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23-01-04, 02:37
We are soon reaching DoY. However, the situation on Pluto at the moment is not very good, or fun for that matter.
The eternal struggle between the city clans and the Twilight Guardian has been the main war in the Wastelands for a long time on Pluto, and a fun one at that. Some times the city clans ruled the outposts, the next day the Twilight Guardians had control.
However, recently things seem to have changed. There are very few TG left to fight. I think some of the reasons for this is that we just dont have a chance to get a decent Outpost war going nowadays. This is not a discussion about who used lame tactics for 1 month ago, this is about today. City clans, for example NDA and SS and clans like Dark and BRTF all fight the main TG clan on Pluto that for the moment if FF.
Thats not really a problem, its just that they all seem to fight us at the same time. Before, we could adjust that by bringing numbers in, some of our other TG allies. However, after the opposition by NDA, SS, BRTF and the others turned to be far more numerous then ours, ppl are beginning to leave TG for other servers, for other factions. We can win battles, but it seems we are losing the war.
It seems like Pluto is going to be almost without TG soon.
For most of us, its just not fun to play when we know that if we win, the next time around the enemy will bring others and be 2 times our forces in manpower. Before we could bring in others, those others arent here anymore. So, what should we do about this? Should we all just leave TG, let it be an empty faction? Because right now, I dont see how this is going to continue....

And please, this is a serious thread, try to respond seriously.

23-01-04, 02:42
it always happens

GEF, TR, TA, FF its all fluctuations in the faction system swinging from city to anti city.

the main problem on pluto is thereisnt enough numbers to compensate for this anymore :(

23-01-04, 02:46
yes, and this is exactly my point. We could handle this before, but now it really is a big problem. And without a major TG clan, such as it always has beem, what fun will it be then? I know at least a couple of guys that will quit if this continues, and I dont think Pluto can afford to lose more players now. Maybe we should get a change in politics... Im still open for suggestions, so lets discuss this :)

23-01-04, 02:46
dm some fa clan leaders i am sure alot of angels will be more than willing to come to any ff op fight.

23-01-04, 02:47
Originally posted by AbsZero
yes, and this is exactly my point. We could handle this before, but now it really is a big problem. And without a major TG clan, such as it always has beem, what fun will it be then? I know at least a couple of guys that will quit if this continues, and I dont think Pluto can afford to lose more players now. Maybe we should get a change in politics... Im still open for suggestions, so lets discuss this :)

end the war with dark and ally with them, simple as that really.

23-01-04, 02:48
well, we could continue to bring in allies untill the whole server was involved, but then what about the next battle, and the one after that. Allies take alot of time. It would be nice to have one clan fighting another clan for once, instead of the whole active Pluto population rallying for one battle.

23-01-04, 02:51
Originally posted by REMUS
end the war with dark and ally with them, simple as that really.

^^what he said.^^

23-01-04, 02:56
Well, we could end the war with them, but will they end the war with us? I dont think so, to much static between the two clans at the moment. We are far from being allied, and even if we got a cease-fire, we would still be far outnumbered in op-wars. Besides, fighting Dark is fun when we are even numbered, we win some, we lose some.
So, if there are any Dark members on the forum, please share your opinions on how to solve this here.

23-01-04, 03:03
Originally posted by AbsZero
well, we could continue to bring in allies untill the whole server was involved, but then what about the next battle, and the one after that. Allies take alot of time. It would be nice to have one clan fighting another clan for once, instead of the whole active Pluto population rallying for one battle.

The problem for many clans though is that on their own their outnumbered by your clan, ff is a very large clan so in many instances there is a chioce for them of no fight at all, or to fight with allies. If they choose not to fight at all people get bored and over time log on less if there isnt alot of op activety, or some may leave the clan for others that they see to be more active, so the clan starts tumbling down a path not likely to stop. I understand it doesnt always seem fair but if it means you get a good fight why not use allies? There is Spirit and FA would always seem to help as do PIMP, you dont always have to fight the op from the underground, why not rally a force at another op close by and head to the op with a decent force? I know it must seem one sided but all clans are having the same problem atm, that is never seeming to have enough members on.

23-01-04, 03:12
Originally posted by Cyphor
ff is a very large clan so in many instances there is a chioce for them of no fight at all, or to fight with allies.
Yeah, as all the previous TG clans, we are larger then most, but we are by far not the largest when it comes to active people at the present moment. Sure, we got about 91 people "officialy".¨
Point is, we got 45 people. Rest is alternative chars, that means that we got 45 people that can play. Some of these log on often, some very seldom. Some play on Venus most of the time and dont wanna fight on Pluto anymore because it isn't much fun anymore. The fact is, even though our people have some skill, we are only a "large" clan for about 1 hour each day. For example earlier today I logged on at about 17 GMT. We were 2 guys online. This has happened alot recently. So a large clan? We used to be. We aren't any more though.

23-01-04, 03:26
I ment large as in activity ;) not as in size, 99% of the clans in nc arent what their numbers say. And i understand what you say but when you only have 2 online noone will attack your ops as its unfair, people will only attack when there is a decent number on and from my experience yous can have 15+ around the times for clans to org a op fight. Being that most city clans have around 7 or 8 on when the fight starts to get org, they call allies, yes in that time norm a few more log on and stay due to action, but if they didnt call allies and get the action started people who were on would get bored of waiting and log. Thus you loose some fighters gain some more and are back to where you started, not enough to fight on your own. Noone intentionally tries to outnumber people at op fights as it makes the fight to quick and boring, it just happens occassionally. Imo a big part also is mis-communication, theres been at least one time recently when ive turened up to a fight to find an ally had called an ally etc, however at that point the numbers were fair on both side so it wasnt a prob :p . You also have to be carefull in counting too, the amount online isnt always the amount at the op, this is especially important when guessing how many of the allies clan is there, many run out of the underground see a member each from two clans and dont stop to think what if their whole clan isnt there. Many times only one or two from an allies clan will come and help, as they want a fight, however its always assumed there whole clan is there from that point on :eek:

23-01-04, 03:32
You have and always have had the support of TechSyn, all both of us at the moment.

23-01-04, 03:39
AbsZero factions will always rise and fall. The only faction that has retained its strength over the years is Tangent. When I was TG back last year at one point we didnt have more than 30 TG people in the entire faction. Even with TG small there was still people left to fight for both sides. (The city clans just turned on themselves, was funny as hell).

I wouldnt worry about it. If TG falls soon it wont be long before it rises up again. If you joined TG because you truly felt at place there (and not because of the bandwagon), then stay in TG. If the clan happens to become inactive you can always start a new clan with some friends in TG. :)

23-01-04, 03:46
I know Jest, I've been around for the rising and falling. And I can't predict the future. I am just seriously worried that there is not a server population to manage it.

