View Full Version : ProtoPharma Resistor Epic Chip

22-01-04, 21:41
Just wanted to know if it was purposely done to leave out poison, and for a reason..

Or did they forget to add it, and will be doing so sooner or later, just curious.

Thanks for your time.

Psycho Killa
22-01-04, 21:43
It adds enough already if you ask me.

but thats just my opinion. As it is it saves u ATLEAST 45 con points that would now change it to 60 and since most people have atleast 50 base in a skill it really saved you around 90 con points.... thats alot of valuable points.

22-01-04, 21:45
OMFG ur right !! it doesnt give poison resists..

that means if they add it :D my CON setup will be FLAWLESS :D :D :D

22-01-04, 21:51
Well that doesn't make any sense at all, poison is just as important as any other resist and should not be left out..

22-01-04, 21:53
just remove ze force and ze poison :)

22-01-04, 21:54
Originally posted by shrubbery
Well that doesn't make any sense at all, poison is just as important as any other resist and should not be left out..

Poison wasnt important before the devourer was introduced.
It just now became important because most people (including meh :)) cant be arsed to spec any poison resists :)

22-01-04, 21:56
It's not the dev that bothers me really, it does jack all to be honest, but its a resist and should be included no matter what. =D

Make the epic harder I don't care lol

23-01-04, 01:23
They should not add poison resist to the photopharma chip.

it would be too powerfull. It would become mandatory.

I hate that chip as it is.

Down with cookiecutter cron!!!

Anyway just get a filter heart. that gives +PRE

you don't see fire resist hearts do you?

by the way do you suffer from compulsive obbsessive disorder? If so then I can see why you want it.

Psyco Groupie
23-01-04, 01:33
look in the mirror benjie

23-01-04, 01:42
Well, if not directly adding poison, I'd be up for a swap. Swap the resist force for resist poison. Or that'd work on my PE anyways, not much else to do with all those STR points. Not to mention the numerous other ways to get resist force.

If they don't do that, fine, whatever. But it would make sense from a RP perspective. I mean they are the drug company FFS. This is what they do, their specialty. They have other ways of protecting against poison, they should be smart enough to have been able to implement it into a resistor chip. And it IS an epic after all. I'd be up for making the epic harder too. It's a rather easy epic, I Just haven't done it more than once because the insane amount of running around and back and forth is hideous and daunting :lol:

23-01-04, 01:44

....or nerf it.
I'm up for a resistor nerf.
actually no.
It's fine at the moment.
Don't change it.

23-01-04, 05:19
Leave it as it is. Adding extra resists to those it already has will make it overkill and boost the price for one on Saturn even higher.

23-01-04, 05:27
It doesn't do pierce either but I think it's ok. Makes poison belts good for something.

Psycho Killa
23-01-04, 05:33
Resist force covers pierce also. Not for armor but for con which is what this chip adds to.

23-01-04, 06:08
i think they should add poison resit to pp, or if they can only have 4, remove force and add in poison instead. Either way we need more options for resisting poison.... maybe some epic belt (open to all factions like terminator will be) that gives + 10 or 15 to all resists.

little fact resistor on test added +40 to the resits... too much i know but it was once A LOT better.

23-01-04, 06:27
Hmmm at first I was gonna say yes to removing force and adding poison but then my monk would be sad. :(

23-01-04, 14:54
Leave the resistor chip as it is.

You want more variaty or other resists covered, cry for new implants doing that job.

23-01-04, 15:07
Yea leave the chip as it is.. or spec some neutral por.. but there are ways to get por atm to.. imo its nice as it is..

23-01-04, 15:11
Originally posted by Psycho Killa
Resist force covers pierce also. Not for armor but for con which is what this chip adds to. Correct as usual.

Leave it as it is, it's not that challenging to work out a good CON Setup with or without the blasted chip :p