View Full Version : Copper for your thought's....

24-01-04, 03:56
I've got it.. I said and I suddenly understood why Neocron is flooded with cash..

We've not got any copper's, we've only got Gold..

Now this is a confusing statment seeing as neocron deal's in credit's not metals, but it came to me while player another RPG, which also suffer's from this.. Everything is big money..

You got 500nc for killing gaint sewer rat

Anyone rember that sort of msg, I know, probably never seen that particular one often or at all but trust me they do exsist, or at least did..

Now some of the cheepest item's are the choc bar's, now these vary in price from about 30nc's and upto about 70nc's.. Now here's the problem, you get payed every time to kill somthing, due to changes you no longer "need" to buy ammo if you skilled rec..

Also, no mid price range item's, thing's go up yes, but place value is more importaint than face, drug's, medikit's and such cost nearer 1 thousand Nc's, some more than that...

This is a problem in many game's, they forget anything smaller than a single gold coin.. and a single gold coin then has to be devalued to the point of the cheepest item, then some so the cheepest item don't seam cheep..

Now there's a simple solution.. Reduce the cost of many weapon's and drugs, yes the best one's should still cost a great many cred's... Ok now most thing's are cheeper, take everyone's money and put the last two bumber's behind a decimal point.. so if you had 1,000 NC's you'd end up with 10.00 NC's yup a reduction in the cash cap in a way, but it's not, you've still got all your cash...

Then make all mission's bassed on giving hundred's of NC's not thousand's.. Killing a roach should net you 15nc's max.. and so on.. reduce the cost of low end weapon's so newb's can afford them....

Yup, not somthing that's nice to see if you've spent a long time amassing thing's, but it's better than a whipe, you get to keep all your cash and junk, and would help to get the economy back into realistic ranges.. (also would mean there'd be no NC millionair's.. I mean come on, you've got 20 Million cred's and your out killing thing's with a gun.. why are you not at home, lux appt, fake fire roaring)

24-01-04, 04:40

24-01-04, 04:51
Originally posted by #151988

Would you rather I say SCAT for your thought's?

Point is making the economy more like a real one.. rather than silly large money..

24-01-04, 04:55
i like the silly large money, not likely to get that amount of cash in real life so why not here:D

24-01-04, 05:02
Originally posted by ezza
i like the silly large money, not likely to get that amount of cash in real life so why not here:D

Because there's no real way to spend it?

Because you pay over 5Knc's for a low level gun

you'd still be able to get the same ammounts as before, it'd just not be the same... if you get the idea.. and it'd be worth about the same in same way's..

Dribble Joy
24-01-04, 05:08
Unlike in the real world, the amount of money in the NC universe is increasing at a astronomical rate.

We get money from killing mobs, we get money from missions to kill mobs, we get money from selling the loot we get from mobs.

There is no EXIT for this cash.
Other than the buying of weapon parts and gel/lube

With money racing into the system, and the cash sinks comparitivey tiny, the economy bloats. The currency becomes worthless.
Just like in the eary twenties when Germany's economy collapsed (no offence meant here :rolleyes:), banks simply printing off notes, a loaf of bread costing half a billion marks. People taking thier wages home in wheel barrows.

As money becomes more and more worthless, simply changing the worth of it won't help.
It's the systems and the problems inherent within it that need to be fixed.

Inflation is mandatory, we can't simply 'fix' the amount of money in the system, but the flow of pure currency into NC's economy needs to be greatly reduced, either by making ammo non clone-able, rent to be paid on apts, significantly reduced rewards for killing mobs/removing the cash rewards, only missions give money. These and/or other money sinks. A close eye kept on the rate of money entering the system, possibly with a automatic system to increase/decrease sinking/gaining methods.

24-01-04, 05:15
Originally posted by Dribble Joy
Just like in the eary twenties when Germany's economy collapsed (no offence meant here :rolleyes:), banks simply printing off notes, a loaf of bread costing half a billion marks. People taking thier wages home in wheel barrows.

You know there's a tale, I'm almost sure it's true, a man after leaving work walked intoa cafe and had a cup of coffee, by the time he left the money he had would not cover the cost of the coffee..

It's somthing like that..

And this is where neocron is... almost..

We need more thread's throwing idea's up about how to fix money so it's worth somthing rather than nothing

24-01-04, 05:24
Slashing income and expenses by say 100 would only push back inflation for a little while.

I can't believe i'm proposing this: TAX!

- Tax for owning apartments, gogu use, owning rares etc etc.
- Positive money sinks like a casino or fast degrading status items to be shown off to everyone (cigars!).

Y'all prepare to fill out tax forms, y'hear? :)

24-01-04, 05:47
Hey the Tax idea is not all that bad..

You get charged for every rare you own part, same with apt's.. and vehical's..

Maybe 10% of the item's value per month real time charge..

24-01-04, 06:18
Taxing is the easiest and simplest way of solving this issue.