23-01-04, 04:01
Tbh I think Pluto is on the rise, don't know why people think its dying. Hell last month my night time playing the server was 50s, currently my nights are now around 100-120. Thats definitely not dying. I'm encouraged for Pluto and I think BDoY will only bring more. :p

23-01-04, 04:11
Pluto actually made sense before clans started to move factions. It all started with gang going to TG, and ever since there's been odd alliances and agreements. It seems everyone wants red team vs blue team, and there is definitely no clarity of pro vs anti city I think anymore. Allied factions are at war with each other, and side with hostile factions to help..

.. why can't we fucking stop this? Stop the mindless red vs blue 2 sided war, pay attention to your faction sympathy list FOR ONCE, or at the very least pay attention to who will be with DoY and who won't be.

23-01-04, 04:12
DarK will never ally with FF...if we did the two of our clans would own the entire map and no OP's would ever change control

23-01-04, 04:24
Well for me Pluto is on the rise, since I returned this game recently and started take part OP wars , I am FA though so its hard to get an OP war unless as guest with FF.

Try to co-ordinate more FA ally perhaps, at least u can use turret on enemy with them, and I know some FA clans have new members and would be eager to help the anti-city fight.

You could maybe add 5-10 fighters per battle depending on times of day if you did this, even with just two specific FA clans..

Edit: I understand turret is a problem cos dark are not enemy so this means why is hard to invite FA for your fights.

Perhaps turret needs some fix?

23-01-04, 04:29
Perhaps they shouldn't use turrets at all.

-Then all the city clans wouldn't ally to fight one clan.

23-01-04, 04:37
Is this FF moaning that they dont have enough ppl or cant have the turrets on because PIMP are with them ?

23-01-04, 04:43
No need to flame the guy he is just worried his faction is dying.

23-01-04, 04:43
bla bla serve

DarK will never ally with FF...if we did the two of our clans would own the entire map and no OP's would ever change control

now this is true indeed and i dont think we should ally but maybee end the war
this would mean that DARK actually had to fight someone else but FF and i know dark have the numbers to fight other clans as well and would make city clans fight other clans but FF ( and spirit and silent) wich again would make a fun change perhaps for the city clans making em able to fight with their clan alone and not have to bring allies and generally more fun for everyone

23-01-04, 04:47
It was just me who mentioned turrets actually, but I do think its odd that I (FA) can be at a fight with an ally faction (TG), and meet a hostile faction (Crahn) and have a turret beside us , but it cant fire at the crahn unless it also fires at me...

But nevermind the turrets, the GR setting is more of a problem, FA cant come to help a TG op atm because if they open the GR to friends it also lets crahn in. That is more of an issue IMO.

I never really understood why the GR Friend setting included neutrals and allies as the same.

Perhaps there should be a 4th option for GR and turret , to allow allies , rather than ally/neutrals ?

No one is moaning really I think, I'm just saying it might be better for the game to provide more easily for bored ally factions to actually be able to participate in these fights, would mean more ppl to kill in the end so more fun to everyone.

23-01-04, 05:07
sol this topic is about actually following the whole anti city/pro city fights instead of fighting and bickering between ourselves... why do u think that everyone hates your clan? Ppl have lots of differences when fighting against clans... with ur clan ppl complain that there not fighting you they are fighting with the A.I. (turrets and stuns which really need to get looked into). Ppl might have more respect for a clan if they didnt use tactics like these... the whole idea with OP wars is to pvp (remember pvp is player vs. player). Its true that other clans use these tactics, but if the numbers are not equal then fight with the numbers that u have... i have the up most respect for clans who fight against the odds it shows that they are a clan worth fighting against and are known as "good pvp" players.

I remember a time when Gang came back into the game and they decided on taking the op's from dark they orginally owned although it kinda pissed me off them taking it i can understand that they needed the pvp practice and probably assumed that we were an easy target. There was only 4 from dark after some of us logged off and at least 9-11 gang... I never complained once about the odds I am the person who is like "bring it on mofo". We won 4 times in a row I think and russian may have been gobsmacked cos I hear he is the person that doesnt give up. Personally I luv hearing stories about clans fighting against the odds... to me it makes me wanna fight them.

You have to understand why clans dont like you.... if you find out why then maybe the situation can be changed for the better.

OP's with allies are the most fun that I have ever had (have to blame "server" for that ;) ) and tbh dont care about the greater numbers on one side... you can never get even numbers.. enjoy the game for what it is...and maybe more respect will come if you give it your all and fucked the opposition.

The whole situation with dark and ff might be able to get resolved in time........ but dont get your hopes up.

23-01-04, 05:11
Methinks everyone should leave TG.

More hot BT v. PP action is needed.

What about good ole' CA vs. 'criminal' factions?

I'm always sick of seeing strong TG clans on pluto, because then people a.) Leave their faction to join strong TG clan b.) join a faction to be allied with strong TG clan - or c.) fight them, but generally band together out of common interest.

Anyway, if TG died, no one would be adversely affected... in fact, the server would probably get more interesting if it did die.

23-01-04, 05:15
i dont really care ive if anyone likes or or not i really dont
and as to turrets i know dark use em as much as us as i have seen this first hand

i would like it to not anti city and city acting their role tho in stead of us having to have alliances with reds fighting greens etc

23-01-04, 05:27
I can understand your point about other clans using turrets etc etc... but lets not turn this into a flame thread...

Dark and FF have major differences and this can never be healed.. I can understand your point that green vs. green sux but fighting ff does have its great moments (remember hawkins)... as joran said if we did ally ourselves with each other we would own the map but what will that achieve? Maybe pluto having an even lower population than it currently is (jest soz but to me 300 and above is something I would luv to see for the population count) if we did ally. Dark members have a personal emnity towards FF which keep the fighting going and this is probably vice versa lol.

Maybe the situation can change when DOY (soz NC: DOY) comes out... but pls dont hold your breath.... I wanna keep fighting FF... pvp practice ya'know :p

23-01-04, 07:51
Originally posted by AbsZero
Thats not really a problem, its just that they all seem to fight us at the same time. Before, we could adjust that by bringing numbers in, some of our other TG allies.

What, you mean the 123 members (which I think was your cap)? Then with those 100+ members you would bring allies.....so SXR would end up fighting 2 clans that more than double it's size, and they were ALL monks. Theres nothing more fun that standing in an OP waiting for opposition, and seeing an army of monks come over the hill is there?

Originally posted by AbsZero
However, after the opposition by NDA, SS, BRTF and the others turned to be far more numerous then ours, ppl are beginning to leave TG for other servers, for other factions. We can win battles, but it seems we are losing the war.

Welcome to the club. News flash, people don't like getting raped by a clan twice thier size, that use allies, after they ninja hack your OP, while stealth dropping turrets, and are 99% monks. Or hold on....you're finding that out now aren't you? Again, welcome....I knew you would show up sooner or later.

