View Full Version : RPOS colors.......

28-01-04, 18:24
I use a grey RPOS color theme, however I reinstalled NC today....and usually I just did a search on these forums for the thread I got it from(Ive done it many times) however I just tried to search and the thread is no longer there.....I know cause I looked thru all the pages that came up(maybe deleted??? it was a really old thread)....anyways can anyone share a nice dark grey color for RPOS, or even better give me a linkl to various themes


Deep Blue Six
28-01-04, 18:26
Just download the RPOS Editor from neocronnetwork. There ya can set the default green to a nice gray setting.

28-01-04, 18:27
try here (http://www.neocroncentral.net/database/content/95819339690437.php), some nice themes there. Dunno if there's any grey ones tho

Psyco Groupie
28-01-04, 18:27
theres plenty of programmes about that work really well .. failing that just get photoshop or a rgb table and play around

28-01-04, 19:26
My RPOS = w1n, sorta cool blue, very comfortable on the eye and each type of chat stands out from the others making following conversations a doddle.

I'd like to see KK offer server RPOS default colour schemes and a way to change the coulours in game so people could change it to taste.

28-01-04, 19:53
Originally posted by El_MUERkO
I'd like to see KK offer server RPOS default colour schemes and a way to change the coulours in game so people could change it to taste.

There is a way to change the colour schemes ingame, with this i mean, you can save several rpos settings and call them ingame
(you cannot change the settings from inside the game, just to be clear on that one)

28-01-04, 20:10
There are some programs around that give you a taste of what your RPOS will be.
Mine was pure white so I never had a problem.
Except Text which was kinda nuts to get stuff for (oddly, black doesn't work on white in nc console o_O)

28-01-04, 20:24
Originally posted by Iorghe
There is a way to change the colour schemes ingame, with this i mean, you can save several rpos settings and call them ingame
(you cannot change the settings from inside the game, just to be clear on that one)

Would you be so kind as to let me know how?

28-01-04, 20:38
Originally posted by zii
Would you be so kind as to let me know how? It's explained in the RPOScolor.ini

// [DEFAULT] - default settings
// [USER<x>] - user defined settings

// Use the "/set gfx_hudcolor <x>" command ingame (or use it in controls.ini)
// to change the RPOS color layout. A value of x=0 loads the default settings.
// In the [USER<x>] sections of this ini file, only colors which differ from
// the default settings must be specified.

Default=128 255 190 255
DefaultText=180 240 200 255
DefaultTextEffect=255 255 255 255
SysMessages=255 160 160 160
GameMessages=200 200 0 160
LocalChat=255 255 255 255
GlobalChat=255 255 255 255
TeamChat=255 255 255 255
DirectChat=200 200 0 160
Player=200 200 0 160
PlayerNoPK=0 200 0 160
CharSysWarning=255 255 160 160
CharSysBonus=110 255 110 160
CharSysCritical=255 160 160 160
ContextActive=100 200 150 255
ContextNoActive=0 0 0 255
ContextDisabled=128 128 128 255
HighlightText=0 0 0 255
HighlightBackground=100 200 150 255
Item=190 255 230 255
ItemDisabled=128 128 128 255
ItemNotUsable=64 0 0 255
GoodSoullight=100 200 150 255
NeutralSoullight=200 200 150 255
BadSoullight=200 80 60 255
Damage=225 50 35 255
Heal=235 235 20 255

That's your "Standard HUD."

To add a new hud, you would put

[User 1]
And then fill out your RGB Colour settings, the fourth (or first) line is lighting
Though I can't remember which :p

Like I said, there's a program that'll show you what you're doingwith the colours somewhere but I don't know where it is, maybe a forum search for RPOS Color Manager or somethin...

28-01-04, 21:21
This is my RPOS color scheme. Doesn't use grey, but the terminator 3 blue kinda color. Couldn't stand that green, as it was hard on my eyes.

// [DEFAULT] - default settings
// [USER<x>] - user defined settings

// Use the "/set gfx_hudcolor <x>" command ingame (or use it in controls.ini)
// to change the RPOS color layout. A value of x=0 loads the default settings.
// In the [USER<x>] sections of this ini file, only colors which differ from
// the default settings must be specified.

Default=79 145 255 255
DefaultText=160 160 160 255
DefaultTextEffect=255 255 255 255
SysMessages=253 172 0 255
GameMessages=100 155 255 255
LocalChat=240 240 240 255
GlobalChat=222 102 133 255
ZoneChat=209 172 209 255
TeamChat=41 255 85 255
ClanChat=201 0 0 255
CustomChat=211 211 0 255
DirectChat=143 0 255 255
Player=145 145 145 255
PlayerNoPK=100 155 255 255
CharSysWarning=255 255 0 255
CharSysBonus=100 155 255 255
CharSysCritical=255 120 0 255
ContextActive=0 0 0 255
ContextNoActive=89 89 89 255
ContextDisabled=89 89 89 255
HighlightText=0 0 0 255
HighlightBackground=255 255 255 255
Item=255 255 255 255
ItemDisabled=128 128 128 255
ItemNotUsable=46 32 5 255
GoodSoullight=79 143 255 255
NeutralSoullight=145 145 145 255
BadSoullight=255 0 0 255
Damage=255 0 0 255
Heal=72 164 255 255

28-01-04, 21:55
Which setting changes the crosshair?

28-01-04, 22:03
Originally posted by zii
Which setting changes the crosshair? What do you mean? Default color changes the color of the RPOS which is everything, including the crosshair. If youw ant teh crosshair changed, as in graphically, you will need to get one of the bmp's to replace the current crosshair file. Currently working on my own crosshair set up that I would be comfortable with.

28-01-04, 22:05
I just want to change the crosshair colour. None of the settings listed above to the crosshair - What have Reactor called the crosshair?

For example:
PlayerNoPK=0 200 0 160 -- I can guess this refers to a player with his/her LE in, but I am not sure since its only a guess.

28-01-04, 22:07
Originally posted by zii
I just want to change the crosshair colour. None of the settings listed above to the crosshair - What have Reactor called the crosshair?

For example:
PlayerNoPK=0 200 0 160 -- I can guess this refers to a player with his/her LE in, but I am not sure since its only a guess. The crosshair is apart fo the RPOS. The default setting is what changes that color. You can't change the crosshair color individually.

28-01-04, 22:15
So, the Default setting will change the cross hair colour?

ie. This setting: Default=128 255 190 255

(Sorry, but sometimes I just need things spelt out for me.)

29-01-04, 01:44
Latest version of neocolor rpos editor can be found at www.g0dsoft.com (http://www.g0dsoft.com)

or can be downloaded directly from my signature...
hope it helps you mod that rpos of urs

29-01-04, 04:06
found a similar one at neocroncentral thanks for all youre help