View Full Version : Recycling for RP items - Pls look

27-01-04, 18:57
I'm going to bring this up again.

I seriously, strongly believe that when you go to the hassle of getting all the components for a recipe to the RP items and put it through the processor, you should get five units.

As in five units of datadiscs or datacubes or Wasteland Taters and CheezWhizz.

That'd make them competetive with storeboughts (datacube from recipe = 350nc at least : datacube from shop = 120nc)

Also, I think the antidote recipes are bugged - I made a batch of normal antidotes (any antidote recipe comes out normal, I think) and I twigged on that it didnt stack with storebought antidotes, then i tried them out and the recycled antidotes wouldn't use.

I also believe that the recipes have to be altered a little to reflect the unavailability of certain components (read, tronik parts, spider cocoons, muscle sinews, etc).

There's also talk about cigarettes on the Modifications Forum. I say, that it looks fucking sexy, should have a little + and a little - to stats, and give intoxication... should only be sold in Snak-Attacks (NOT cafes or restaurants) and should be able to be recycled ( 2 wood 2 small meats and 4 brown poisonglands for a single cigarette, 4 wood 4 brown poisonglands and 2 big entrails for a 20-use cigarette pack)