Originally posted by AbsZero
For most of us, its just not fun to play when we know that if we win, the next time around the enemy will bring others and be 2 times our forces in manpower.

Turn about is fair play. Like I said, people don't like getting raped. People don't like fighting a losing battle. FN our retired leader made a post on this forum a few months ago about FF never quitting. When we would win (against all odds mind you) you would come back....with more....and more....and more. It was never enough until you came with 10 PPUs, 10 APUs, and any allies you could muster.

More people than not don't like FF. I had fun fighting you when you were a new clan, but things changed. You grew too fast and couldn't keep a handle on the people you had. Those people that were out of control made the reputation that FF will have to deal with for the rest of the game. FF made thier beds mate.....now it's time for you to sleep.

Originally posted by AbsZero
And please, this is a serious thread, try to respond seriously.

This post is serious. When it was brought up 2 months ago by FN FF's replies were "OMFG STOP WHINING AND PLAY TEH GAME". I'm not doing that. I just want you to remember the way FF feels right now.....now think of the way FF acted a very short time ago.

P.S. Stop stealth dropping turrets, and people might actually come to fight with the chance of losing, not come to completly destroy you.;)

23-01-04, 09:06

I dont know how to solve your overall problem, but for individual fights, here is another alternative for you to consider, however artificial it may be...

Back in the old days (lol) when I was variously in Narrenturm and MAXT, our fights would sometimes be coordinated. An enemy clan would DM me, or I would DM them, we'd discuss how many were available and interested in fighting, who would attack and who defend, and negotiate final numbers to ensure reasonable odds for a fun fight. Worked well and we often had great fights, irrespective of who won.

You could try that. For instance, next time, DM us at NDA, tell us how large a force you can bring and how many will be PPUs. We will try to match your numbers, and if we cant you whittle yours down until both sides thinks its reasonable. Then we all go have fun at a fight, win or lose. Similarly, we could DM you guys the next time we are itching for a fight, and begin discussions by stating our expected numbers, and make changes as needed to sorta even things up.

"FF: Hey Fenix, we got 10 plus 2 PPUs and are taking Soliko back. NDA: Well we can bring 8 plus a PPU and our allies are all out to lunch. FF: So okay, we'll drop a PPU ... 11 to 9 okay or do we diddle the numbers some more? NDA: Good enough, cya at the fight. [few minutes later...] NDA: a non-PPU just logged on so we're bring him too. FF: Fine."

Similarly, try it with other enemy clans. Worst case they dont want to cooperate or they cheat ... then you know not to use this approach with them the next time around. Obviously, clans that roleplay a hardcore win-no-matter-what view of the game wont be interested.

Please Note: this is just a suggestion on my part, not a commitment by NDA, since I do not have the standing in NDA that I did in those other clans, but try it and see what happens. Realize though, that I am pulling this idea out of my hat so the first time you chat with us the response might be "WTF?!?!?" ... just persevere a little ;)


23-01-04, 09:58
I think it is impossible to make any agreement to have a fair fight with an enemy clan. It may work for a little while, but it has been my experience that despite the best of intentions, such agreements inevitably fail.

There are simply too many variables. Sometimes people that are online are afk. Sometimes they are online but low level. Sometimes the numbers are even but not the right mixture of PPUs + damage dealers. You could try to organize what you think is a fair fight but by the time you get everyone ready and you travel to the OP and do the first hack, you get the typical "oh my God you are ninja hacking" DM from the enemy. In the 20 minutes in took you to get from idea to hack one, half their people logged off. And the moment one story starts to spread of "oh my God those SOBs ninja hacked us let's do it to them" then the animosity between clans continues to grow.

I have never played DAoC but from what I understand they have just 2 (or is it 3?) factions. The factions cannot even speak to each other in-game which is a brilliant idea. Why would you want to trade with your mortal enemy? The 12 faction system in Neocron is a complete mess, particularly with such low server populations. Hopefully, if the game becomes an empire vs. empire struggle (pro-city vs. anti-city) then the whole clan/allies bullshit can be put to rest. Whenever you log on there will most likely be a fight somewhere where you (or you and your clan mates) can jump in and help your empire.

I honestly think that the design of the current OP system and factions is what is ruining organized PvP. Everyone is getting sick and tired of the same fights with the same people over the same OPs which don't actually hold any significance to own.

I believe the majority of us are nice people that love to play PvP games. We are not all assholes but this game has created this tension and frustration between us.

23-01-04, 10:42
Well, its not impossible, because i did it many times and with different enemy clans, and i'm not talking little ones with few members or mediocre fighting skills. But i admit that both sides need to be willing to help make it work. Never mind AbsZero, guess NDA aint interested afterall; this is based on my assumption that i have correctly pegged RayBob as being Raykor/Raycor.


23-01-04, 10:48
Originally posted by RayBob
The factions cannot even speak to each other in-game which is a brilliant idea.

Yea! Actually why not have the same on NC have all the channels work on faction+allied/neutral only. It would probably lead to somewhat fragmented conversations (but is not that big a deal).

Have only Local + Zone work as normal.

23-01-04, 10:54
To be honest I don't see the problem....

The fact that you have to go looking for allies to defend your OPs is actually what the game is fundamentally about isn't it ? Making friends and sharing an experience with them ?

(You may as well say all city players should join CA and all Anti City players join TG. Then they all join a single clan within those factions and we will have two sides to a battle.)

When we do get BDoY, the numbers will grow again and you won't have the issue , but if a couple of TG say they're gonna leave if they can't get people in their clan , then they are being a little bit short sighted.

But hell , I suppose they can just sit it out and return when ALL the servers are busting with new players.

23-01-04, 11:18
i cant see problem in this. Tg are loosing fights so they are moving to next server, changing clan, faction. end of period, in some time there will be somekinda new SuperUber TG again like tr,ff, and many else. and nothing will change.

23-01-04, 11:25
Last time I logged onto pluto there was gay fighting between FA (my faction) and the Mercs (not hostile to FA). Now that's where the soul light system sucks.

23-01-04, 11:27
Pluto is fine, OP wars is not the only part of the game. :rolleyes:

23-01-04, 11:27
din't read all reply's off the first page. but i think ending the war from FF > dark aint that simple.. well for them it is.. but FF call in FA and nowadays pimp to now and then.. anybody remember the big OP fight @ jerico a week or so back ?

Pimp / FF / Spirit / several FA clans



also nowadays there are alot of "small" BD clans.. and i don't know were they stand..

mainly because a few of those clans all consist out of ex dark or ex ss members who went to BD..

ow and off the record.. can everybody pls quit bitching about the turret dropping.. i won't name clans but i see tt clans bitch on tg for dropping turrets same with the cs clan bitching about it and in an OP war we had early this week 4/5 TT jump out of the UG and dropped a few stun / gat turrets and as responce 1.5 later when they came back we dit the same..

fact.. everybody does it.. 1 clan started it who doesn't matter but they all do it because the other clan does it to..

