH3 and then outside..

ow btw.. dit the sync error get fixed were u would zone to the middle of F07 when u exited TH3 ?

30-01-04, 11:09
Originally posted by Dissenter
Looks far better imo, much more realistic, why would scientist care about how smart and clean it looked when they can concentrate more on their experiments?

Because if you doing any medical or biological experiments the specimens you keep can get infections and in chemistry your experiment can get contaminated with other chemicals and plain dirt if the place isnt kept clean.

30-01-04, 11:33
It looks kack, if anything it makes the TH apartments look better when you zone into them.

30-01-04, 11:34
Originally posted by Archeus
It looks kack, if anything it makes the TH apartments look better when you zone into them.

when i first zoned down from my app i thought WTF its so dark.. almost went back up and get my flashlight o_O don't realy like it.. looks more like a cave then a underground base now.

30-01-04, 11:51
I like it except for the walls, they are too grungy, just cleaning those up a fair bit would make a whole world of difference.


30-01-04, 11:55
No more compass in TH2. :(

30-01-04, 15:55
Originally posted by ZoneVortex
what's wrong with ghetto?

Nothing in it's place I guess - TH is not that place.

@Benje - what labs have you ever seen that looked that filthy?

30-01-04, 16:00
I dont think TH scientists conduct experiment outside the labs, on the corridors? Would you do experiments outside in the open?

30-01-04, 16:04
There are no labs.

Besides that argument could apply to hospitals - why clean the halls we don't operate there. It doesn't work in either context.

30-01-04, 16:07
I prefer this look *BUT* I don't believe this rock like effect should be prominent in the smaller rooms, in the energy core below TH (Main one reactor core) OR, in the command circle.

I think those areas should look well maintained.

But like I said, I'm down with the new look :p

30-01-04, 16:14
TH is a huge mall, an underground city(?), with thousands of people living, TH is not a hospital or a similiar building.

And no there are no labs, no faction has a R&D center, manufacturing facilities and other vital components to run their businesses, everything pops up magicaly from nowhere in an endless supply.


And TH looks better now, in my opinion.

30-01-04, 16:46
sorry but if i am experimenting and have an accident i clean it up and ensure my work area is always clean and tidy whoever fucked up there experiment in th forgot to clean it up and i think its grown legs and is walking around rubing excrament on our walls as well now damit

btw we all know why kk did it dont we, kk are moving fa to the doy city but the fa's aint pleased thre losing there home so they make that home less appealing and offer us a shiny nice new one in doy

30-01-04, 16:47
the TH skin is temporary

30-01-04, 16:57
It looks like they cleaned the walls with steel wool. It's horrible. TH was always a cool, clean, high-tech looking place with nice frame rates and felt suitably high-tech and glowy. Now it's dark, dingy, choppy, and hurts my eyes.

Suffice to say I'll be sitting in my apt from now on, looking at the walls and dreaming :(

30-01-04, 17:52
Looks a bit like my old frat house on a Sunday morning.

31-01-04, 05:37
Originally posted by Benjie
Dude, the old teckhaven was blue too. o_O It looked almost identical..8| Only the new Teckhaven looks more like an Engineering science base and it looks more Underground. :confused:

It looks like crap

31-01-04, 09:57
New base is way darker and way more cyberpunk. Much cooler. Stay in there for a few hours and it will grow on you.

Like PE PA slowly does on me...

31-01-04, 11:02
the new textures look cool, a bit dark maybe. Brighten the dark spots a bit and they are realy nice. Might not look so dirty then.

31-01-04, 13:46
Comparing old and new screenshots the whole thing hasn't changed much. Increased the contrast a lot and made it darker in overall, because the "dirt" is at the same places everywhere. Anyway, I don't like the new look either, its almost as if the moistness finally made its way through the concrete and mould starts to grow on it now ...