Hell, perhaps each faction should tax its members x amount, and the money made from taxes goes towards the faction treasury which in turn is used for events and such.

24-01-04, 06:27

Make auto pokers, researchers, constructors, recyclers, salvagers and repairers, make them really expensive to use as to not eliminate trade skillers.

raise the prices of items (medkits, implants and drugs and such, not nessesarily weapons)

Allow us to buy rare parts and MC5 parts (yes MC5)

18 million to get 1 MC5 Part

1 million for L's

2 million for T's

3 million for E's

bad part about the MC5 thing is that you will get something you can use all the time, good part about the L, T and E is that you dont always get something good.

people wanna spend so many hours to buy a few rare parts from building APC's then let em, in that time they could of hunted and gotten the rare parts.

24-01-04, 06:42
Zanathos, that's the problem..

18 mill for a part..

capped cash is 20 mill, and 18 mill is where you get thrown if you have more than 20 mill..

Better to have lower cost's for em if you have a buying system, since having them cost soo much mean's more people aim to get capped cash.

24-01-04, 06:45
Then dont sell MC5 parts

let people buy rare parts

if people will spend the time to build those apc's and sell em to get cash to buy a few rare parts, then let em, in that same time you could of got the same amount of rare parts or more.

if were gonna raise the worth of money, we need to get some huge money sinks so only those that stand there for hours building APC's can get em.

24-01-04, 06:53
Originally posted by Zanathos
Then dont sell MC5 parts

let people buy rare parts

if people will spend the time to build those apc's and sell em to get cash to buy a few rare parts, then let em, in that same time you could of got the same amount of rare parts or more.

if were gonna raise the worth of money, we need to get some huge money sinks so only those that stand there for hours building APC's can get em.

No you foo...

The aim is to give the credit's value.. Not to make building many many APC's needed.. But rather make it so you don't need 18 millon NC's to buy anything...

Also the removal of selling vehical key's back to NPC's would cut the money going it, thus increasing it's value somwhat..

24-01-04, 06:57
taking away the ability to sell keys would help.

oh, and i forgot to mention it, this would be temporary so that people will get rid of chunks of their money at first.

like a temporary patch that disables the selling of vehicle keys and enabling the buying of rare parts.

then another patch, removes the rare parts.

in the time the patch is there, people with a whole lot of money WILL spend it to get some rare parts.

24-01-04, 07:38
Make it so with Level 3 appartments you have to pay Rent.
-wont effect noobs
-cash sink=good

Allow people to rent out Additional Go Guaridan Layers
-Won't effect noobs
-cash sink=good

Implament the casino asap
-cash sink
-cash sink
-cash sink

Make Camo Pa a Shop Bought modification, and charge five million credits for the luxury.
-You don't physically need it, why should it be cheap?
-When people have too much cash, they will blow it on something to show off there wealth and domminance.
-cash sink
-cash sink
-wont effect noobs

24-01-04, 07:56
Originally posted by Benjie
Make it so with Level 3 appartments you have to pay Rent.
-wont effect noobs
-cash sink=good

Allow people to rent out Additional Go Guaridan Layers
-Won't effect noobs
-cash sink=good

Implament the casino asap
-cash sink
-cash sink
-cash sink

Make Camo Pa a Shop Bought modification, and charge five million credits for the luxury.
-You don't physically need it, why should it be cheap?
-When people have too much cash, they will blow it on something to show off there wealth and domminance.
-cash sink
-cash sink
-wont effect noobs

Like all of those.

24-01-04, 11:26
nc is turning in to diablo 2

with all these queer rarepart/mc5 parts that people freak out over and pay oodles for, and just like the SOJ in diablo 2.. the value of the credit is decreasing and decreasing

24-01-04, 12:54
Somehow stop the unlimited demand, supply and storage for stuff.

Currently NPC gladly buy and sell any amount of items. Its no suprise dedicated persons can make millions from vhc keys because of unlimited NCP demand, unlimited supply of parts and cheap storage.

Supply & demand. Make item pools or fake by formula. NPC only trade with players when the pool allows it thus shops can 'run out of supply' or 'wont accept' goods. Variable prices would be great (tho possibly exploitable) but not necessary.

Storage. Impose tax for stacking valuable items so that stock keeping is something complex.

Whatever will be done about inflation please make sure it will be a sliding process not a big bang let's-fix-it-all-change.

24-01-04, 13:08
Originally posted by Benjie
Make Camo Pa a Shop Bought modification, and charge five million credits for the luxury.
-You don't physically need it, why should it be cheap?
-When people have too much cash, they will blow it on something to show off there wealth and domminance.
-cash sink
-cash sink
-wont effect noobs

Would agree on this one , apart from the fact I really wouldnt want any reason to try and make more individual PA's (easier access to more designs)

Maybe something else tho.

Let us go over 20 million. I dont understand why the hell we cant... (from a RP perspective)