23-01-04, 11:30
I wanna keep fighting FF... pvp practice ya'know

same here and frankely we dont like dark but as the situation is dakr only fight FF and so does everyone else normally toghether cuz as u know peops dont like FF hell i even saw SXR and NDA at same figths againt us (faction enemies) and frankely when all figths FF u dont get good fights and u dont get PvP practise u get peops thats sick of all the fights vs multiple clans

now i could understand why u would figth us alone cuz we both have big clans and we both can fight but seriously wouldent it be fun to have like fight someone else ?
u fight pimp to but as i understand it same thing happens to pimp when they take ops they get multiple clans again

23-01-04, 11:37
Originally posted by \\Fényx//
Is this FF moaning that they dont have enough ppl or cant have the turrets on because PIMP are with them ?

Originally posted by ServeX
Perhaps they shouldn't use turrets at all.

-Then all the city clans wouldn't ally to fight one clan.

what they said^^


23-01-04, 11:44
City Admin will have there day soon enough :)

23-01-04, 12:00
well the reason we all gang up on FF is because they Cheat , they Use every Lowlife way to cheat and avoind getting killin Op wars they Alt F4 though walls into hack rooms and fences, And ff destroy enemy turrets though walls:mad:

23-01-04, 12:11
Originally posted by AbsZero

City clans, for example NDA and SS and clans like Dark and BRTF all fight the main TG clan on Pluto

huh? did i miss something ? since when CRAHN SECT is pro city faction?????
As far as i remember it was (and still is) always shown as anti city on the map...


23-01-04, 12:23
Turret laying is part of the game tbh...it is a resource that can be called upon as part of the game.

However the whole situation becomes a little bit weary when a certain TG clan dropped "40 turrets" in a fight at hawkins whereupon the numbers were quite even [on the 14th of january around 1 am], spending 5 mill of their clan funds as a result.

The teams were not even u may argue; is it because the TG clan had less numbers and indeed required turrets to even up the battle? Well i assure everyone that the TG clan in question was the attacking clan for that particular op and would never dream of fighting unless they had an advantage.

I was very thankful that we eventually won that particular battle. In my opinion, this is the reason why i love fighting that TG clan, cause we get more satisfaction from the battles even when we lose. :D

The major problem is that i dont think neocron is pulling enough new players to keep the community interesting. Hopefully DOY will aid that slightly with the new influx of old and new players. This game has far more potential than the server number indicates but frankly even op fights are gettin abit tedious and abit of a chore these days .:o My only question is...wot else is there to do?

El Barto
23-01-04, 13:56
Well FF did it to start off with and pissed th rest of us, we just returned the favor, any way, shouldn't this be an in game thread, I think its gona be closed soon.

23-01-04, 14:21
When i see threads like this, and more so the childish and retarded flames back to it - it reminds me why I log into pluto less and less.

Thankyou for ruining pluto.

23-01-04, 14:27
TG...yes it changed a lot on Pluto. If TG is getting weaker, try to solve the problem within the faction first. For most people TG is only FF. But there some other clans too. Start acting like a faction. Being a TG now somehow doesnt give you the feeling to belong to a faction, using OPs is the only benefit. The faction channel is dead, hard to find any trade skillers in TG etc.

Have a look at FA. Returning to TG after several epic runs I used FA to switch back to TG. During my longer then expected time being in FA I discovered that besides maybe BT, FA is the only "real faction". I had the felling clans dont matter to much there, if youre FA youre "in". If you need something, faction chat is the place to look. Made a real impression on my I must admit.

Now the FF-Dark problem. Afair FA is enemy to Crahn anyway, so why not use FA's help as an ally to fight Dark? Not sure how the things between Dark and FA stands atm, but it might be worth a try...

23-01-04, 14:34
Dark and FA is KOS.. yesterday poor chicky got killed @ MB to :(

but FF do call FA help sometimes when their fighting the whole city side.. nda ss dark brtf etc.. but Spirit is always there to when asked.. and now pimp is back their up for a fight most of the time..

and yea FA stand pretty strong as a faction.. and i heard from more places that that aint in every faction.. FA also has its own vent ( voice com ) server.. all FA clans on pluto who want it get a channel on it and most leaders / high ranked got passes to eachother channels to ask eachother for help.. also FA on pluto got a forum basicly the same as the vent server 1 forum different subforums for clans..

makes the feeling as a faction bigger and we always "try" to work together.. in OP wars we have to.. cause every clan we fight is always bigger then any force that 1 clan can put up..

23-01-04, 14:57
Originally posted by [TgR]KILLER
but FF do call FA help sometimes when their fighting the whole city side.. nda ss dark brtf etc.. but Spirit is always there to when asked.. and now pimp is back their up for a fight most of the time..

Thats TEH problem why should it be we vs them all the time.
Bring in allies takes time hell of a time and the thing is we outnumber or they or the defending dropping turrets and no win situation.

Our clan really want to look over this situation and many of us can even cut down on the OP:s just so more factions/clans can have it "no not NDA or Dark" :p

Then we got more OP holders and more OP wars = teh fun
Is it really fun to take the whole planet to a OP war?

Drop some slacks and make it a bit smaller "its the only option atm when the population stands on 120 runners"

23-01-04, 14:59
However the whole situation becomes a little bit weary when a certain TG clan dropped "40 turrets" in a fight at hawkins whereupon the numbers were quite even

even numbers dell as in 5 of us and 20 of u and dominion (being CA and crahn faction enemies btw)

u really really should learn to count

now enough of the flaming bs really it was intended to be serious
thread now there is a problem up to us all to solve it or we can not do it and see what happens

23-01-04, 15:03
Originally posted by solling
now there is a problem up to us all to solve it or we can not do it and see what happens


you got a fuckin problem now because you pissed off wayyy to many people

dude you should simply stop pissing people off.. then people will stop starting such huge ally wars...

23-01-04, 15:13
*Points at age poll*

Originally posted by .Cyl0n
17 here..

Well duh! Case close cant argue with you sorry :rolleyes:

23-01-04, 15:16
Originally posted by t0tt3
*Points at age poll*
Well duh! Case close cant argue with you sorry :rolleyes:

Sounds very crap to me. To put my own experience into it, .Cylon is one of my most respected enemies and this doest happen when people dont act mature. Dont use age as an argument, that doest really work out well, for both sides of the age scale ;-)

23-01-04, 15:22
And the thread goes down in flames.. what s suprise :rolleyes:

Mayby KK should make it so that u can only drop turrets when an OP is under a setting were turrets won't fire on anybody for a few mins.. so turrets will just be fragmeat when they are dropped in a war..

23-01-04, 15:22
dude the point is.. i tried to talk with you guys SO OFTEN its insane

i talked with z!g, lore , ast , snakeye and some others ... and guess what .. NOTHING ever changed.

so now after you had your fun and pissed alot of ppl off you're gettin zerged.. and NOW you want to talk

now all you can do is simply STOP turret dropping.. STOP bringing allys.. STOP noob buffing .. STOP ninjahacking... STOP exploiting walls...and STOP all the other lame shit you did in the past

yes you will loose alot of battles in the next time because you'll be outnumbered and maybe some city clans will use the same lame shit against you

but after a while they will realise that you changed and will fight you fairly again..
thats all you can do now because noone will believe you if you say you want fair fights now... and i'm not even sure if i think that you deserve fair fights anymore ( thats coming from me - i always tried to make op wars on pluto more fun and fair )

and btw.. i wont even comment on the age thing :rolleyes:


/€ good idea killer

23-01-04, 15:27
Originally posted by [TgR]KILLER

Mayby KK should make it so that u can only drop turrets when an OP is under a setting were turrets won't fire on anybody for a few mins.. so turrets will just be fragmeat when they are dropped in a war..

Awesome idea, really. You should post it somewhere where it would get noticed!

23-01-04, 15:30
As previuosly stated, this was not intended to become a flame thread, so please try to refrain from doing that. You say Cylon is 17 and you wont discuss with him? Im 18, does that make this whole thread immature? Anyway, I know that there has been used cheap tactics before, I know that quite alot of clans are pissed at FF. Well, ok, but does us not listening before mean that you wont allow us to listen and try to change now? I think that, at least for me and some others part, we want clean and nice fights without the excessive zerging or turret laying. Hell, I dont really see the point of turrets at an outpost at all.
But it might seem as if this comes abit too late for everyone, and that matters have gone past redemption. If this is so, we just have to continue playing and let things sort out it self I guess.
Just dont blame me for trying to get an active dialog about this.

23-01-04, 15:37
Originally posted by .Cyl0n

you got a fuckin problem now because you pissed off wayyy to many people

dude you should simply stop pissing people off.. then people will stop starting such huge ally wars...

It is this post that is sooo lame. We want a better OP war battels.
I dont care if its 10 vs 10 think its more fun then a 30 vs 20 "Turret" fight that doesnt give a shit.

FF has soooo many no they dont stop look in the citycom and see the BUG number of 9x or so most of them are alts so how can you bring in a alt to play???

Solution is simpel.

More clans that has OP:s = more diffrent wars
We cant have 60 vs 60 OP wars anymore then the whole fucking planet need to join O_o

But then again who cares pro city doesnt.

why me? why?
23-01-04, 15:42
I'm just going to be a bit cynical here...

what FF do to piss so many off? take their precious little OPs?

I think everyone needs to grow up a little an think about this. cause this will become a seriously major problem in the future if we dont watch it, true I'm FF I'm happy to say so.

but you need to grow up a little, that includes FF as well.

I admit I am sick of seeing about 10 NDA backed up by 4 other clans at least cause it just seems like too much effort over a little thing like an OP sure the feeling I get when we win against such odds is great but all in all it starting to seem tedious and boring.

.Cyl0n, though your right about us pissing everyone off, I think you should look from our side of it before you judge us so harshly, after we're ALL responsible ADULTS here mostly right or is everyone just a CS Kiddie who thinks they're L33t?

tott3, that was a bit childish .Cyl0n is a very respectable person heck even I respect him cause he has been around and most likely done everything twice over... experience comes with age and practice... prehaps you dont understand that.
17 or not I dont care I'm a old person and I still play this game.

N00b buffing? is that illegal? nope.
Ninja hacking? retaliation to ninja hacking, eye for an eye.
Wall Exploiting? never seen it been done.

methinks everyones being a bit of a hypocrite since I've seen people at OP fights do it to us, why cant we do it to them?
are we lame for using tactics that you've probably used?

methinks you listed all our so called crimes there .Cyl0n :p

I agree tott3 there... 60 v 60 then everyone else joining in isnt exactly good for my FPS, health and stress :p

23-01-04, 15:50
u can't get very good OP wars imo.. and FA will most likely always take whole FA to an war.. or tgr and thsc anyway.. cause we don't have 10+ ppl on most of the times on our own but if i just take a look on the citycom most ppl we want to fight got 11+ members on ( citycom only gives 11 ppl when u check on the online thingy )

last time we were with a few ppl hacking gravis when 4/5/6 NDA came up the UG.. and to no supirse they dropped a few turrets.. well din't realy bother me cause we killed half of them before they could do anything.. best thing was we were halfway our last hack so the turrets that they placed killed them in the end..

statement about the turrets by nda.. everybody does it.. so when 1.5 hours later we were just with 4 ppl standing @ the OP when suddenly 10+ NDA stormed in out of nowere first thing i dit was jump down the UG with the 4 of us and drop a few gats.. and then get on thsc channel and call em in for backup.. tho when they got there we were dead.. and since they din't came in a group we all died..

tho we had a nice fight @ regants later..

but dispite the turret thing.. they should just be nerfed to hell and back.. i meen just do what i said earlyer..

make a OP setting that notes like GR clan Attack None / Place turrets and only then u can place turrets.. and u won't be aible to change the setting for like 10/15 mins.. so placing turrets in the middle of an OP war just wouldn't be possible as they would get destroyed in seconds.. while they aren't working..

and when u realy "have" and OP u still could place turrets when the enemy is gone..

but there is way more to fix about OP wars imo.. just take the fact some clans keep comming back for hours and hours attacking time after time.. they might get beaten the first 5 times but when euro players log in our clan that leaves almost nobody left as we got only a few ( 3/4/5 US players ) and as we fight bigger clans they just keep comming because they still got loads of ppl on.. mayby all euro's logged for them to but their US force just logged and keeps going..

i'v seen this recently.. we defend.. we beat them 3/4 times.. but after that and 2 hours later we gotta log.. with them comming back yet again we can't do shit about it and lose the OP anyway.. whats the point ? there aint none..

I'm still all it for the fact OPs can't get hacked back for an day or something after 1 clan took it.. mayby up the "reset" time of the hack term so it takes longer for a clan to take an OP.. so the defending clan got time go act after a turret is blown or a first layer is hacked.. so there still would be a fight possible..

but thats just me talking shit.. flame away..

Lord Mansion
23-01-04, 15:52
This game is way too violent for 17 year olds. We must protect our children.

23-01-04, 15:53
yeah i do agree that city clans are using those tactics too

but that doesnt make it better...i for example will warn or boot everyone outta SS who i see dropping a turret infight ...

although we're gettin it massivly every fight .. doesnt mean we need to go down to their niveau...

those things you named are legit.. sure ..but they piss people off and destroy fun in op wars

as said the thing is i had certain agreements with FF already.. and everytime you guys broke em.. so i dont see a reason to believe you now when you say you want fair fights...

just go online and proove it.. when i see that you mean it i'll do my part and talk with the other city clans trying to convince em =)

i for my part also hate big fights.. simply because they got like no teamwork... everyone is running around doing what he wants

you see im all up for that but you gotta show me that you really mean it ;)


23-01-04, 16:00
big fights always get messy when there is more then 1 clan.. tho we in FA can do it with 2 clan and even some more but thats because we all use the same voicecom server :p

but they should just revamp the whole turret / OP taking thing imo

23-01-04, 16:01
Originally posted by .Cyl0n

so i dont see a reason to believe you now when you say you want fair fights...

just go online and proove it..

Fair enough. When our clan leader gets online, I will suggest steps that may show our commitment this time. If people agree, I hope to see it announced on the ingame forum. If the others in my clan do not agree, then I guess we have to continue like this.

23-01-04, 16:04
kewl... abszero and why me what are your names ingame.. maybe we could arrange some sort of meeting too :)

and yeah killer i agree the op situation imo is stupid =/


23-01-04, 16:11
My name ingame is Eric Kerr. And I really do think that if we are gonna get a change, it will have to start with us(FF).
So, I've prepared a statement, just need Lore's agreement to it first, so waiting for him to get online. I hope sometime soon we will both be able to drop a line on OOC to the enemy clan after a fight saying: "Good fight guys" without getting a "You guys are the suxx0rz" back. And this goes for my clan as much as anyone else of course :)

23-01-04, 16:19
eric the ub3r ppu that couldn't rezz poor chicky in caves :lol: :p

but after the fights we had this week with NDA i kept talking with ryu almost whole fight.. thats why i knew they were comming back so we could prepair a bit and have a good fight..

23-01-04, 17:16
Originally posted by Lucjan
Awesome idea, really. You should post it somewhere where it would get noticed!


there go u..

double post meh couldn't edit no more..

23-01-04, 17:23
Yeah i'm all for scrapping turrets they just get in the way. I recall a fight recently where the main factor of it going on for an hour or more was constantly laying turrets so we could not advance. IMO that takes away alot of the fun out of op wars.

As for the comment about FF never fighting with fair odds and whatnot in this thread. Just yesterday we probably outnumbered 2-1 at jeriko but continued on for the sure fun of it. And as for the comment about us cheating and clipping through walls and shit... Do you guys ever think that we might possibly logoff some dudes inside the op fully buffed when we know an attack is coming. Then as were all sittin in the voice comm they get told when to log back in.

23-01-04, 17:40
Originally posted by ServeX
Perhaps they shouldn't use turrets at all.

-Then all the city clans wouldn't ally to fight one clan.

pwned by serve

serve >> all

Shadow Dancer
23-01-04, 17:43
I hate big fights too. To hectic and chaotic. Very little organization most of the time.

Originally posted by RayBob

I have never played DAoC but from what I understand they have just 2 (or is it 3?) factions. The factions cannot even speak to each other in-game which is a brilliant idea.

They can't speak to each other at all? I don't get it, can you elaborate. Sounds interesting.

23-01-04, 18:47
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
They can't speak to each other at all? I don't get it, can you elaborate. Sounds interesting. I found this in the FAQs: "Also you cannot communicate with players of enemy realms – there will be no chatting allowed with enemies – this is done to heighten the “foreigness” of enemy players."

23-01-04, 19:06
Originally posted by RayBob
I found this in the FAQs: "Also you cannot communicate with players of enemy realms – there will be no chatting allowed with enemies – this is done to heighten the “foreigness” of enemy players."

Thats a good idea, plus with the new safe-zone rules, making factions HQs the new safezone and tradeskill areas, It would really make the enemy very "foreign".

23-01-04, 19:13
If FF hadn't thought they own'd the server and tried to pick fights with every clan and getting greedy trying to own 75% of the map most the time. Then people wouldn't ally against them but since they were the UBAR 1337 PKING TG CLAN around at that time they had a max influx of people that liked to piss people off.

It doesn't help matters when u guys use one tactic then when used on u u moan and bitch the hell out of everyone. In the end this was enevitable u have bought it upon yourselves and if u didn't look into the future at the consequences of ur actions then its ur own fault

Shadow Dancer
23-01-04, 20:13
Originally posted by RayBob
I found this in the FAQs: "Also you cannot communicate with players of enemy realms – there will be no chatting allowed with enemies – this is done to heighten the “foreigness” of enemy players."

That is so kickass. As much as I'd like to see it in NC, i'm not sure it's a good idea with the server population.

stalked monkey
23-01-04, 20:27
I played DAOC for a year and a half. Not being trash talked by the enemies was a REALLY good feeling. It felt just like REALLY good ai.

However, I think that in NC the total un-communication is unreasonable. All factions should be able to hear the main chats, but you shouldnt be able to directly contact a neutral/enemy through buddy or direct chats. It would heighten the cyberpunk atmosphere by making crossteamers have to gather somewhere.

Maybe too, you could make it so that on the trade chats, that people couldnt listen to a chat if they arent in the correct "area"

Like Trade-Tg would only be for in TG and specified sub-zones (apts, leveling zones, etc)

Wastelands would be any wasteland zone or hunting zone

NC would be.. well... anywhere in NC

you get the idea

Shadow Dancer
23-01-04, 20:28
Originally posted by stalked monkey
I played DAOC for a year and a half. Not being trash talked by the enemies was a REALLY good feeling. It felt just like REALLY good ai.

Exactly. No trash talk would be SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!

23-01-04, 20:35
Originally posted by Candaman

It doesn't help matters when u guys use one tactic then when used on u u moan and bitch the hell out of everyone. In the end this was enevitable u have bought it upon yourselves and if u didn't look into the future at the consequences of ur actions then its ur own fault

Personally i see alot of turrets used against us (FF) at OP fights, surely what you just said about FF above applies to your clan aswell?

i think alot of people are throwing around the "your using turrets at op fights too much" excuse to jump on the i hate FF bandwagon... when i see nearly all other clans doing it too, sure i hate it when turrets kill me (and most fights they do), but its all part of the game. and wallhacking? lol seriously this isnt CS.

i love the fights, i enjoy them more when im alive more than 3 seconds tho hehe, every clan is guitly of all things mentioned in this thread, everyone has done them. and IMO as ive said already its part of the game. and all adds to why i like this game so much :)
were enemies and hating each other is part of the fun imo, healthy hatred never hurt anybody ;) most guys are nice when you talk to them normally anyway.

however i hate the trash talk on trade. OOC i dont care cos i dont have that turned on, but trade.. UGH.
when it comes to having agreements and FF have broke them, i dont think its possible to say who broke them as FF believe the enemy clans to have broken them *shrug* its just how things go.

i also dont like this thread, this is for TG to sort out not for everybody to get involved with, this will all get sorted soon one way or another in the mean time im going to enjoy the fights and being sexed when im dead :lol:

23-01-04, 20:43
As the politicians say - if u make a claim enough times it eventually gains credibility - even with the ppl who KNOW the claims are not true. U even got the ppl in ff thinking they were always the bad guys lol.

Its all been said before to no avail but there is no concept of reality for "i r l337" internet gamers - there is only self deception to save the illusion of l337hood.

Both sides are guilty of this - Ive have yet to see EVER an accurate representation of an op war on these forums - its all about winning - whatever the cost, for whatever reason can be found that is most convenient (turrets, allies etc etc).

I have seen the "win at all costs" theory destroy some online games - others survive coz of new players arriving. This one - methinks will go down very soon if they dont bring new players in.

23-01-04, 21:47
Well this thread was worthwhile for a few pages at least. Guys, you need to stop trying to blaim each other and acting as if you're somehow moraly superior. By now every single clan has done at least one thing unethical in combat. Every single clan has participated in a completely unfair fight bringing twice or three times as many as the enemy has. I used to try to keep Pimp moral and try to keep the fun in pvp. But it didn't do any good, we were still accused of every single offense known to man. Many were outright lies or exaggerations, but once said they take on a life of their own. So when I try to hold my clan back and do the honorable thing, our enemies take advantage of us. This makes us mad and we are more inclined to do whatever it takes to win again, which just starts the whole cycle over. I think its really time to grow up and admit that none of us are innocent and honorable. If you want to claim that, I can prolly dig up some dirt on nearly every large and even mid sized clans on pluto. Mine included of course. I could for example say who was actualy the first clan to really use turrets/stealth drop/combat dropping at nearly every fight even when they didn't need too. Hint: It wasn't FF or their previous incarnations. I could also name the first clan to seriously use whatever shady tactics they could, including crashing on synch to arrive at reset location, using third person to target otherwise untargetable ppl, and im sure there was more i don't know about. I can also recall the first clan to truely embrance ninja hacking, well actualy it might be one of two, i don't recall exactly which was first : ) These are of course only within my range of experience, I'm sure clans that existed before I was active in the clan scene, were doing many of these things too.

Does it matter who first started it? Not in the least, because we all do it now. It used to really annoy me how many hypocrites pluto had, now I just find it funny. I don't get mad when we're way outnumbered, I don't get mad when people say we use turrets instead of skill, I don't get mad when people say we're a bunch of pk'rs and noone likes us. I've heard it all, and none of it matters. We're not different then any other clan.

In regards to numbers, I think Abs does have a point. It has been a long time since pimp consistantly outnumbered anyone, yet we're constantly outnumbered. Just like FF, for maybe an hour or so, or for only one fight, we actualy have our normal numbers. Then our ppl log and more of the enemy shows up. That's not throwing blaim, thats just stating fact. Our enemies assume that we call FF every single fight and that FF calls us. In reality, we couldn't even if we wanted too. Neither clan has consistantly enough people to challenge our combined enemies. You can quote specific examples were we had tons of people, I can quote many more were we didn't. Just because we're able to summon up 30 people at one point doesn't mean we will always have 30.

I know this has happened several times before and eventualy the tides will prolly turn, but I think its spiraling down. I know Pimp really didn't manage to recover from the last time this happened. We've lost a lot of our members to other games, other servers, or even other clans. It's just no fun to know that if you try to take an op, you will always be outnumbered. Even if you manage to take it, they will be back later with a greater force. We havn't seriously held an op in a long time because of this. There's just no point, we'll end up losing it nomatter what we do. It's simply not possible to call FF and have them send support which will arrive intime to actualy be useful. Not to mention the fact that bringing them means we can nolonger use turrets and our enemies will be able to gr in. Just yesterday a friendly pp monk (hostile to us) tried to help us against Dark, but the poor guy couldn't do much aside from be the first one to die. He had to stand infront of the op because of our turrets. Anyway I think this is really taking it's toll on us and ff to some degree. There will come a point when neither of us participates in op wars anymore. Maye as Jest said, the city folk will turn on themselves again, maybe the anti city side will have a chance to come back, but I'm becoming more and more skeptical.

I don't want to continue the flame war but I really wanna make two points. It is totaly retarded to try and justify outnumbering someone by saying they outnumbered you in the past and so you're getting revenge. As I said before we could prolly trace back the first time it happened, and since then each side has done it. I remember way back when I was Biotech in a clan called the Eradicators, we joined the first city side alliance because TG was too big a threat for anyone of us. Our main goal was to stop the rampant pk'ing in NC's sewers/cellars. We did a pretty good job, outnumbered TG until we eventualy disbanded. I switched over to make a new Tsunami clan called Pimp, and we agreed we wanted to be more neutral in the whole city vs tg fight. So we turned down an offer to join the city alliance. Unfortuanetly that made us anti city : ( From then on the only people we could rely on for help were anti city and leaving no chance for neutrality. We grew prettty fast and became a fairly powerful clan, on par with TG. In response the city amassed an even larger alliance and totaly ruined the game for us, we complained and were told it was our fault. Oh well, this is evidently the fate of anti city clans. We're supposed to be blaimed for every evil in Neocron and then have the same exact things done to us. Yet somehow because it's done to us, it's fair.

Lastly, specificly to the sxr who doesn't like to fight at op fights. I'm sorry but you really should go to Jupiter. On Jupiter they believe that when you defeat your enemy at an op, you own that op and there is nothing the enemy can do about it. We here at pluto enjoy pvp much more then controlling any specific op. Having your enemy return conisistantly means more pvp and thus is more fun. We used to go entire days of nonstop op fighting, sometimes against the same clan, sometimes against different ones. For sxr it may be more or less sxr vs pimp or sxr vs ff, but for us its pimp vs 10 clans each of which will attempt to take our ops. Usualy that's how we like it, Pimp actualy held ops with the sole purpose of starting a fight. If we hold 6 ops, the chances are at least one of our enemies will try to take them, and we'll get to have a fun fight. From what I can tell, that's been FF's point of view aswell. It stopped being fun when we started consistantly being outnumbered. Now if we try to hold one op, one or more of our enemies will immediatly mobolize and take it, even if they weren't the clan we took the op from. This is most definitly not a "taste of our own medicine." We did outnumber many clans on a 1to1 basis, but just as often we faced equal numbers. We really didn't mind when clans joined up because they needed too. It's when clans joined up just to beat up on us. When clans that can hold their own against us join up with other clans, that's just wrong. Fights nolonger become win some loose some, they become win a few lose most. FF has managed to stay active because they absorbed the few active members from a whole array of clans. Pimp included, we lost some to FF.

23-01-04, 23:35
Originally posted by Cassius

even numbers dell as in 5 of us and 20 of u and dominion (being CA and crahn faction enemies btw)
u really really should learn to count

Maybe u think i cannot count but i assure u i have a reasonable grasp of numbers ;) but you should learn to read. The referred fight was at hawkins on the 13th of january.

FACT :- Only Dark was present and Dominion wasnt even formed back then. I try to report without bias as much as i can cassius but it is obviously apparent u do not.

I only ask one question...would FF attack our op at hawkins with only 5 members online? Look yourself in the mirror and ask that to yourself. See the light; come back to reality. Its a dillusion.


23-01-04, 23:40
Just wanted to take the time to thank you for the post Carinth, I appreciate people taking the time to think through their posts like that.

24-01-04, 01:20
well you guys(FF) started the war.... we have given you chances to end it but nope, so dont complain about the situation when it has been your fault the situation is the way it is...

oh and btw dark is not pro-city

24-01-04, 01:46
peeps on pluto come to saturn, lots of newbs to own here.

24-01-04, 03:28
delete plz.

24-01-04, 04:16
play on pluto and i have nipples :eek:

24-01-04, 04:35

Seems they've been reduced to only monks o_O





P.S. oh and thnx for the great crash on zone KK

24-01-04, 04:38
Needs more drone...

Mr Friendly
24-01-04, 06:10
Originally posted by Ghard
dm some fa clan leaders i am sure alot of angels will be more than willing to come to any ff op fight.

thats happened, & they died farely quickly :\ @_@


referring to CC's previous post:: not only DarK but ALL crahn are anti-city..just to let everyone know

24-01-04, 06:18
NERF the faction jumpers!

24-01-04, 14:02
Yea Carinth u have it right exactly. Tis easy to see tho from this thread what is wrong with pluto -- most have missed the point of the original poster entirely -- NO ONE will have good fights if pro-city always have to zerg etc and therefore more will get bored - more will leave game etc. The wierd thing is they all profess to want good PvP and good op fights but all i ever see is the "win at all costs" mentality. If they not sure they can win - they dont come.

Lafiel, jeez , --- you ARE allied ( NOT FACTION ALLIED) with the pro city clans yes?( in other words u fight alongside them every day) Or has some turn of events caused you to fight em? I think not.

If you are allied with the pro city side -- u ARE PRO CITY -- thats not a hard conclusion. Oh and lafiel, if u actually had a clue how this started u would not waste our time with posts that are full of absolute crap. We never did want to stop fighting dark, its a war , we like wars , understand? What we don't like , is getting zerged all day , having the need to use turrets , and specifically related to dark , you guys dropping thousands of turrets even with even numbers.

IF anyone here thinks ppl can accurately count the enemies numbers in op wars u are smoking something. It is frankly impossible. one can get an impression but its never accurate. One city person posted that "remember that not all the members of a clan come, some afk , etc" ( not exact words but something similar.) So please stop preaching "FF had 20 and we had 2" people. I mean come on u don't know for a fact so, again , get a clue.

We do not need or want ur sympathy , we're wondering if any of u ppl want decent op fights , i offered judge an opportunity to organize even fights , still waiting on a reply.


24-01-04, 14:32
Once again ZigZag... you get what you give.

I've known FF to be turret droppers since we started fighting.

If you do shit like that, you get it back.

Fun, ain't it?

24-01-04, 15:43

You gotta think why is this happening?

Believe me NDA have tried to fight you and ff on even terms many times and what do? You use dirty unhand tactics that ruin the pvp.

So suddenly you are moaning getting zerged etc etc. But you are the cause, if you think about it why do so many hate you? Work it out and you might see.

It may not be you Zigzag as I know you have tried to talk to your clan and have fair fights with us, but at the end of the day it's the rest of the high ups in FF that have the idea that turrets must be dropped no matter what the numbers.

I must say this turret dropping cr*p NEVER happened when we fought TG when Ta and all were around, very honourable fights.

It's a fact you ninja the map, its true that intentionly do not attend your ops when we hack them and instead lead us on a chase around the map(decent op wars? pah).

Do i care? No.

You seem to think you have been hard done by or treated unfairly, but prevoius events have set the mood and actions pending for NDA, DARK, BRTF, SS and all the rest that now are against you.

Sorry but the old saying you asked for it applys here very much.

24-01-04, 16:35
Originally posted by ZigZag
NO ONE will have good fights if pro-city always have to zerg etc and therefore more will get bored - more will leave game etc.

I have never seen so many people leave the game since u guys came around with ur dirty tactics and the way u always zerged every clan u attacked. U people are the cause of the bitter hatred and people not wanting to play the game anymore because none of ur clan have any morals when u fite its win or nothing to u not matter how u have to win.

This is what has happened to many clans and u've got them down so much they've left if its happening to u then good taste of ur own medicine i say Karma's a Bitch ain't it

24-01-04, 17:12
Ok. I have an advice for FF and DarK and all the other clans also. This advice will make the fights fair if you make it happen;

Make simple rules for your clan members to follow. In example; no lame turretdropping, no zerging, no TL3 heals etc. If ANYONE still does it he/she gets permanenty kicked out of the clan. No mercy here. Mercy is a weakness in this case. No matter how high rank is the person breaking the rules, he's/she's out. Period!

This is what we have been doing from the very start when we formed Spirit of 2726 and that way we have been preventing stupid assholes ruining our fights by our side.

Yes. It's simple as that if only you make it happen!

Shadow Dancer
24-01-04, 17:15
Well super that sounds nice, but I doubt it would work. What I mean is, I doubt the clan would just kick out their member so easily if they broke the rule.

I do agree with you though. It should work that way.

Maybe they could be booted for 1 week. Then if they come back and do it again, it's gone for good.

24-01-04, 17:17
Or just demote them to clan rank 0 and tell them that if they do anything like that again it's bai bai....

24-01-04, 17:48
Originally posted by Shadow Dancer
Well super that sounds nice, but I doubt it would work. What I mean is, I doubt the clan would just kick out their member so easily if they broke the rule.

I do agree with you though. It should work that way.

Maybe they could be booted for 1 week. Then if they come back and do it again, it's gone for good.

Well, I still say NO MERCY ON THIS ONE. People must learn a meaning of responsibilty. It's your choice to choose what you do but it's also you that will pay the consiquences.

And yes it works if you make it happen. It's just that I doubt most of the clans dare to do it. They care more about stupid twats that ruin the fights than the good people that don't want the twats to ruin the fights. But I still wish all of you clan leaders got the balls to make it happen.

24-01-04, 18:44
This thread has degenerated into the same old clan flaming. Keep it in-game please.